Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

You might start practicing the same. Just say, "President Hillary Rodham Clinton" several times a day. Eventually, your butt hurt will be tolerable.
Carefull, you might get what you want. Already, she's gotten an award for her support from the largest killer of minorities in the US. Think of what she could do from the office of the Presidency.
Carefull, you might get what you want. Already, she's gotten an award for her support from the largest killer of minorities in the US. Think of what she could do from the office of the Presidency.

Your willfully blind, brainwashed, and biased opinion is obvious.
speaking of factual, was obama born in kenya or hawaii?

is he christian or muslim?

gay or straight?
Why you must must be quite the racist to even ask such questions.
I have no idea where he was born. So far we have a newspaper clipping announcing his birth, but making no mention where it took place, and a certificate of birth printed in 2008, some 40 something years after his birth, signed by a governor who wasn't in office when Obama was born
I doubt he has any religious convections, unless you consider liberalism a religion, which you quite possibly do.
He has appears to be a heterosexual. You got any juicy gossip otherwise?
Your willfully blind, brainwashed, and biased opinion is obvious.
Are you talking to yourself again? Or are you not aware Hilary received the avowed racist Margret Sanger award from Planned Parenthood, provider of abortions, the cause of death of 61% of the black population in the US
Brain washing is the continued reinforcement of a particular mindset, belief system, thoughts, teachings, ideologies, principles, etc until something is disproved or proved. Brain washing is also voluntary and often self induced. (aka: Daily Devotional)

Here is the DNC file on Trump…

Here is the sales playbook on the fraudlant "Trump Univerisity" that still has court dates for multiple class action lawsuit:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. " Donald J. Trump from his book, The Art of the Deal.

Put in other words, the quote states and as it applies to political campaigns... As I am lying, I am using the voter's fantasies of a "Safe" "Great" "America" against them, and hoping the incompetent voters believe me.

Oh another thing all politicians must lie to the public at some point in their career.
Why you must must be quite the racist to even ask such questions.
I have no idea where he was born. So far we have a newspaper clipping announcing his birth, but making no mention where it took place, and a certificate of birth printed in 2008, some 40 something years after his birth, signed by a governor who wasn't in office when Obama was born
I doubt he has any religious convections, unless you consider liberalism a religion, which you quite possibly do.
He has appears to be a heterosexual. You got any juicy gossip otherwise?

religious "convections"?

"he has appears to be"? LOL.

the fact that you can't even say that he is a straight american christian male speaks to what kind of "facts" you like to deal in.

let's keep going.

has obama lowered the deficit by over a trillion dollars, or raised it?

has obama created 15 million new jobs over 70 consecutive months of private sector job creation, or has he destroyed jobs?

is america now the most respected nation in the world under obama, or are we rated below china like when bush left office?
the avowed racist Margret Sanger

i'm gonna need a citation for that one too.

because according to politifact, which you like to cite when making your points, says all that jazz about her being a racist is pure bullshit. kinda like everything else that comes out of your mouth.

Planned Parenthood, provider of abortions, the cause of death of 61% of the black population in the US

planned parenthood is mostly there for health care. abortion is less than 3% of what they even do.

and can you get a death certificate without a birth certificate?

just want to see what kind of "facts" you like to deal in.

thanks again, you dumb racist!
Are you talking to yourself again? Or are you not aware Hilary received the avowed racist Margret Sanger award from Planned Parenthood, provider of abortions, the cause of death of 61% of the black population in the US

