Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

WTF at the power of suggestion... or what not...

I'm sitting down wishing I had some weed while I'm rolling a cigarette and I'll be damned if it doesn't taste like there is a little bit of weed in it... what the mind wants it gets I suppose...

Still disappointed that it isn't weed... but my mind tricked me...

I'm never going to see a bloody hypnotist...
I've never made hash... :(

I gotta find a new dealer... or find where my old one is hiding out... hell I was a groomsman at his wedding... you'd think he'd let me know if he was gonna come back or not...
Owwie hun... I'd try making dealers cards like I did from now on. Sorry to hear he just dumped you like that. Ask a friend for a connect or does he have any 'youngers'. His supplier?

One of my old dealers was an elusive, unreliable little rat so I ended up with his source instead.
well that was fucking great - I took some of that sparse bud and hit the bong...took me a few to realize i didn't put a friggin screen in it and all the weed is now soaked and in the downstem. I'll just leave it out to try and smoke it...water doesn't kill weed.
yyyyyeeessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get this on a cd so I can pump it in the car