Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un

Russia's not giving up selling missiles yet.
Neither is the US. Humanity is either going to kill ourselves off or keep fighting like cats in a bag until resources are used up and we simply can't afford this kind of waste.

Still, North Korea has nukes because it has no other means of preventing invasion without remaining the subservient pawn of a rising mercantilist China.
Things aren't going well for the meeting between Comb-over Caligula and N Korea's Supreme Leader but on the bright side maybe those nifty coins can be had at a discount. Lil Kim seems to have outsmarted the guy with the bigly brain.
Sounds like Donald is starting to realize what he has gotten himself into. He just announced that the summit may be delayed.
Sounds like Donald is starting to realize what he has gotten himself into. He just announced that the summit may be delayed.
no, he'll just have the meeting at a later time. he'll announce exactly when in a few weeks, just like when he promised to clear up all that confusion about melanie's illegal immigration several years ago
Looks like the Franklin Mint already produced a limited number of Trump Nobel Peace Prizes. You can order one for $19.95 and an addtional $7.95 for S&H. Call 800-DOT-ARD1 within the next 30 minutes and you'll get an autographed copy of Trump's Time magazine cover.
On sale at all Trump properties.