Trichome kings bust info

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Can anyone say "Tri-Polar", I found you PigSlayer, You just admitted that you'd suck/fuck Swerve if you were a chick! kiss-ass
How fucking retarded is that? :clap: (I'm willin' to bet you'd fuck him either way), You're obviously some noob grower lacking ANY knowledge or skills in the garden department with a new computer, with all this talk about who's shit hermies and male to female ratio's. You're just some fucking punk, getting a kick out of ALL this attention you're getting from the trolling you're doing, and to call people DEA is way over the fuckin' line.... You pole smoking dipshit.
Yes, This is Freak of Cabin Fever, and I am hearing your slander from ALL kinds of friends. Are you too stupid to think that maybe alot of us little breeders talk amongst our little circle, you stupid fuck? And that maybe I am a long time member of a couple of the sites you frequent......I hope it makes you more paranoid, you attention whore!!!!
Take your CC seeds and go fuck yourself, In fact, the ONLY hermie photos I've ever taken or posted in my life was of Swerve's gear, so BLOW me with that big fuckin' mouth you seem to have.:o
Please show me a pic of any of my gear that has hermied, and bad germ or sex ratios. Take your fuckin' ball and go home, Chuck, you're all washed up......
So, should I post the messages I have gotten from you?, or copies I have from a couple other breeders where you are calling us all DEA scumbags?
What do you say to that fuckwad? You're game is over......:cuss:

and that "WE" you're always talking about, is all them voices in your empty friendless skull.
Good thing I'm on medication for dealing with people like you.:wall:

This thread is a TOTAL troll and this Chuckthapollen/Pigslayer is a fuckin' TOOL!!!!!

Please name one person/breeder from TK that got busted..........(insert crickets chirping here)......................

What's funny about this thread is that place (TK) was always kind of a joke, (haven't thought about that place in quite a while, years) but alot of us small breeders met and became friends there, I guess in a way because of the brothel brothers. we all were worried what was going to happen, (because of their past business dealings) so we all had to have each others it was the first time for a few folks to vend beans anywhere. But, the good part is, I am still friends with almost everyone I met over there.
I would love to hear Chuck's vast knowledge of the rest of the DEA gang........

Forget it Chuck, Just blow it out your ass and fuck off, no reply from you is needed or wanted.
Peace Y'all.......

BTW, How many DEA agents do you folks know that offer free seeds to Veterans?

This guy "Chuck" is a lost soul, in a sea of souls.......... all he is doing is keeping folks from doing what they love, "talkin' pot".

I don't have the energy or time to put up with ass-hats like this guy.......time to crash, night y'all :sleep:

Now, now Mr dea scumbag stop trying to think. You will destroy what few brain cells you have left. Now wipe that drool off your pig face and pull up a chair for the show.

This is Budzillah.....or not? We can play your game too!. Just wait until you all get your ass's kicked at your own game. This is only the beginning. We will be all over the net watching you like you watch us. Lmfao! When you breeders go to these events you better watch your backs even more than you normally do. Feel the FEAR Nazi scumbags. You reep what you sow......

To the moderator of RIU. Thank you for allowing us to speak the TRUTH on your site.This concludes our input on this thread. See you around piggies. Come and chase the white rabbits.

you are a joke, keep it up
Can anyone say "Tri-Polar", I found you PigSlayer, You just admitted that you'd suck/fuck Swerve if you were a chick! kiss-ass
How fucking retarded is that? :clap: (I'm willin' to bet you'd fuck him either way), You're obviously some noob grower lacking ANY knowledge or skills in the garden department with a new computer, with all this talk about who's shit hermies and male to female ratio's. You're just some fucking punk, getting a kick out of ALL this attention you're getting from the trolling you're doing, and to call people DEA is way over the fuckin' line.... You pole smoking dipshit.
Yes, This is Freak of Cabin Fever, and I am hearing your slander from ALL kinds of friends. Are you too stupid to think that maybe alot of us little breeders talk amongst our little circle, you stupid fuck? And that maybe I am a long time member of a couple of the sites you frequent......I hope it makes you more paranoid, you attention whore!!!!
Take your CC seeds and go fuck yourself, In fact, the ONLY hermie photos I've ever taken or posted in my life was of Swerve's gear, so BLOW me with that big fuckin' mouth you seem to have.:o
Please show me a pic of any of my gear that has hermied, and bad germ or sex ratios. Take your fuckin' ball and go home, Chuck, you're all washed up......
So, should I post the messages I have gotten from you?, or copies I have from a couple other breeders where you are calling us all DEA scumbags?
What do you say to that fuckwaYou'regame is ov.....:cuss:
and that "WE" you're always talking about, is all them voices in your empty friendless skull.
Good thing I'm on medication for dealing with people like you.:wall:

This thread is a TOTAL troll and this Chuckthapollen/Pigslayer is a fuckin' TOOL!!!!!

