Trump: "Im the best thing to ever happen to Puerto Rico."

let’s pretend you are American
(Emerald Triangle Bust) (Riverside)
That’s why Canadians are all down here illegally? Someone is a rat. How they get busted.
Canadian Lobbyists money all over, Kamala Harris that damn Canadian. Bunch of horse shit. Probably had those fire set to end competition.
Make all my peeps homeless.
So you can sell BS cannabis in America.

How did some Trans’ Canadian HollyWeed get sold her in Cali, isn’t that illegal to cross national boarders with cannabis?
let’s pretend you are American
(Emerald Triangle Bust) (Riverside)
That’s why Canadians are all down here illegally? Someone is a rat. How they get busted.
Canadian Lobbyists money all over, Kamala Harris that damn Canadian. Bunch of horse shit. Probably had those fire set to end competition.
Make all my peeps homeless.
So you can sell BS cannabis in America.

How did some Trans’ Canadian HollyWeed get sold her in Cali, isn’t that illegal to cross national boarders with cannabis?
You’re how they got busted. You say names and addresses on here associated with growing. You’re a chickenshit who went down for selling dirt weed and possession of child porn.
You’re how they got busted. You say names and addresses on here associated with growing. You’re a chickenshit who went down for selling dirt weed and possession of child porn.
That’s Funny.
Never Been to Jail.
Never been convicted of anything serious
Well, a traffic ticket
That’s why Canadians are all down here illegally? Someone is a rat. How they get busted.
Canadian Lobbyists money all over, Kamala Harris that damn Canadian. Bunch of horse shit. Probably had those fire set to end competition.
Make all my peeps homeless.
So you can sell BS cannabis in America.

How did some Trans’ Canadian HollyWeed get sold her in Cali, isn’t that illegal to crossnational boarders with cannabis?
You are an actual mental case. There’s no question. You’re a chickenshit rat with a big mouth spouting all your paranoid delusions. Guaranteed you’re gutless in person. Weak your entire life. Still mad that you had your sandwich taken from you in grade school. Damaged by your mom’s insistence on dressing you like a girl. All kinds of baggage you drag into every situation you encounter.
technically you're correct because in russia they're called gulags, where you've probably spent countless weeks at a time for getting caught swiping bread & cheese from peasant vendors at the st. petersburgh open air farmers markets.
Rats often avoid jail too. Just saying.