Well-Known Member
Trayvon might have grown up and become a decent guy, we will never know. Unfortunately for him, he tried to murder a guy and came up short. Shit happens.
so black people are not allowed to defend themselves?
Trayvon might have grown up and become a decent guy, we will never know. Unfortunately for him, he tried to murder a guy and came up short. Shit happens.
Treyvon attacked the Hero Zimmerman and got smited by his righteousness.so black people are not allowed to defend themselves?
not according to snitch man Desert Dudeso black people are not allowed to defend themselves?
Someone following you what would you do ?Treyvon attacked the Hero Zimmerman and got smited by his righteousness.
Offence =/= Defence
Its a shame the "brothers" cant concentrate on not killing each other instead of how evil the big bad white man is, who is the root of every black mans "disability".not according to snitch man Desert Dude
Treyvon attacked the Hero Zimmerman and got smited by his righteousness.
Offence =/= Defence
Probably not hide and then jump the person, who might be armed.Someone following you what would you do ?
not according to snitch man Desert Dude
so you saying they should concentrate on killing white people???Its a shame the "brothers" cant concentrate on not killing each other instead of how evil the big bad white man is, who is the root of every black mans "disability".
Probably not hide and then jump the person, who might be armed.
Less killing overall is probably a better goal, but one step at a time.so you saying they should concentrate on killing white people???
Eye witness testimony consistent with medical reports and police investigation?what evidence do you have of that happening, besides a consistently evolving story from zimmerman with 14+ lies within said story?
Eye witness testimony consistent with medical reports and police investigation?
There's only one eye witness, exonerated by the Florida courts.what eye witness testimony (not from a known liar) or medical reports said martin hid and then jumped a person?
It's sad. Trayvon has been dead for two years and the progs are still in fantasy land about what happened. Racist much, guys?
The problem your argument has is the view of self defense. Your narrative contemplates an objective standard for self defense. It is as if you feel treyvan was the only one entitled to self defense because Z followed him.so if some stranger tails you in his truck on your way home, then gets out of his truck once you run and takes two flashlights and a gun out there to look for you in the dark, you're supposed to just submit to whatever this creepy stranger is gonna do to you?
are you honestly gonna tell me that you don't fear for your life or bodily harm at that point?
you think that creepy stranger is following you home in the dark to give you some long stemmed roses and chocolates or something?
Goebbels, why do you think the first amendment is a white supremacy concept?
Yeah, the Florida criminal justice system has a clause that says white-hispanic guys on trial only have to face a jury of six "rather than the regular 12 required for real people".
Lard, you claim to be studying law. Hahahahahahhahahaha. Where's Bucky? You need Bucky.