Trump leads Biden, Warren & Sanders

Again, to a neutral, turn that frothing anger around in the mirror a tad and tell me how attractive it is?

Roger, what was your alternative?
i will tell you the truth...i did not vote in the last election. i regret that now, and would have voted for hillary in a second if i knew then what i know now. 90+% of all the propaganda about hillary was exactly that, propaganda. i still do not like the woman on a personal level, but she would have been 1000 times better as president than trump.
trump is a failed real estate developer, he's been a life long racist, a life long misogynist, he's lied about ever thing he's ever done, and about many things he never did but claims he did. he has no morals, no ethics, no sense of honor, and no love for America. that all of you can fail to see that just shows me how many blind people there are in the country i love
Yes, he will be impeached ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will not be removed ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will go on to a landslide victory is his re-election ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will have a legacy of being a very popular president ... just like Bill Clinton.
maybe you're right...there might be enough truly stupid people in this country to elect this snake oil salesman a second time.
there could be enough people who have never actually bothered to listen to anything but fox and friends for their news, and believe all the propaganda that trump's buddy rupert murdoch spoon feeds them daily.
THEY deserve what they get. the rest of us will just have to deal with being fucked over by the bad karma spillover.
our kids will be the ones who will have to clean up the disgusting filthy mess, if they can. they'll already be dealing with the effects of global climate change, deforestation, dying coral reefs, mutating bacteria that resists antibiotics, dying populations of pollinating insects that will cause crop failures and food shortages....but what the fuck do we care?
how can you cocksuckers look at yourselves and not want to cut your own throats?
i will tell you the truth...i did not vote in the last election. i regret that now, and would have voted for hillary in a second if i knew then what i know now. 90+% of all the propaganda about hillary was exactly that, propaganda. i still do not like the woman on a personal level, but she would have been 1000 times better as president than trump.
trump is a failed real estate developer, he's been a life long racist, a life long misogynist, he's lied about ever thing he's ever done, and about many things he never did but claims he did. he has no morals, no ethics, no sense of honor, and no love for America. that all of you can fail to see that just shows me how many blind people there are in the country i love

None of that is an alternative, that is just frothing anger. Whoooo boy yall are fun to read about after a jay. I can't imagine even sharing my stash with half of you. Bet you show up at the end of harvest demanding your "cut" from all the "work" you put in.

Memes and Jokes that I didn't invent and found with a simple google search spun you up for 4 more pages of diatribe?
San Francisco gives money to trump states actually


Requesting this sock be banned for his own mental health
Get off the political section if you can't take the heat. Oh, you don't grow or smoke weed, right?

Why are you here? and why do you think you are a mod?

People have difference of opinions, Buck. Quit trying to silence anyone who doesnt think the same as you.

I'm willing to bet the majority of the RIU community would love to see you banned.
Yes, he will be impeached ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will not be removed ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will go on to a landslide victory is his re-election ... just like Bill Clinton.
He will have a legacy of being a very popular president ... just like Bill Clinton.

his popularity legacy is 42%- the lowest of any president ever.
Do you sleep well on the streets and gutters like half of the 'population' of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento, Los Angeles?
Do you shit in the doorways of businesses that pay upwards of $300 a square foot for their lease?
Do you get your free needles at the local city health department?

Sleep well comrade.
All is well
California will have nothing to do with Trump getting re-elected. But as usual, we will benefit from all that he does ... for free. Didn't cost you anything. Isn't that great?

list your personal benefits from the trump presidency..let me help:


burying unlimited amount of gunz in your back yard don't count, hillbilly.

Exactly, gave you an option, and saw what was offered. This is fun, I'm game as much as the next person. Yall aint accomplishing anything here or changing anyones minds.
the original Rep Doug Collins:

back to deflecting and insults! weeee let me smoke up and see how retarded this is.

Dude seriously, you know they make political forums where you can circle jerk all you want right? This is a pot forum yet ALL the history of you is just...politics. Which cool maybe its a sockpuppet account, but for real?
Get off the political section if you can't take the heat. Oh, you don't grow or smoke weed, right?

Why are you here? and why do you think you are a mod?

People have difference of opinions, Buck. Quit trying to silence anyone who doesnt think the same as you.

I'm willing to bet the majority of the RIU community would love to see you banned.
You’re only in a good mood because you have lots of whale blubber to keep you warm this winter