Triple chromosome grow journal.


Hello again, so the topping went well although the top itself wasn't clonable. my mutant looks as if its only going to be three leafs/branches from nodes growing from the stalk. every branch coming out looks like the other WW x WR. ill have to try to get some pics of it before i do any more topping or lollipop it. this is the first time since ive been growing (couple years now) that ive seen anything like this.


yea me too, and the best part of my mutant its thats its from a bag of banana weed, ahh i just hope shes a girl

But just moved her to a 3 gal bucket, and top of the line soil.

But i wish both ours luck, and lets keep chearing them on:clap:



Active Member
yea me too, and the best part of my mutant its thats its from a bag of banana weed, ahh i just hope shes a girl

But just moved her to a 3 gal bucket, and top of the line soil.

But i wish both ours luck, and lets keep chearing them on:clap:
Hellz yeah! How old is yours?


Active Member
yea me too, and the best part of my mutant its thats its from a bag of banana weed, ahh i just hope shes a girl

But just moved her to a 3 gal bucket, and top of the line soil.

But i wish both ours luck, and lets keep chearing them on:clap:
Nice, what soil?


Well-Known Member
yea thast would be badass.. i saw on another thread the guy had a mutant 3 leafer like yours and it turned out male and he chopped it anad i was sayin that would be cool if you could bread to mutants and make a mutant strain


Active Member
yea thast would be badass.. i saw on another thread the guy had a mutant 3 leafer like yours and it turned out male and he chopped it anad i was sayin that would be cool if you could bread to mutants and make a mutant strain
I just figure if I can get lucky enough for this to be female I will have an ocean of 3 headed monsters in there, lol.


Active Member
Wow, mine has really been taking off, its a week and 2 days old and already just under 3 inches. and on its 3rd set of nodes.


Active Member
Wow, mine has really been taking off, its a week and 2 days old and already just under 3 inches. and on its 3rd set of nodes.
Wow I guess that shows the difference in normal vs. triploid, my plants are at 2 weeks now I believe and the healthy normal one is about 2 1/2 in tall and just about to grow more height so it can spread out its 3rd node. :clap:


Wow, mine has really been taking off, its a week and 2 days old and already just under 3 inches. and on its 3rd set of nodes.

Yea seems urs is doin great, pics? but mines had a ruff life so far, with that crappy soil...But now that shes in here new home im sure shell be much happier


Active Member
Update, Three headed monster is still outgrowing the others. Its wild. 8 days old and damn near 3 inches plus on the 4th set of nodes. Cant wait to flower this bitch!


kinda strange getting two different outcomes your mutant is growing faster than others while mine was slower. it was even slower at showing sex mine took 3 more days to show compared to the normal WW x WR. i need to dig up my old camera and get some pics. i know for sure that clones off my mutant wont be the same all branching on my mutant is normal 2 branches coming off of it but u can see the three leaves/branches coming from the stalk on the 5 nodes left on it after i took some uneeded shit off of it.


in theory you should. but it all depends on what methods you use to grow and how long you veg for. my mutant sits right next to another plant thats the same strain and the other is a lot bigger and has been topped 3-4 more times and is still taller.


Well-Known Member
hmm weird.. well if u grew it next to a naturaly grown one it proly would get more bud probably.
but i wonder why its not growin as fast


Active Member
Hmm, mine is going nice, at 3 nodes the internode growth is beginning, its amazing how much faster this one is taking off than the other two. Although one is keeping up in height its overall maturity is behind.
Yes, I should take in 33% more yield. Im going to veg for 4 weeks, and make a decision there to flower or not. Depends on the size of the plant, if it keeps growing like this I might flower earlier. I only have 120watts of cfls at the moment, so I need to upgrade my lighting. Hopefully I will be able to get some more lighting soon!
When did you top yours? How old and at what nodes?