Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

So many great moments pissing off snowflakes it's too hard to choose the best one. Even dancing with his wife upset all the oozing ass sores on RIU.

Bowe is going to prison forever.

Yeah, I bet they are really torn right now. Ride the sky is falling train and cry over 60 dollar an eighth legal dope grown by the state/select few top growers getting snatched up by the big bad trump, when a few years ago they were buying it for half that on the streets and every two bit grower was making coin.

Decisions, decisions.
First off, I'm not a snowflake. Second your hero campaigned saying that he would leave weed up to the individual states. Then he appointed this dipshit in charge of the DOJ. Watch the video of him saying quote " Good people don't smoke weed " and going on with how it's a terrible problem.
Really though weed probably isn't going to be our biggest problem. He's going to eventually get baited into a argument ( probably tweeting like a 12 year old school girl at 3:00 am )with a foreign leader. He doesn't understand the consequences. You young people that will be eligible for a draft will be in trouble
First off, I'm not a snowflake. Second your hero campaigned saying that he would leave weed up to the individual states. Then he appointed this dipshit in charge of the DOJ. Watch the video of him saying quote " Good people don't smoke weed " and going on with how it's a terrible problem.
"I thought the KKK were OK... until I learned they smoke marijuana"

- Jeff Sessions, Attorney General
After reading the threads here I'm understanding how the libs have lost control. I've never considered voting Republican but after my experience here I see clearly how different the parties really are. I'll be voting Republican from here on

Bigotry is the slippery slope of a cousin to racism..

Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy. They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency.

This is all a continuation of how Snowflake historically refers to people who are against the abolition of slavery.

The ARYANS have attempted to hijack this term to use against progressives and those opposing Fascism. It failed ultimately, because nobody was foolish enough to believe anti-Fascist resisters to be, by any stretch of the imagination, comparable to the snowflakery of the ARYANs and their cheeto-dusted Fuhrer.

But the ARYANS succeeded in poisoning the well on calling people "snowflakes," when it became widely understood that they were using it as a euphemism for the human ashes falling in Nazi Germany when they were burning people. This revelation became particularly useful for decoding the ARYAN tendency of referring to snowflakes as a "Generation." Especially telling is the pseudo-concept of a Snowflake Generation, which operates as a front for the ARYANS' need to mark out groups of people to direct their genocidal lust towards.
There sure is a lot of Nazi-supporting definitions piling up in the last pages of this word, they are all written by snowflakes who can't deal with having lost the popular vote.

by Lascaux Othello February 11, 2017
Bigotry is the slippery slope of a cousin to racism..

Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy. They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency.

This is all a continuation of how Snowflake historically refers to people who are against the abolition of slavery.

The ARYANS have attempted to hijack this term to use against progressives and those opposing Fascism. It failed ultimately, because nobody was foolish enough to believe anti-Fascist resisters to be, by any stretch of the imagination, comparable to the snowflakery of the ARYANs and their cheeto-dusted Fuhrer.

But the ARYANS succeeded in poisoning the well on calling people "snowflakes," when it became widely understood that they were using it as a euphemism for the human ashes falling in Nazi Germany when they were burning people. This revelation became particularly useful for decoding the ARYAN tendency of referring to snowflakes as a "Generation." Especially telling is the pseudo-concept of a Snowflake Generation, which operates as a front for the ARYANS' need to mark out groups of people to direct their genocidal lust towards.
There sure is a lot of Nazi-supporting definitions piling up in the last pages of this word, they are all written by snowflakes who can't deal with having lost the popular vote.

by Lascaux Othello February 11, 2017
Are you kidding me. This place is full of nothing but hatered for what they call "YT"