Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

and yet you responded to the troll- i win.

Who's trolling whom? You seem to only come when called there puppy. I wonder which account logs out and back in only to post in politics or if you really have nothing better to do. Is that the most intelligent responses you can gather out of that little pea brain? A single line response?
Not everybody can be as elite as you.
I'm a trumpster, and white, and old and male ... so, stupid, right?
No,not necessarily. But in a cult? yes.
Get off the political section if you can't take the heat. Oh, you don't grow or smoke weed, right?

Why are you here? and why do you think you are a mod?

People have difference of opinions, Buck. Quit trying to silence anyone who doesnt think the same as you.

I'm willing to bet the majority of the RIU community would love to see you banned.
Are you ok with Trump using the Russian military as his re-election campaign?
Here I am, voting to try and fix the issues in a solid blue city and watching them waste the resources and not even try. I voted for em to fix it not get worse.... Try the other guys and they are the flip of a coin.... So.... What does yelling at people just as angry about the situation as you accomplish? Tell me which one of your candidates offers a solution and a plan that is FEASIBLE AND WELL THOUGHT OUT. Hell I voted for Obama because of the same shit "Why not, give the guy a chance" but..... here we are?

I'm ashamed I live with a bunch of screaming babies who'd rather argue with each other than just freaking nut up and get to work.

You can get angry, I chose to laugh. I have enough stress.

What partner? I'm referring to the mooch that doesn't contribute a dime to the seeds, nutes, electric, water, doesn't even watch the plants. 0 time invested, 0 knowledge, 0 effort. Who feels like giving that guy 50% of the harvest?

The problem is for the last decade people on the Right have slammed with propaganda about what the 'Left' is. And they lie. And before you go to the 'both sides' malarky, Fox news and other Right publications have had to argue in court that they are not actually news and have no need to stick to the entirety of the facts, and should be allowed to cherry pick and make up stuff because they are entertainers.

Same with Trump's minions like Sarah Sanders and Corey Lewendowski have had to do when they were under oath. These people lie and spin narratives.

This is the problem with Russians attacking our democracy. They have every voters data and are hammering them with disinformation to benefit Trump and the Republicans, and at least one of Democrats in an effort to get them elected so they can run their agenda. Understanding how they are attacking us gets to a lot of the problem with what you are talking about.
Are you ok with Trump using the Russian military as his re-election campaign?
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.
When did sucking gun grabbing commie dictator cock become part of the republican party platform?
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.

You'er going to buy Russian Oil and you are going to like it.
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.
It is all the same topic. I am glad that you finally answered that and said no. That is progress, thank you. Oh but surprise, you go back on your definitive no.

The Russian Military has funding, resources, and personal needed to coordinate these attacks on a level that nobody else has. Yes I am very sure that Trump is letting them attack us, and can point you to 17 agencies telling us that the Russians are attacking our democracy online. Trump has cut funding to the agencies that would stop this, he has sided with Putin over our agencies in Helsinki, he has extorted the Ukrainians who are in a active war with Russia, he fired Comey to stop the investigation, he removed sanctions on the same Russians that attacked us in 2016, he has time and time again made it plain that he is separate from his administration on our stance with Russia.

Hell he even named his daughter "Ivanka".

You want a more complete list? Check here, and hit jump to the end:

Edit: Am I ok with USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force? If they attack us, yes. If they attack our allies, less so but yes, we do have an agreement. But I do think we have been severely wrong in the past when people did not have as large an understanding of the world and no way to communicate/read about them online.
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.

Remember when Trump Directed the Navy?

The Syrian Air Force launched airstrikes against the rebels from the base only hours after the American attack. The ability to continue to use the base for these attacks has been attributed[by whom?] to the advance warning the US gave to Syria's ally, Russia, prior to the missile strike.

Obviously a Battleship cant sink a Aircraft carrier stuck in the sand. Sailor's should know better.

Even if you could overlook all the glaringly obvious ties between Trump and Putin, how can one possibly deny the rest.
17 US federal intelligence agencies made up of republicans, democrats, and independents have confirmed Russia interfered in our elections. That's not an opinion, that's the cold hard truth.

