Triple chromosome grow journal.


Well-Known Member
i toped mine early i would say like a mounth maybe? musta been around the 6th or 7th node as soon as probably. now i have around ten tops but two main ones.


Well-Known Member
yea im proly goin to do it to all my plants from now on.
seems alot better to have two main stems its almost like making it two plants


Active Member
Im thinking about topping my triploid, using uncle bens method, but Im wondering if I top above the 1st node, I should get 3 colas, if I top above the 2nd I should get 6~! right??


Active Member
Well, I topped above the second node after having asked Uncle Ben what he thought. He couldnt speculate, meaning he probably hasnt done this with a triploid. So Im thinking Ill be getting 6 colas! I used the cut off as a clone and have it in water now. Hopefully it will take off soon so I can put it into 12/12 to sex it. If its female the 3 headed monster is going to be put in a 5 gallon bucket of Fox Farms! If that is the case I look forward to yielding at least 6 oz's of that bitch!


Active Member
Well, the topping went great, seems the plant took it all in stride! Growth continues as normal, which means its still growing like nothing happened!
The cutting I took off of the plant from above the 2nd node, is already starting to show signs of roots! Even the cutting is acting like nothing happened!!
God I hope this is a female, this strain is tough as fuck~! Ill grow it forever!