trayvan martin

no, you're a racist because of your continued assumption that martin assaulted zimmerman, when the fact is that we don't know if it was self defense or not.

considering martin had no history of violence and was running away and zimmerman had a long history of violence and was searching for him, your continued assumption that it was assault is retarded. not to mention that you decry the fact that people like al sharpton don't want this questionable case quietly swept under the rug. you leave hints everywhere. you've exposed yourself.


Look at Zimmerman after the incident. The injuries, and lack of injuries, speak for themselves. Martin's only injury is a banged up hand, banged up by Zimmerman's face. Witnesses saw Martin pummeling Zimmerman.

The only real question to be answered by a jury is, "Did Zimmerman reasonably fear death or great bodily harm?"
Look at Zimmerman after the incident. The injuries, and lack of injuries, speak for themselves. Martin's only injury is a banged up hand, banged up by Zimmerman's face. Witnesses saw Martin pummeling Zimmerman.

The only real question to be answered by a jury is, "Did Zimmerman reasonably fear death or great bodily harm?"

that doesn't make it assault. there is every reason to believe martin acted in self defense against a mentally unstable, drug-addled vigilante with a history of violence and a gun.

and that question only applies if SYG does. considering zimm chased this innocent kid around, there's no way to call this self defense when zimm was on the offense.
that doesn't make it assault. there is every reason to believe martin acted in self defense against a mentally unstable, drug-addled vigilante with a history of violence and a gun.

and that question only applies if SYG does. considering zimm chased this innocent kid around, there's no way to call this self defense when zimm was on the offense.

I sure would like to see some of those reasons.

Buck, you were the very first one to post the pertinent SYG clause on this case, 776.041. At the time, of course, you were posting it to show that Zimmerman was guilty as sin. If the prosecution makes the claim that Zimmerman was the aggressor, then 776.041 is going to be Zimmerman's defense.
I sure would like to see some of those reasons.

Buck, you were the very first one to post the pertinent SYG clause on this case, 776.041. At the time, of course, you were posting it to show that Zimmerman was guilty as sin. If the prosecution makes the claim that Zimmerman was the aggressor, then 776.041 is going to be Zimmerman's defense.

we were talking about a lot of things before we had all the facts.

you don't get to chase after a kid with your gun, shoot him, and claim self defense.

and according to legal experts, good judgment and credibility are paramount in self defense cases. zimmerman has neither going for him.

he's proud to know he has closet racists like you to carry his water for him, though.

don't you find it odd that zimmerman conveniently leaves out the fact that he told dispatch to have the cops call him for his location in all of his contradictory statements? it's about the only consistent thing in his statements.
that doesn't make it assault. there is every reason to believe martin acted in self defense against a mentally unstable, drug-addled vigilante with a history of violence and a gun.

and that question only applies if SYG does. considering zimm chased this innocent kid around, there's no way to call this self defense when zimm was on the offense.

At first you were saying Z did it all while Martin just got shot. Now you say what I originally said, but you mocked me. If the case is so cut and dry, why do you keep changing your opinion?

Like I said, I don't give a fuck. It's just funny watching you all squirm. So if you say Martin was just defending himself, that now makes it possible Martin attacked.

Your liberal logic is backfiring. I've always said you can attack if provoked. It's liberals who think equal force is needed. Hey, all Z wanted to do was ask some questions. Martin overreacted. How does, "Excuse me sir, do you live here, I've never seen you before?" How does that deserve an ass beating?

Is it because it 's in their nature? But isn't that racist? Martin was known for his violent temper too when he assaulted that bus driver. Something bad is bound to happen when two liberals with an entitlement complex meet.
At first you were saying Z did it all while Martin just got shot. Now you say what I originally said, but you mocked me. If the case is so cut and dry, why do you keep changing your opinion?

Like I said, I don't give a fuck. It's just funny watching you all squirm. So if you say Martin was just defending himself, that now makes it possible Martin attacked.

Your liberal logic is backfiring. I've always said you can attack if provoked. It's liberals who think equal force is needed. Hey, all Z wanted to do was ask some questions. Martin overreacted. How does, "Excuse me sir, do you live here, I've never seen you before?" How does that deserve an ass beating?

Is it because it 's in their nature? But isn't that racist? Martin was known for his violent temper too when he assaulted that bus driver. Something bad is bound to happen when two liberals with an entitlement complex meet.

except zimm had every opportunity to ask that and never did.

and i would love to see evidence of this assault. do tell :lol:
Al Sharpton is stirring the pot and the president has put in his two cents worth. The Black Panther Party put a price on Zimmerman's head. Two of the major networks phonied up evidence to make Zim look like a racist, and to make it look like he was uninjured. That is a potent combination of forces all calling for Zimmerman's head. It will take a truly courageous judge to do the right thing in these circumstances...

no wonder you heart rawn pawl. you guys are two racist peas in a self-righteous pod.


except zimm had every opportunity to ask that and never did.

and i would love to see evidence of this assault. do tell :lol:

Right before Martin was shot, there's no recordings. Was it Z screaming? How do you know Z wasn't polite? I can talk shit behind your back if I don't like you but will be polite to your face. Martin already has proven he can be rude. There's no proof he was, no more proof Z didn't ask nicely and Martin went,"fuck you, Imma kill you crackah for following me!" No one knows. This is my opinion, your quote is yours. But both are only opinion. You can't convict only on opinion, no matter how sure you are. It's called beyond reasonable doubt for a reason.

