True Airoponics

Cal mag is airborne. You must evaporate it in concentrated doses then disperse it around the pores of the plant.

Biology 101

Exactly. When you grow in soil essentially the same thing happens when water evaporates from the top layer. And my hydroless method uses a similar concept based on atmospheric fixation of Nitrogen (excluding chemical petroleum based fixation for increased organic factor).

For the non-believers:

July 25, 2013
University of Nottingham

A major new technology enables all of the world's crops to take nitrogen from the air rather than expensive and environmentally damaging fertilizers.

Professor Edward Cocking, Director of The University of Nottingham's Centre for Crop Nitrogen Fixation, has developed a unique method of putting nitrogen-fixing bacteria into the cells of plant roots. His major breakthrough came when he found a specific strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in sugar-cane which he discovered could intracellularly colonise all major crop plants. This ground-breaking development potentially provides every cell in the plant with the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen.

So...are you mucking around with bacteria?
I believe I said calcium, and still doesn't negate the fact that the little seedling will be dead in 72 hours, with his implied method. yea nitrogen is cool but what about when your flowering and y'all are over looking all of the other nutrients needed when growing marijuana....
he appears to be serious, but hey you know me I am laughing my ass off poking holes in this... lights are off and tubes are packed and in dry ice veg plants are watered vac oven running... time for a beer and RIU
Damn I do not know why I keep coming back.... you have to have a vessel in which to deliver the nutes ie: water, because calcium and Iron are not floating in the air, and those are just a small spectrum of the nutes needed to grow pot. The reason the method is looked into is because of the amount of nitrogen farmers use when growing crops....
I did some research on you You have input on how everyone else should be doing it but you have no grow journals, Pictures or any grow experience and only appear to be an extract guy. I hate to say it but @Sativied has the journals, experience and photos to prove he knows how to grow the dankness. And why are you stressing so much about what someone else is doing anyway? If it doesn't work out for him( I'm Hoping he's found an easy cheap way for anyone to grow this glorious plant) then it's no time or energy lost for you. Best of luck sativied and i'm definitely subbed. and don't sweat this small time hash extractor
Lol son just because I do not post pics and blog like face book doesn't mean I don't know how to grow plants, and I did this thing called college and I am willing to bet non of yall do this for a living. Growing pot and extracting pays my employees and puts food on the table.
7.5 pound run is small time? What do you do? There is a deep freezer full of more product. And with all do respect if you did your research you would know to shut the hell up.
Price of weed is dropping the people want oil here is a 7.5 pound run

here is a 5.5 pound run and we have just over 4 pounds sitting in the freezer, but yes sir you are right we have no clue what time it is. 3.jpg the tub is 7.5 pounds
bags are 5.5 pounds
do i really need to show you the deep freezer it's cold outside, but i will for the naysayer's... if you....nay...
now we don't need to double post all of this, this is in the C&E section. If @WyoKush did his research he would know I am an ass hole from Texas that doesn't take bullshit, and this looks like bullshit, and I know bullshit I am from Texas.
soooo another thing bacteria needs a place to colonize... the method you have suggested leaves no place for beneficial bacteria to colonize, in fact my friends that run DWC don't add beneficial bacteria to the water until the root mass is big enough to proved an area suitable for colonization....