trayvan martin

Did Trayvan come back from the dead yet? At least did they prove he wasn't a thug? A group of mostly non-white all female jury, of which many were mothers too, found it very likely Zimmerman was protecting himself from a mentally ill sizzurp user.
The Greeks were massive recipients of knowledge exchanges. They did some innovation viz-a-viz democracy (so did lots of others all over the world including native americans). They primarily acted as a blueprint for the Romans and Europeans after the dark ages. The role of Arab knowledge transfer via the moors in spain was as critical, possibly more. Without the translation work done in Spain we would've had no al-jabra (algebra) and, consequently, no calculus.

"The Greeks invented representative government as far as we know.' All they did was write it down. Many others did it yet the Greeks 'invented' it? Hardly.

The Greeks have been so over-empathized by Western historians it is laughable.
The pen is mightier than the word when it comes to future generations and their understanding of events of their times.

The Greeks benefited from the Egyptians, Assyria, and the islanders. But they went on to conquer the known world.

The Egyptians never did that shit.
The Greeks were massive recipients of knowledge exchanges. They did some innovation viz-a-viz democracy (so did lots of others all over the world including native americans). They primarily acted as a blueprint for the Romans and Europeans after the dark ages. The role of Arab knowledge transfer via the moors in spain was as critical, possibly more. Without the translation work done in Spain we would've had no al-jabra (algebra) and, consequently, no calculus.

"The Greeks invented representative government as far as we know.' All they did was write it down. Many others did it yet the Greeks 'invented' it? Hardly.

The Greeks have been so over-empathized by Western historians it is laughable.

I see your point, but you have carried it too far. Algebra and calculus would have been invented even without the the Arabs, though it would have taken a bit longer. Mathematics is the most powerful intellectual tool that we have, it would not have gone unexplored for long.

This is not meant to detract from the Arab's contributions, for which I am grateful, and which I recognize.
I see your point, but you have carried it too far. Algebra and calculus would have been invented even without the the Arabs, though it would have taken a bit longer. Mathematics is the most powerful intellectual tool that we have, it would not have gone unexplored for long.

This is not meant to detract from the Arab's contributions, for which I am grateful, and which I recognize.
I don't think I carried it to far at all. Geometry is not enough (the Greeks). We needed algebra or no cartography. We needed Calculus; the whole modern world runs off that and advanced Geometry. Yes, we would have got there eventually. But that critical translated work in Spain (often done by Sephardic jews) was essential. We are all indebted to what occurred in spain and the Arabs who brought it their. Yes, I am very aware that they received a great deal of it from Alexandrian civilization (who received it from the Greeks and Romans); and so on.

Nobody 'owns' maths and sciences. No on 'discovers' it; it exists. Some 'see' it. Some don't.

We agree on much of this desert dude. Happy holidays.

p.s. had to 'bold' the jewish thing; their contributions to civilization are very impressive, especially given their numbers. Not implying anything.
Did Trayvan come back from the dead yet? At least did they prove he wasn't a thug? A group of mostly non-white all female jury, of which many were mothers too, found it very likely Zimmerman was protecting himself from a mentally ill sizzurp user.

so 5 out of 6 white women = mostly non-white?

3 out of 6 thought manslaughter or murder took place = self defense was very likely?

no. you have it wrong, racist rabbit.

half of them had to be convinced that self defense was even a possibility, which is all zimmy needed.

the lady leading the charge to acquit described martin as "the colored boy".

it's sanford. police walk free after shooting black teens in the back. look it up.
1. unbenounced
How fucktards try to spell unbeknownst.
Unbenounced to us, he was retarded the whole time.

2. unbenounced
without proper invitation. unknowingly, used by most chaps who cant speak properly.
look at this chap, coming out of the horizon, all unbenounced and what not.

It can i just wont let it. like in it, glitched, and stuff.
congrats on your victory...hope yall came together also.
so 5 out of 6 white women = mostly non-white?

3 out of 6 thought manslaughter or murder took place = self defense was very likely?

no. you have it wrong, racist rabbit.

half of them had to be convinced that self defense was even a possibility, which is all zimmy needed.

the lady leading the charge to acquit described martin as "the colored boy".

it's sanford. police walk free after shooting black teens in the back. look it up.

That some of the jury "felt" that Zimmerman should be in jail is no surprise to me. Lots of morons on RIU "feel" the same way. That's why I thought, and predicted, a hung jury. Never the less, the verdict was unanimous on M2 and on the lesser charge of manslaughter. Zimmerman acted in self defense. Martin was the proximate cause of his own death. Zimmerman did NOTHING wrong.
that's not even close to what the jury said afterwards.

do you want to just admit that you are lying through your dentures old man, or shall i march out the quotes from jurors?

You can march out all the propaganda you want. The verdict was unanimous. Z was acquitted because he acted in self defense.
You can march out all the propaganda you want. The verdict was unanimous. Z was acquitted because he acted in self defense.

quotes from jurors is propaganda now?

you are becoming more senile and mentally deficient by the day, old man.

the verdict does not mean zimmerman was acting in self defense when he chased an unarmed kid in the dark. it means it MAYBE, just maybe, might have been a possibility that they could not completely rule out beyond a reasonable doubt.
The holy (one extra hole anyway) ghost of Trayvon stalks the lonely corridors of the progressive mind.

while you celebrate the death of innocent black teens, calling a child with no criminal history or violent past a "violent criminal" and "thug", the jurors feel a bit more conflicted.


B37 was the one who called martin "the colored boy", a slightly less racist way of describing martin than you use, desert dude.

unless you care to explain to us all how someone with no criminal record and zero history of violence is a "violent criminal" and a "thug", while a drug addled and violent person like zimmerman, who does have a long history of violence and criminality, "did nothing wrong".
even B37, the racist lady who "doesn't trust the news", didn;t say that zimmerman "did nothing wrong", as you try to assert.


give your propaganda a rest, white nationalist dude.