Tree Like Potential?


Well-Known Member
Normally I would do a big dose of Veg Nutes. The bottle calls for 1-2 Tbl Spoons per gallon. I was pushing 2Tbl spoons + per gallon on the veg nutes. When I switched over I made a point not to go so heavy. It's a 10 gal pot that holds about 3-4 gal of water when being fed. I would feed 2.5-3Tbl spoons of Veg and 1-1.5 Tbl spoons of Flower. I figured I was playing it safe given that I cut way back on the N with the nutes.

12-6-6 Veg nutes and 5-10-5 on the bloom/flower. Given how heavily fed she was when vegging you would think by cutting back on the veg nutes when mixing with flower that it would be an easy dose for her to handle.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, my veg nute levels are so much lower than before. I know that I've added P by using flower nutes but my Veg strength was so high that the amount of P it was receiving is probably equal to what it's getting now. Maybe even lower.

All I can do is keep on growin'


Well-Known Member
Yes Fdd, you are right...a serial killer is born. Today at noon another set of Tin Snips was found next to a rather large GrassHopper near a few Marijuana Plant. I'm no CSI dude but I know a pattern when I see one. Just like the last one it was cut into three pieces. :o

On to the Sativa Bush.

The larger fans near the flowering areas are acting strange. They are not praying to the sun. They are laying down almost protecting the new flowers...I think. Some aren't even right side up.

Now if it were 90degrees plus I would just say it's the weather. But it's low 80's and a little dry. Pretty much perfect weather. The one thing all these fans have in common is a slightly purple or red stem. But I can assure you there is no disease in this plant.

Some of the leaves are turned upside down too. No bullshit. I don't think she is unhealthy, I'm just wondering what she's doing.

As I'm writing this I walked outside and took another look. If you lift the drooping fans you will see the small leaves that form with the flower. Maybe it's the plants way of protecting those guys until they can handle full sun.

Any thoughts?

Here are some pics.

Over the last month this plant has been litteraly dumping a daily dozen or more inner leaves with 3 fans or less. I don't think this has anything to do with that.

looks fine to me. is it just following the sun? they bend to catch the most light.


Well-Known Member
No, these particular fans are not performing like the ones you see at the tops. 90% of the fans are up during day light. These are just hanging and some are even upside down??? WTF? I realize they bend to catch the most light. I've got a 4ft tall White Widow that almost does back flips to follow the sun. I'm thinking it's the nute change. I don't know.

I'm just gonna keep growing. I think it will figure itself out.


Well-Known Member
No, these particular fans are not performing like the ones you see at the tops. 90% of the fans are up during day light. These are just hanging and some are even upside down??? WTF? I realize they bend to catch the most light. I've got a 4ft tall White Widow that almost does back flips to follow the sun. I'm thinking it's the nute change. I don't know.

I'm just gonna keep growing. I think it will figure itself out.
i'm not seeing it in the pics. :-|


Well-Known Member
did you mix both the veg and bloom nutes in the same solution?

Some nutrients are not designed to be mixed together...... mixing chemical nutes and organic ones can cause all kinds of problems....... could not though too ;)


Well-Known Member
did you mix both the veg and bloom nutes in the same solution?

Some nutrients are not designed to be mixed together...... mixing chemical nutes and organic ones can cause all kinds of problems....... could not though too ;)
I think I'm overthinking this. There is no question to me that she looks different.

It's organic nutes from the same brand. I just think she's doing something funny...maybe this is how she flowers?

August 5th is when I took this photo. See how everything is up...praying. Sure some leaves hang but it's a plant...not a machine.

This photo was taken today, August 19th, today. She looks different. I think I'm overthinking this and she's just flowering and putting all her might there.

The photo below, you guys don't think these fan leaves look funny hanging like this at 5pm with perfect weather? Some fans are litteraly upside down...they have flipped onto their back.

Don't look at her top, go down a few and you will see a fan that is just sagging. Follow that main stem down and you will see another fan with a purple leaf stem and she's just hanging. I would say 50% of my fans are hanging like this.

