trayvan martin

I dunno London, If all I have to defend myself with is a tasty beverage and small round candy objects and am being chased down by a gun wielding crazy person who is intent on emptying his magazine into me, I run.

that's what martin did. twice.

zimm says so himself on the dispatch call, witnesses describe a chase at a later time.
I dunno London, If all I have to defend myself with is a tasty beverage and small round candy objects and am being chased down by a gun wielding crazy person who is intent on emptying his magazine into me, I run. What would you do? If you say " I confront the crazy and try to disarm him" then I assume you are a dead person.

If I'm carring my gun and was on the phone with 911. I would not be following but remain back at my vehicle with hazard lights on ( unless I heard screaming )...Shit I would have took my ass to "Target" and back home in the first place!!!!
that's what martin did. twice.

zimm says so himself on the dispatch call, witnesses describe a chase at a later time.
Begs the question, if martin has a 300 meter head start and is Running away, how is it possible that Zimmerman is able to cut him off before he can reach his father's GF's home?
If I'm carring my gun and was on the phone with 911. I would not be following but remain back at my vehicle with hazard lights on ( unless I heard screaming )...Shit I would have took my ass to "Target" and back home in the first place!!!!

No you wouldn't , Zimmerman is to meet the police, but I suppose you realize that civilian dispatchers have no authority and went on down to Target.

911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?
911 dispatcher:
Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?
Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]
911 dispatcher:
Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]
Um, I don’t know. It’s a cut-through so I don’t know the address. [3:25]
911 dispatcher:
OK, do you live in the area?
Yeah, yeah, I live here.
zimmerman was blocking martin's path home, genius.

How could he possibly have gotten there first if Martin has a HUUUUUUGE lead and is a MUCH faster runner? How? Teleportation has already been suggested by redivider, are you going to suggest a wormhole or possibly time travel as how this was possible?
No you wouldn't , Zimmerman is to meet the police, but I suppose you realize that civilian dispatchers have no authority and went on down to Target.

nice, you cut it off before he says to have the police call him for his location.

How could he possibly have gotten there first if Martin has a HUUUUUUGE lead and is a MUCH faster runner? How? Teleportation has already been suggested by redivider, are you going to suggest a wormhole or possibly time travel as how this was possible?

why would martin run home and give away his location to a fucking creepy man chasing him?
looking like a pervert following young boys around...:spew:

he did describe him as a "kid" on the call.

of course, he lied on the stand already about what he was thinking and saying that night.

prosecution is licking its chops. zimmerman's story does not match zimmerman's story.
I bet gun sales in that neighborhood soared. I hope the next guy Z chases is armed. That was Martin's biggest folly. Not having a gun to pull out, so when Z hit's the corner...**BANG**..."You see officer, I tried to flee the scene, but he gave chase, I had to stand my ground, turns out, he was armed!"
Listen, I think he should be in jail and facing full charges and punished harshly. He was clearly told not to pursue and even if it was self defense why not hit him with the gun instead of shooting? BUT, would anyone really care if a black dude shot him? Fuck no. And it sure wouldn't be in the news EVERY night. I live in Chicago, that shit happens every 15 minutes.
off to a bar/poolhall to watch the game with the wife. Wish Trayvon would have had a chance to find a wife. Zimmerman rather spend time on the street pretending to be police then at home between some pussy..Hell bring your lady to "Target" with you ( let her pick up some things for the house ) and then you both go get a nice steak dinner..Freakin loser
That would be Zimmerman. The only living witness that saw everything that happened.

He's also the only witness whose testimony MUST be viewed as truthful until proven otherwise with incontrovertible evidence. That whole innocent until PROVEN guilty thing we all have going for us in this country.