trip to canada


Active Member
does anyone know how much a trip to canada would cost and what part would you go 2 ? i want to go there to smoke all kinds of kind bud
do you need a passport?


New Member
When you get there, pop in and see Silvernomad... tell him to get his fat ass into gear and get some abusive posts back on the rollitup boards... you'll probably find him at a local AA meeting.


Well-Known Member
Nobody can tell you how much that trip will cost. We don't know where you are traveling from or to. What form of transportation you are using, etc.

You don't need a passport everytime you leave the country. No passport when you go to Mexico.


Active Member
i live in the U.S in MD and ill be driving but i guess what i meant to say is what part of canada do they have those coffe shops for the bud? im on the east coast


Well-Known Member
Well. The bud here in BC is pretty dope. And if you are planning on coming to BC go to Nelson its a town in the Kootaneys and I'd say is definatley the bud capital of bc.


Well-Known Member
If your in MD go to the falls dude...

haha you dont need a passport...just say yuour going to the casino or the strip clube or just the know clifton hill...

or maybe your not that familair...anyways theres a seed bannk or 2 around there ive heard pf but not much more than that....

do a search for Ontairio seedbank on this site for further info



Well-Known Member
I dunno about coffee shops in canada....i supose if there were any it would be very hard to find and far inbetween...such areas as Vancouver, quebec, british colombia, perhaps toronto, maybe there could be one in the falls...these places could have coffee shops, but I doubt it...



Active Member
Me and my mates are planning on moving there for a year or two once we all graduate...we're saving our money, and we'll split rent, and grow a nice crop and medicate everyday! haha


Well-Known Member
no cofee shops. there used to be a store in vancouver that had a hotbox room and sold hundreds of pipes bongs bubblers etc. but yea kootaneys has better bud than anywhere in the vancouver area. and im not just saying that because I live there because I dont I too live in the vancouver area

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
hey i'm on my way to Montreal end of august and was wondering if there were any seed banks with a store in that area. i heard that Quebec seed bank closed but was wondering if anyone knew more
also found this place called hidden jungle in toronto and niagra falls, prices seem right but wanted to see if anyone has done business w/ them


Well-Known Member
i love bc, if the liberal pig dogs get into government again then im moving over there with you chilled as mo fo's to live,
are they still selling at that shop on the 2level end of hastings st?


New Member
I actually have relatives in Canada. That place just gets more and more appealing every day. As soon as I become an upstanding citizen, I think I might try to emigrate there.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Awhile ago I read an article about the Cops in Van/BC being able to go through power consumption records and checking residences where power usages are high. Not the kinda place *I* wanna be!

In short...I'm not so sure the Canada "myth" about open grows, seed sales, and coffeeshops (that most Americans believe) is still in effect. Blunt Bros cafe mysteriously burned down...Emery has been popped..The Kind Cafe, one of the only places to smoke in public (from what I understood) was CLOSED DOWN...I believe forcefully...

Amsterdam is yer best bet for smokin..but growing there is illegal so it's like anywhere else in that you take your chances...

the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence...


Well-Known Member
Awhile ago I read an article about the Cops in Van/BC being able to go through power consumption records and checking residences where power usages are high. Not the kinda place *I* wanna be!

In short...I'm not so sure the Canada "myth" about open grows, seed sales, and coffeeshops (that most Americans believe) is still in effect. Blunt Bros cafe mysteriously burned down...Emery has been popped..The Kind Cafe, one of the only places to smoke in public (from what I understood) was CLOSED DOWN...I believe forcefully...

Amsterdam is yer best bet for smokin..but growing there is illegal so it's like anywhere else in that you take your chances...

the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence...
It's all still there. look it up on yellowpages if you wanna see for yourself.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
That's good to know, moxtox. I believe ya totally.

I was there in '97 and purchased seeds/brought em back and was amazed by "the scene". I went back again in 2004...just after Blunt Bros burned and the vibe was very cold/different than before.

thanks for the info. Glad to hear there's a return to form.

bt dt