Good color, bud sites and tops litteraly everywhere, just some hanging fans. I've never had a single issue of over watering with any of my plants so I don't think it's that. I haven't grown since high school. That was 15 years ago. I'm just overthinking this and my Bush is putting all she's got into the flowers. She does have a few sites to feed so maybe the fans aren't such a big deal to her.

All I'm going to do now is keep the nutes a little lower. Maybe water a little less (just to see a little wilt) and let her find her way. Can't do much else anyway.

Check out the full shot of her girlfriend, the white widow. Started mid June. Imagine 30 more days of veg. No topping, fimming, etc. All cola. I like this strain a lot.



Well-Known Member
the new pics are way better than the last.... and after looking at them..... I don't see anything wrong at all.... your shits stacking up man..... flower power all the way.... don't stress....


Active Member
I pulled up a branch to show you what I'm talking about. See that thick branch in the middle of the pic...that's not the main stalk that's just a branch. It has like a dozen different shoots.

She hasn't formed any new but sites in a while so I hope she is back to full time veg. She has little nugs everywhere though.

No those little things aren't ball sacs either :)'s to you my friend! That is the most dense foliage I personally have ever seen on a spice bush!:clap:


Well-Known Member
I can't remember where I left off and since it's 7:30 that means I'm drinkin' and I'm too lazy to look back.

A week ago here were her top shots.

Compared to my White Berry Indicas and my White Widows . The bush is far behind but I guess that what she wants to do. My buddies and I all agree that we need a new name for her.

She is officially "NorCal Nectar #2." Why #2...cause if you're #1 it can't can't any better. We were drunk, that's her name, so be it. Her clones are absolutely beautiful and very healthy. The locals love them. I've seen a number of them after a few weeks indoors and they look great.

More photos. Again, very slow to flower but showing she has some potential. Fingers are crossed that she produces corn on the cob cola's instead of washington oranges.

I can see the potential but it's amaizing how far behind she is versus all my other strains.

These unmolested hairs tell me she has barely broken her cherry. Just like an 18 year old...never mind. I could teach her so many...ANYWAY. Slow going but she's growin'.

The last two shots are one with flash and one without.

Looks like a Thanksgiving harvest :-P

I'm sure she'll pick up the pace. Like I said earlier, it's just amaizing to see two or three different strains in compeletely different levels of flower.


Well-Known Member
farther along in flower than any of mine, and I plan to Harvest just around Halloween....
Shit, one month. She needs to get moving man. I need to post pics of my White Berrys. They are swelling by the day, leaves curling and getting crunchy, amber hairs coming in like race cars. I might have to flush her in a week or two then.



Well-Known Member
Shit, one month. She needs to get moving man. I need to post pics of my White Berrys. They are swelling by the day, leaves curling and getting crunchy, amber hairs coming in like race cars. I might have to flush her in a week or two then.

that sounds odd

when they start flowering??


Well-Known Member
that sounds odd

when they start flowering??
This is the White Berrys. I might be overstating their advanced state but the first photo was from 7/31 and the two other photos are from a few days ago. The leaves on the top certainly make it look like she has a long ways to go. But the entire plant is starting to get that look of "hey I'm maturing." Wish I had a better camera.

FYI- on the white berry. The stopped growing they day they flowered. The white widow has doubled in size since initial flowering. These white berrys are thick 2ft suckers though.

Here are my other three. The two shorties are the white berrys. Just look at them versus the white widow. Recieved both strains as 4" clones on 6/24.

Edit: White berrys to me have weeks to go man...weeks.



Well-Known Member
This is the White Berrys. I might be overstating their advanced state but the first photo was from 7/31 and the two other photos are from a few days ago. The leaves on the top certainly make it look like she has a long ways to go. But the entire plant is starting to get that look of "hey I'm maturing." Wish I had a better camera.

FYI- on the white berry. The stopped growing they day they flowered. The white widow has doubled in size since initial flowering. These white berrys are thick 2ft suckers though.

Here are my other three. The two shorties are the white berrys. Just look at them versus the white widow. Recieved both strains as 4" clones on 6/24.

Edit: White berrys to me have weeks to go man...weeks.
Ah dude...I was thinking Halloween was 9/31 not 10/31. For my White Widow and Nectar Bush I can see that. The Berrys could be done in six weeks or so though. eh...week here week there. What ever. Just want it done right.