At this point, to deny this fact, is to deny reality.
Ok and I'll concede that. But at this point and this election, I have a choice between what and Drumphf? Tell me which is the most attractive out of your side and what they are bringing to the table more than another 4 years of this BS. 'cause I'll be honest the current way they are pitching and going about it you will just have the other 63 million redneck bible thumping rejects doing the same thing again..... and I'm kinda tired of paying for both of these morons.
any motherfucking body that isn't trump...a dead dog...a rabid monkey that throws its own shit constantly....a wet leper.....a wet leper monkey that throws it's scaberous body parts that fall off....all of them would make better presidents than trump....i'd vote for a lump of shit before i'd vote for trump....which is about the same thing, actually
Yes. I changed the subject ... but at least I didn't post a meme that took up 14 inches on your monitor ...
It was my own thought.
My own question.
Rare here I know ... is that what pissed you off?

Why would you think I am pissed ? Because I am not, I have no Idea what you're talking about a 14 inch on my monitor.
Talk about changing the topic.
No, are you okay with the USA overthrowing other countries government by brute force?
Real talk, russia is no threat to our election. And military? Enlighten me.. Military would be force. Do you really think trump would let the russian military use force to persuade our election? Im worried about you too. Irrational fears by propaganda. You are no better than the ones you talk about. Call it obsession, infatuation, whatever. You are obsessed with russia.
Hmmmmmm who to trust

17 federal intelligence agencies and countless other worldwide intelligence agencies and my own eyes

or a whale fucking neo nazi who said he lost money when Obama tripled the stock market
Hey ... women elected Rapist Bill Clinton ... they should LOSE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE for that alone.

Where do you get your info from ? Bill Clinton is a Rapist, Really?, I would think if you raped someone you certainly would not put your penis in their mouth, Would you ? Anyone stuck their penis in my mouth, I would bite that stinky thing off. Just saying, So Clinton got a Blow Job and Lied about it to congress.. Now lets get Donald to even be questioned by Congress. Lets do it if you're so convinced he wouldn't lie.

Your Arguments are going nowhere, You have no Moral ground to stand on. Do you know where this Country was in 2008 ? Do some Research, Really not meant to sound like a Prick but seriously do some real research, and look up the court records or our Great Leader.

He's in documents with Jeffery E. in a Rape Case, Named in the case by a minor, go look into his Bankrupt accounts in Court Docs. (6 or 7 times) The Courts don't lie you really need to do some Research.

It goes no where. You're entitled to your Opinion that's a fact, but you're not entitled to your own Facts and that's not an Opinion.
Where do you get your info from ? Bill Clinton is a Rapist, Really?, I would think if you raped someone you certainly would not put your penis in their mouth, Would you ? Anyone stuck their penis in my mouth, I would bite that stinky thing off. Just saying, So Clinton got a Blow Job and Lied about it to congress.. Now lets get Donald to even be questioned by Congress. Lets do it if you're so convinced he wouldn't lie.

Your Arguments are going nowhere, You have no Moral ground to stand on. Do you know where this Country was in 2008 ? Do some Research, Really not meant to sound like a Prick but seriously do some real research, and look up the court records or our Great Leader.

He's in documents with Jeffery E. in a Rape Case, Named in the case by a minor, go look into his Bankrupt accounts in Court Docs. (6 or 7 times) The Courts don't lie you really need to do some Research.

It goes no where. You're entitled to your Opinion that's a fact, but you're not entitled to your own Facts and that's not an Opinion.
Nah.. Bills a good guy. He was just the president of the united states is all. Those young interns were not raped. They just respected his power. They probably felt bad for him that if he didnt sleep with them, he would have to stick the old slick willy in hillary. Not to mention losing their intern job at the white house.

Plus, who doesn't like moist cigars?
burying unlimited amount of gunz in your back yard don't count, hillbilly.
But, see ... THAT'S the thing.
I actually HAVE a back yard.
And, there isn't a homeless camp there.
And, when I go to town I don't have to step over homeless people, and step in shit on the sidewalks, and kick needles out of the way.

If I hear a gunshot, it's just a poacher taking a young doe.
When I park my car at home, I leave the keys in the ignition.
I can tell a relative that if they're passing through town to feel free to come in the house and make yourself comfortable, it isn't locked. I'll be home from work at four.

Doesn't that sound awful, compared to the way you live in the big city?
Believe me, it is.
Just stay where you are, ok?
Everybody will be much happier.