Please name one person/breeder from TK that got busted..........(insert crickets chirping here)......................

What's funny about this thread is that place (TK) was always kind of a joke, (haven't thought about that place in quite a while, years) but alot of us small breeders met and became friends there, I guess in a way because of the brothel brothers. we all were worried what was going to happen, (because of their past business dealings) so we all had to have each it was the first time for a few folks to vend beans anywhere. But, the good part is, I am still friends with almost everyone I met over th
I would love to hear Chuck's vast knowledge of the rest of the DEA gang........

Forget it Chuck, Just blow it out your ass and fuck off, no reply from you is needed or wanted.
Peace Y'all.......

BTW, How many DEA agents do you folks know that offer free seeds to Veterans?

This guy "Chuck" is a lost soul, in a sea of souls.......... all he is doing is keeping folks from doing what they love, "talkin' pot".

I don't have the energy or time to put up with ass-hats like this guy.......time to crash, night y'all :sleep:

You got me! I didn't get enough attention as a boy. Lmao!
Where are all these rigged grow logs of your gear for us to look at?. Are they detailed like mine was so we can see real change in plant growth?
Or are they like all the usual ones?. You show a shitty looking plant maybe a couple times then at the end there is this beautiful bud. You take us for fools. Your seeds went in the fire with Croms, GoDs, and your gear. Tell funk his bullshit Bodi beans went in the fire with them too.
Good to hear you met pigslayer. Word (TRUTH) travels fast. Have fun keeping up with informers exposing your disinformers.
yeah what about hazeman? it sounds like you're implying that hes a fed too? or did you mean he jerked swerve or has hermie gear? or could it be that he got caught up in the madness and the feds snatch him up? i haven't seen him online in a good amount of time so i would lean towards last one if it's one of the three.

This is fucking bullshit and the poaster calling Hazeman a fed is a punk ass bitch who doesn't shit because he is full of it.

I know Hazeman personal for 20 fucking years, and this is flat out crap.
Fucking cunt ass bitch throwing around folks names.

And as far as hermies from his gear: The only one I ever saw I created by cutting it in half at the MOTHERFUCKING 8 week bloom mark,
jamming a clone down it's throat, followed by two days of 18/6, and then 2 days of 12/12.

Oh, Hazeman is just fine - he just doesn't like you stupid.
This is fucking bullshit and the poaster calling Hazeman a fed is a punk ass bitch who doesn't shit because he is full of it.

I know Hazeman personal for 20 fucking years, and this is flat out crap.
Fucking cunt ass bitch throwing around folks names.

And as far as hermies from his gear: The only one I ever saw I created by cutting it in half at the MOTHERFUCKING 8 week bloom mark,
jamming a clone down it's throat, followed by two days of 18/6, and then 2 days of 12/12.

Oh, Hazeman is just fine - he just doesn't like you stupid.

don't worry I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe chuckthapollen the guys fucked in the head. I think he may have escaped the looney bin.
I don't see it...the feds are not patient enough or care enough to fuck with people ordering beans...there have been actual drug sites that ship crack and oxy and heroin..weed ..lsd..whatever..they operate for years sometimes before they get shut down...and whoever said binladen was on the run for 20 years and thought that was know how hard it is to find one guy hiding with money and help and loyal followers that does not want to be seen?...hell whitey bulger lived comfy in cali for that long before they got him.
Bin Laden been dead shortly after 9-11.... The sh1t u see on tv is all lies and bs... Just saying.
Bin Laden been dead shortly after 9-11.... The sh1t u see on tv is all lies and bs... Just saying.

making unsubstantiated accusations because his imagination ran away with his intellect, is bitch made shit and is how you wind up decomposing in the woods . . . . .. you dont call people in the industry dea and "snitch shit" like that without some sort of proof . . .its bitch made shit

some old ways are dying out as the new gen or trend jumper growers start up . . . . . .but calling someone a snitch or/and a cheat is a no no unless its true . . . . karma
So? JB at the depot is DEA? Me too? Does this mean that the homeless Runnin around plantin beans are really really deep deep cover Feds???