That same Planned Parenthood organization provides abortions for any women, of all nationalities, seeking an abortion.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you.
They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people." Donald Trump on immigration.
Your willfully blind, brainwashed, and biased opinion is obvious.
That isn't an opinion. You ignoring facts is the bias. You clowns have no idea how foolish you are. Sadly, there are millions like you. When Al Gore boasted how his father fought for civil rights, you just lapped it up, never realizing he voted against the Civil Rights Act every time. Much as the idiot blathering about Trump being the most racist Republican since George Wallace while Wallace was a Democrat. You will happily march into tyranny while singing songs of worship to charlatans. You may very well get the overlords you hope for, but I doubt you'll be pleased with the results. I do not have that much time on the Earth. Far to little to waste it on such blind fools as you guys.
Master The Art Of Persuasion: The most persuasive words in the English language according to a study by the Psychology Department of Yale University are: You, New, Money, Easy, Discovery, Free, Results, Health, Save, Proven, Guarantee, and Love. They share three characteristics: they are simple, familiar and dramatic. (From the “Trump University” Playbook found on page 99)

Sales Wisdom: 1.You won't sell anything until you get rapport with the other person. Rapport is a state of emotional bonding, where they are aligned with you and vice versa. When you move, if you are in rapport, they will move too. 2. You don't sell products, benefits or solutions--you sell feelings. (From the “Trump University” Playbook found on page 100) Treat election campaigns as you would a sales pitch.
That isn't an opinion. You ignoring facts is the bias. You clowns have no idea how foolish you are. Sadly, there are millions like you. When Al Gore boasted how his father fought for civil rights, you just lapped it up, never realizing he voted against the Civil Rights Act every time. Much as the idiot blathering about Trump being the most racist Republican since George Wallace while Wallace was a Democrat. You will happily march into tyranny while singing songs of worship to charlatans. You may very well get the overlords you hope for, but I doubt you'll be pleased with the results. I do not have that much time on the Earth. Far to little to waste it on such blind fools as you guys.

You assumption of me is completely incorrect. I have no political affiliation and I am not a citizen of any country. I just happen to live upon the land known as North America.
i'm gonna need a citation for that one too.

because according to politifact, which you like to cite when making your points, says all that jazz about her being a racist is pure bullshit. kinda like everything else that comes out of your mouth.

planned parenthood is mostly there for health care. abortion is less than 3% of what they even do.

and can you get a death certificate without a birth certificate?

just want to see what kind of "facts" you like to deal in.

thanks again, you dumb racist!
I cited politifact where? That was your citation. History books can be found in the library, you might try there instead of listening to Demacrat truth twisting.
Yes, you can get a death certificate without a birth certificate. I have my mothers death certificate but not her birth certificate
“I have no intention of ever running for president.” Donald Trump (TIME Interview 1987)

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” Donald Trump on Building walls.

“The economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” Donald John Trump [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]

“I want you to imagine how much better our future can be if we declare independence from the elites who've led us to one financial and foreign policy disaster after another.” Trump's recent sermon on June 28, 2016 in Pittsburgh.
To U.S. citizens, The U.S. has to abolish the Federal Reserve to declare independence from the “Elite.” However Trump won't do that because part of his financial standing depends on the Federal Reserve's existence.
You assumption of me is completely incorrect. I have no political affiliation and I am not a citizen of any country. I just happen to live upon the land known as North America.
I made no assumption. I responded to your statements that were assumptions about me. You assumed I was biased when I stated facts that you do not wish to acknowledge. You don't get to choose whether you are a citizen. The government imposes that condition upon you. You can renounce it only with their permission Bias: noun
1.a particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned

2. unreasonably hostile feelings or opinions about a social group; prejudice:
I made no assumption. I responded to your statements that were assumptions about me. You assumed I was biased when I stated facts that you do not wish to acknowledge. You don't get to choose whether you are a citizen. The government imposes that condition upon you. You can renounce it only with their permission

On the contrary, I did choose to not be a citizen of any country. I do not have a birth certificate, my full legal name is also not found any governmental databases. My passport is not issued by any particular country either.

For most people that choice comes around the age of 21 assuming they have studied law.
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I cited politifact where? That was your citation. History books can be found in the library, you might try there instead of listening to Demacrat truth twisting.
Yes, you can get a death certificate without a birth certificate. I have my mothers death certificate but not her birth certificate

your mother was an abortion?