There are pictures of Z's small head wound which are big enough to show on video.

I once stood up and hit my head on the corner of a kitcken cabinet door. For ten minutes it hurt so bad. I felt like I was going to die. I tasted metal. There was no blood. If that was done by some 17 year old kid, I'd have bashed him in for that. Since Z had blood too, his was worse, so I can just imagine the pain. When that was going on, you could very well think your life was in danger.
you mean, according to the guy who has been caught in lie after lie after lie?


You got anybody to refute his account? Do you really expect us to take you fantasized accounts as gospel? The simple fact is, there is only one witness to the start of the incident. There are several witnesses to the beating. There is the physical evidence. That's really all we have to go on.
except zimm had every opportunity to ask that and never did.

"Never did" except of course the first time they actually interacted, except that time. Which completely invalidates the argument he didn't want to ask him a question because he didn't do so previously. If he didn't want to ask Martin his business, why 'o why would it be the very first thing he did when they met near the sidewalk?

I mean, if I followed someone to knife them, that's what I'd do when in caught up to them. If I followed someone to give them a pastrami sandwich, that's the first thing I'd do. Now, why would Zimmerman ask him a question before doing anything else when they met near the sidewalk? Hmmm, this is quite a puzzler. Anybody have an idea?

UB's logical theory is he began the interaction with a verbal question because he had no interest in asking Martin a question. And you call me a Zimmerman supporter because I have to waste time caling you out on this ludicrous line of reasoning. You have several valid arguments that cast doubt on Zimmerman's story, stick to those, this one is dogshit.
"Never did" except of course the first time they actually interacted, except that time. Which completely invalidates the argument he didn't want to ask him a question because he didn't do so previously. If he didn't want to ask Martin his business, why 'o why would it be the very first thing he did when they met near the sidewalk?

except for that first interaction where they stared at each other when martin was coming back from the store.

and then that second interaction where they stared at each other while zimm was on with dispatch. ya know, when zimm says martin literally circled his vehicle multiple times. but he did not ask martin anything because he was in fear, so much fear that he got out of his truck and followed him immediately after. :lol:

finally, after searching for martin because he was so afraid of him for a while, he found him and that was when they had their third interaction.

so yeah, kind of off the mark there, slugger. try again.
except for that first interaction where they stared at each other when martin was coming back from the store.

and then that second interaction where they stared at each other while zimm was on with dispatch. ya know, when zimm says martin literally circled his vehicle multiple times. but he did not ask martin anything because he was in fear, so much fear that he got out of his truck and followed him immediately after. :lol:

finally, after searching for martin because he was so afraid of him for a while, he found him and that was when they had their third interaction.

so yeah, kind of off the mark there, slugger. try again.

Don't be afraid to tell him what you really think he is.

except for that first interaction where they stared at each other when martin was coming back from the store.

and then that second interaction where they stared at each other while zimm was on with dispatch. ya know, when zimm says martin literally circled his vehicle multiple times. but he did not ask martin anything because he was in fear, so much fear that he got out of his truck and followed him immediately after. :lol:

finally, after searching for martin because he was so afraid of him for a while, he found him and that was when they had their third interaction.

so yeah, kind of off the mark there, slugger. try again.

Sad attempt at a save. I didn't say the first time they saw each other or the first time the eyeballed each other, I said the first time they interacted. And I'll stop you before you further embarrass yourself with a laughable and broad definition of the word "interaction". Let's assume I've forgotten more about the written word than you'll EVER know.

You can try to play the semantics bullshit to avoid answering the rest of my previous post, you know, the part you oh so sneakily failed to quote. Go ahead and tackle the last portion, slugger. Go ahead and affirm that he started with a question the moment they met by the sidewalk, because he didn't want to ask him a question when he caught up to him. You've suggested it, I'd like to actually see you type it out. I'll use it as my new sig...or maybe London's in a few months.
Sad attempt at a save. I didn't say the first time they saw each other or the first time the eyeballed each other, I said the first time they interacted. And I'll stop you before you further embarrass yourself with a laughable and broad definition of the word "interaction". Let's assume I've forgotten more about the written word than you'll EVER know.

You can try to play the semantics bullshit to avoid answering the rest of my previous post, you know, the part you oh so sneakily failed to quote. Go ahead and tackle the last portion, slugger. Go ahead and affirm that he started with a question the moment they met by the sidewalk, because he didn't want to ask him a question when he caught up to him. You've suggested it, I'd like to actually see you type it out. I'll use it as my new sig...or maybe London's in a few months.

if i'm exchanging glances with a hot lady across the room at a night club, that's an interaction.

just like zimm tried to say he wasn't following, he was just going in the same direction as martin. LOL!

douchebag semantics aren't going to get you out of a murder charge.

call it whatever you want, but zimmerman had every opportunity not just once, but twice to ask martin what he was doing. he even admits in the interrogation he didn't think to ask him what he was doing. try to keep up.

  • UB's logical theory is he began the interaction with a verbal question because he had no interest in asking Martin a question.​

actually, according to the most credible witness, it was martin who started the third and final interaction with a question: "why are you following me?"

and in the interrogation, zimmerman said it did not cross his mind to ask martin what he was doing, identify himself, etc. serino even explained to him that as officers, that is most of what they do.

try to keep up there, slugger.