Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

Hey, what happened?

well im officially out of weed. Not sure what to do...maybe wait or chop something. Not having weed is no way to live

I can only offer you the same advise as Geewhiz.

Always stash weed, save roaches, kief and anything at the bottom of your stash tin. Pipes can be scraped too. From now on save a bit of every sack you get.

Get scraping and put everything that has ever touched your ganja in a bucket of iso and shake shake shake. If you're desperate, use the stove. Good luck.
yeah i got a shit load of random half a presciption bottle full. The bud gets me pretty fuckin high now with a fast oven dry, so if i dry it normally i should get pretty high. Caught on the issue though...looking at pictures and tips on when to harvest...i think my shit's ready idk
This is your harvest, not a damp sack you just bought- with the quantity you have grown by your own hands, taking SOME and drying it now isn't really a big deal .If anything. you'll know for the future when you can and can't get away with chopping a bit early. x
looking up ways to quick dry but the oven at 200 seems the best...still sucks. idk what to do...maybe just clip a little bit off this bud and toast it. Waiting sucks ass
When I wanted to dry a bud a little early while the other were hanging, I hung it up above my light for like 12-24 hours...out of the direct light though.
And I have a little electric heater too( my shroom, I've set a bud infront of that, but not too close, I try to make it take at least a day...200 seems high , I don't vape, but isn't that getting close to that temp?? luck.
People search technology is CRAZY today!!!! I was in US Search or People Smart or some shit and it gives you actual addresses, phone numbers, relatives and relationships, all for free. It's actually kind of scary. I can type in an old friend's name and up pops physical address, telephone, relatives. So cool. Haven't tried myself, might do it now. lol. I might mess with it and create an account and give like 20 different addresses and fake relatives like Hulk Hogan and Count Dracula