Yeah im on advanced :oops: bloom a/b, sensizym, bud factor x, b52, big bud and carboload...i might even be missing a few things, just back into it. Ive been eyeing the GH line, looks very simple. AN didnt even have a booth this year in toronto at the TY(champs) expo :/ apparently all there sales are in california.

Trying to decypher what you said, guys are using "FN+Diamond+Kool Bloom+Humic+GroZym and Bio Root" and getting 1.75 per light?

Yes some more but I'd average it out to 1.75 obviously there are other that might get lower. In reality there's nothing wrong with AN and would be ok if past the base nutrients it was't overpriced. For example I pay $161 for a gallon of BUD FX. WTF LOL $160 for 98% pure water. Having said that if someone is doing good on AN and it works for them I'm am not going to force them to switch to anything else, that would be doing them a disservice and potentially lose a customer. If AN were to take off again I'd have to stock up on it after all I'm still a business and here to make money plus Frank from AN is the best sales guy ever. They should have given him 1/2 of the company by now.

Also GH has a huge presence here. Most stores even one with their own brands still sell more GH than any other nutrient line. If AN was at the expo that's probably why GH wasn't there but I don't know f they ever attended the TY expose and I don't really pay attention to what happens in the industry too much politicking and gossip. Fuck off I just want to sell stuff and not care who does what, where and when.
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Second nature is usually on the high side but i do like the guys there
Ya I like em too. They are on the high side for some things, cheap for others. I buy 20L of AN a+b every few weeks. I found the range across stores in the gta to go from 360-430 for the same product. You gotta know where to buy certain things. It pays to shop around
Look's like a nice machine,congrats..i despise trimming myself really hate it..i pay my wife she is 4 times faster than me
I can second that!

Thanks, there's not much a hydroshop can do these days to differentiate itself, most are running on bare bones profits, but customer service is still one thing that will make a difference although its a bit hard and can take a toll since you'll be basically working 7 days per week. Some of my wholesalers call me cazy for how much driving I do since I try to pick up stock every day on way to the shop but it is what it is.
Gotta get a man to do man's job. buy the best you can afford I always say.
Now you may actually have some time to enjoy some of the fruits your labours.
Now...kin it husk corn? Can ya pull it behind the boat?
Gotta get a man to do man's job. buy the best you can afford I always say.
Now you may actually have some time to enjoy some of the fruits your labours.
Now...kin it husk corn? Can ya pull it behind the boat?

no corn husking...and it fits in my car just looks like I may not get divorced this year...that'll depend on the trimmer...;))

welp...did my first run today...chopped a 4ft trainwreck...after some adjusting, the machine did the work of 6 folk...was my wife, my friend and myself in a tad over an hour...need a lil' more time to tinker...but so far the wife is happy...;))
