Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

And did anyone forget how much we hated Pence? THATS WHO TAKES OVER??!?!?!? We don't get to put our choice in and get a do-over.
I was in a conversation about that the other day.
These socialists really hate Trump enough to do this impeachment shit, but look what you get when he'd out.
A far, far right religious zealot.
Can anyone say Handmaids Tale?

Be careful what you ask for comrades ... you may get it.
Nah.. Bills a good guy. He was just the president of the united states is all. Those young interns were not raped. They just respected his power. They probably felt bad for him that if he didnt sleep with them, he would have to stick the old slick willy in hillary. Not to mention losing their intern job at the white house.

Plus, who doesn't like moist cigars?
How many rape lawsuits has trump settled
I was in a conversation about that the other day.
These socialists really hate Trump enough to do this impeachment shit, but look what you get when he'd out.
A far, far right religious zealot.
Can anyone say Handmaids Tale?

Be careful what you ask for comrades ... you may get it.
So your argument against holding a criminal accountable is that the rest of your party sucks too?

maybe stop voting for them, trashbucket
So you're okay with poaching

It sounds like everything they're complaining about is all caused by the Republican Party, I mean how fucking ignorant can one person be ?

Yes it sounds like their totally okay with taking a Deer anytime of the year, even though it had a yearling with it. As for stepping over Needles in the Streets and Piles of Shit, This all Republican things that they have caused and will not address.

Then they go on to say, I leave my keys in my car, I leave my doors unlocked, Well I would assure them I live way out in the boonies, own four houses and a Auto Repair shop since 98 and I would never be that irresponsible as to leave doors unlocked or Keys in a Car, Even though I am 20 miles from the nearest town.
I could give a shit if someone lies about a blowjob

I’m not as understanding when it comes to lying about, well, everything. Is he up to 15,000 lies or so?

Praising the neo nazis who murdered heather heyer and bragging about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children don’t fly with me either

Saying Jews do hate crimes to themselves is pretty horrible too. As is continuing to spread the neo nazi conspiracy theory that Jews are paying migrants to INVADE us after two manifesto writing, trump loving terrorists massacred two separate synagogues

But you’ll just tell me that “what you’re seeing and what you’re reading isn’t what’s happening” and continue being a feckless cuck
Everyone brushes this off, he was lying at a federal deposition he was ordered to attend by the supreme court, by another woman accusing him of sexual harrassment and rape, totally unrelated to Lewinsky. Oops forgot that part.
But, see ... THAT'S the thing.
I actually HAVE a back yard.
And, there isn't a homeless camp there.
And, when I go to town I don't have to step over homeless people, and step in shit on the sidewalks, and kick needles out of the way.

If I hear a gunshot, it's just a poacher taking a young doe.
When I park my car at home, I leave the keys in the ignition.
I can tell a relative that if they're passing through town to feel free to come in the house and make yourself comfortable, it isn't locked. I'll be home from work at four.

Doesn't that sound awful, compared to the way you live in the big city?
Believe me, it is.
Just stay where you are, ok?
Everybody will be much happier.
If cities like yours would deal with your own homeless and criminals and quit sending them to the cities to be their problems. Ontop of that, all the taxes Rural America gets from those cities to pay for their roads and infrastructure is subsidizing the lifestyles of rural America.
Everyone brushes this off, he was lying at a federal deposition he was ordered to attend by the supreme court, by another woman accusing him of sexual harrassment and rape, totally unrelated to Lewinsky. Oops forgot that part.
His lie was equivocating a blow job with having sex. And he was impeached for it.
link to whatever you're tlking about please because i haven't heard Bill raped anyone.
So you're okay with poaching
I am ok with a human killing an animal to eat.
I've never done it ... well, I came across a doe with a broken leg once that was sick and staggering around and I took her out, but that was a favor.
We got too many deer around here, and they need to be thinned out a bit.

His lie was equivocating a blow job with having sex. And he was impeached for it.
That's right .. and when you lie under oath it is a felony. It's called perjury. So he was impeached; but it wasn't serious enough that the senate thought he should be removed from office. He should have never been impeached in the first place.
That's right .. and when you lie under oath it is a felony. It's called perjury. So he was impeached; but it wasn't serious enough that the senate thought he should be removed from office. He should have never been impeached in the first place.
I agree he shouldn't have, but the Republicans have been setting up this impeachment for a looooong time now, they knew eventually their scams would get them in trouble and would need to 'but Clinton'.

But oh well, he lied and had to suck it up and accept the consequences.
And the consequences for him will be a landslide re-election.
Or prison if he loses. That is a big gamble.

I had confidence Clinton would win, but she did not.

The Russians and Trump's hate mongers like Brad Parscale might just pull off another win, we may find out (if the Senate is as big a joke as McConnell and Lindsay are), but I have faith that America's journalists are like a dog with a bone, and now that his lies and cheating are exposed it will be hard to maintain the little bubbles of disinformation that Trump and Putin are relying on.

At least Trump doesn't have to be as worried as Putin must be getting. If he loses his game he dies.
Or prison if he loses. That is a big gamble.
Not a chance.
He won't even lose his job, not for another five years anyway.

I had confidence Clinton would win, but she did not.
LoL. Me too.
I got up the next morning and looked at the news and ... TRUMP WON? Really? WTF?
I went over to CNBC and CNN and watched the tears. LoL.
And, they started planning right then what they were going to do about 'the trump problem'.
Not a chance.
He won't even lose his job, not for another five years anyway.

LoL. Me too.
I got up the next morning and looked at the news and ... TRUMP WON? Really? WTF?
I went over to CNBC and CNN and watched the tears. LoL.
And, they started planning right then what they were going to do about 'the trump problem'.
Seeming this is the time for the ignorant. enjoy
I pulled this article tonight from USA TODAY.

WASHINGTON – President Trump, the first modern president to face impeachment during his first term in the White House, now leads his top Democratic rivals in his bid for a second, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds.

The national survey, taken as the House of Representatives planned an impeachment vote and the Senate a trial, showed Trump defeating former vice president Joe Biden by three percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by five points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by eight points.

Holy motherfucking shit

After all Trump has done, with the lies, the corruption, the ineptitude, the demolition of the norms of simple decency, the abuse of the Constitution, the alienation of our allies around the globe, somehow he is still poised to be re-elected as POTUS?

Man, I never, ever, ever really knew that population of this country was so very, very fucked up until I read this poll

I have had my suspicions for a long time, but I have always maintained hope despite the seemingly endless wars, assassinations, mass murders, blatant racism, sexism, income disparity & general fuckery that is the sad history of this nation, that there was still a semblance of hope of sanity prevailing.

Not in my lifetime appears to be the case.

Fucking imbeciles.
Cause the majority of american people dont read this bullshit section and also dont watch never trumpers or rachel maddow show.
I know life long democrats who have jumped ship over watching this partisan shit show. Even one of your own in the race representing hawaii voted present. She has common sense and knows that no evidence was presented that supported it. This was Cummings dream before he checked out and it has been complete.