Wow. That explains so much!
I'm still trying to figure out what flavor pudding the proof is in....I have tried tapioca, and chocolate....I have yet to see said proof!...maybe the folks at the pudding factory are feds?
this guy is talking all this shit hiding behind his computer screen! im a lil bit ol school, and if some mark ass busta says some shit like that to me, he better b ready 4 whats coming to him. come down to earth bro and cut that shit out! u lucky these guys your talking about probably dont live in the state u live in, and dont have the time to deal with a fuck stick like YOU.
first of all, wtf are you talking about m8?? mr c has nada to do with skunk magazine, at all.. all skunk does is advertise them at his one site, much like these lovely ads we have on riu..

now, there is a breeder over at cannazon called kos, they are pretty much the rev from skunk magazine, and his boy greenman420... i don't even think either one of them even really runs skunk, as i'm sure they are probably maybe an editor of the magazine, i'm not even sure ... i don't think greenman even works for skunk..
bui yah, mr c is one of the most stand up dudes i know....
i myself was a member at potpimp from when they first started. i had ordered some beans, and thats when shit hit the fan. 2 month later i get my package with some fake shit called aliengum and cvk x chem d. i know the only way to find out was to grow it out to see. a fucking waist of time and money. took the lost and moved on. im a member at cannazon, but havent ordered yet from there. maybe one day i will.
first of all, wtf are you talking about m8?? mr c has nada to do with skunk magazine, at all.. all skunk does is advertise them at his one site, much like these lovely ads we have on riu..

mr c was originally a dude named admin on pot pimp.. all he did was run the site, updates, did the v2, shit like that, security as well for the site..
well, after ripz pulled his infamous disappearing act, there was tons of drama as i'm sure you could guess.. watt to do with the domain name, there was a big core group of growers and small breeders who had gotten pretty close... other then being run by a heavy handed theif, the site was cool, lol...
after the rip off, mr c came on and said what do we want to do here?? i very noble thing imo... after asking if we wanted to keep using pp or start a new forum, we went new, and cannetics was born.. the original concept was a free seed exchange site to make up for people who had gotten ripzed off...
everyone who was a member on pp and wanted to, could be a full private member at nettics.. everyone else has to be referred in by a private member, or can be medical as well, they are public members until they establish themselves through a few steps...
some of the members who are also private breeders, do test grows through both private and public members.. once their gear has been established they are now allowed to sell on zon, which is why many people have never heard of say sure fire seeds, but i assure you shadrack is a super solid dude.. as are all of the breeeders over there.. down to earth, and the best part is they are a pm away to answer any questions you may have running their gear..
now, there is a breeder over at cannazon called kos, they are pretty much the rev from skunk magazine, and his boy greenman420... i don't even think either one of them even really runs skunk, as i'm sure they are probably maybe an editor of the magazine, i'm not even sure ... i don't think greenman even works for skunk..
but yah, mr c is one of the most stand up dudes i know....
first of all what the fuck are you talking about? learn how to follow the context of what someone is saying before you call yourself straighten someone else out. i guess the mod status under a title a name gets people besides themselves.
So? JB at the depot is DEA? Me too? Does this mean that the homeless Runnin around plantin beans are really really deep deep cover Feds???

Wow. That explains so much!

We know all about you too Homeless Beans. You are like the cop you go hand your guns to for some bullshit gift card that will just buy you a bunch of crap leaving yourself unable to defend themselves against scumbags like you fed pigs. Homeless beans? What a SCAM! YOU didn't fool us at Weed Watch
Go give your beans to Homeless....u will be homeless after dealing with these fucks. Oh wait you will still have a PRISON! LMFAO!
You feds aquire information and then use it later down the road so the victim can't figure out where it came from. Just remember when you come invading our privacy you will be on camera. Say cheese you dirty rats!o sm

Have fun in hell with your master Lucifer. You gave up your crown for a piece of shit existence here on earth.
If all the breeders I get seeds from are feds, and my motherfucking root riot cubes are working for the feds too, then I am fucked for sure. If you say my water and zig zags are working for the dea also, I am gonna have to move. Skunk Magazine too. Subbed to them 16 weeks ago. Still haven't got an issue, you may be on to something with them.

You are like the paranoid people that think the mj scene with crumble if the feds see a picture of how Attitude ships seeds. lmao.
Ohhhh man this clown cracks me up, what cracks me up more is how many people responded to him! I wish I want posting in this thread, but felt it was necessary just to say this- quit entertaining the fool! If your seeds come from a reputable place and u know it, who the FUCK cares what mommas boy chucky thinks? Our anyone else for that matter? I HATE censorship, but would actually vote to have this genius removed from the site & this thread permanently deleted! This will be my last post here... Won't even be looking at responses. I encourage each and every one of u to do the same
We know all about you too Homeless Beans. You are like the cop you go hand your guns to for some bullshit gift card that will just buy you a bunch of crap leaving yourself unable to defend themselves against scumbags like you fed pigs. Homeless beans? What a SCAM! YOU didn't fool us at Weed Watch
Go give your beans to Homeless....u will be homeless after dealing with these fucks. Oh wait you will still have a PRISON! LMFAO!
You feds aquire information and then use it later down the road so the victim can't figure out where it came from. Just remember when you come invading our privacy you will be on camera. Say cheese you dirty rats!o sm

Have fun in hell with your master Lucifer. You gave up your crown for a piece of shit existence here on earth.

here we have your classic paranoid
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