Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un

you said i lost my membership but here i am so deal with it, you supporter of racist thieves who rape women

I know it's hard to keep track of some of the political stuff on your side of the pond, but what the fuck does Hollywood have to do with President Fart meeting Wee Phat Phuck, and has anyone reported on whether Donald's tame chihuahua was shaking in fear at the thought of someone chucking it in a wok?
I know it's hard to keep track of some of the political stuff on your side of the pond, but what the fuck does Hollywood have to do with President Fart meeting Wee Phat Phuck, and has anyone reported on whether Donald's tame chihuahua was shaking in fear at the thought of someone chucking it in a wok?

Trump prayer: Dear God, please let me solve the Korean conflict so that I can win the Nobel Peace Prize.
At least he would have done something, which is more than the EU or Obama did.

I mean, you have to laugh at the EU one, bomb the shit out of Libya in 2011, get Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. How the fuck does that work?
North Korea didn’t have nukes they could land on us when Obama was president
North Korea didn’t have nukes they could land on us when Obama was president

What does that have to do with what I said? I mean, the EU "Keeping the peace in Europe for 60 years" was laughable, first things first the EU isn't that old and the small matter of NATO is ignored. That's before we think of how much "peace" there was in that bit of Europe called the Balkans after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and you realise that the 2012 award is almost as ridiculous as the OPCW getting one for, well, doing it's job and more ridiculous than Obama's "Not George Bush" award.

At least managing to get some semblance of "normality" and "sanity" to the Peninsula is actually more deserving of the award than any of the above, the only worry is that getting such a thing might bring on a severe dose of what I like to call "Tony Blair Disease", a kind of Messiah Complex which led him to think he was actually the Chosen One who could bring peace to the Israel/Palestine problem. The reality is that he did manage to become the first person to get all sides to agree on something, everyone thought he was a cunt.

An uncontrolled ego is a dangerous thing, David Cameron is another who paid dearly for that...
What does that have to do with what I said? I mean, the EU "Keeping the peace in Europe for 60 years" was laughable, first things first the EU isn't that old and the small matter of NATO is ignored. That's before we think of how much "peace" there was in that bit of Europe called the Balkans after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and you realise that the 2012 award is almost as ridiculous as the OPCW getting one for, well, doing it's job and more ridiculous than Obama's "Not George Bush" award.

At least managing to get some semblance of "normality" and "sanity" to the Peninsula is actually more deserving of the award than any of the above, the only worry is that getting such a thing might bring on a severe dose of what I like to call "Tony Blair Disease", a kind of Messiah Complex which led him to think he was actually the Chosen One who could bring peace to the Israel/Palestine problem. The reality is that he did manage to become the first person to get all sides to agree on something, everyone thought he was a cunt.

An uncontrolled ego is a dangerous thing, David Cameron is another who paid dearly for that...
This is the 9th time North Korea has promised to de-nuke

They’re not gonna

But at least trump made concessions to and legitimized a dictator who murders his own family
This is the 9th time North Korea has promised to de-nuke

They’re not gonna

But at least trump made concessions to and legitimized a dictator who murders his own family

Find me a POTUS who hasn't, in all honesty.

Sorry, but that's a pretty lame argument as every world leader has their tongue up the arse of someone a bit "distasteful", it can be argued that the continuing US relationship with certain Gulf states is an example of that as half the time these places are nothing but inter-familial power struggles where "accidents" do happen. And given the chance, these same states would happily spend gazillions on nukes. We won't even go into Blair sticking his tongue so far up Qaddafi he licked the back of his tonsils clean. They're all at it.

Doesn't matter if they de-nuke fully or not, I reckon they will, they have the know-how and can restart in the future once they have the funds. but it's all going to depend on how Wee Phat treats his people, they have to see the benefits of this "new relationship" but he also can't give them too much or they will want more, and that's when he could lose his grip.

Let's face it, both sides are walking a fine line between "reality" and "credibility", and all sides will declare a "victory". That's politics, and once you get as old and cynical as me you learn how to sort the wheat from the chaff and see what's actually going to happen.
I have screenshots of you celebrating with white supremacists

Hillary is busy not worrying about a criminal investigation like your klan-endorsed hero is
You have a screenshot of me celebrating? By all means show it.

Big political win for Trump yesterday. Midterms getting harder. I sense your desperation.
If Obama had just had this meeting with Kim Jong Un, the right would be apoplectic with rage for what we had given away in exchange for literally nothing concrete.
This is the 9th time North Korea has promised to de-nuke

They’re not gonna

But at least trump made concessions to and legitimized a dictator who murders his own family
I was stationed on the DMZ twice, a year each time. First time was in '88 when Seoul hosted the Olympics. Kim Il Sung had theeatened to flood Seoul by blowing up the dam in NK, which was on the river that flowed through Seoul. Their Ally, China, told him they didn't think that was a great idea, since they had athletes participating in the games, and Kim backed off.

This was just one, of numerous shithead moves each of the three NK leaders pulled, in order to get the world's attention. This included a number of peace agreements that they pulled out of at he last minute. I really think that Un's going to do the same thing, because there is no way he's giving up his nukes.