tRUMP to send 15,000 troops to Mexican border

I read an article earlier today that said it's going to cost us 50 million for the troops to be on the border, that is crazy.

I say let em over here and give em jobs, there is an unbelievable amount of available factory jobs here in Michigan. From Ludington to Detroit, everywhere I go I see now hiring signs, fairly decent pay, most start at $13-15 an hour with benefits. While it's not a lot of money, it's a decent start. One of the factories in Holland, MI I go to often is hiring at $16 an hour and they're working 70+ hours a week. Those jobs need to be filled and there's not enough people here to do it.
Isn't that how "child services" and "government schools" work? They forcibly separate children from parents, via bullying (and guns) everyday, yet I don't see you mentioning that domestic abuse.

Why do you favor Nazi tactics when it helps achieve your vision for other people ?
Im sure child services has a much different meaning to you than us who believe in an age of consent law
I read an article earlier today that said it's going to cost us 50 million for the troops to be on the border, that is crazy.

I say let'em over here and give em jobs, there is an unbelievable amount of available factory jobs here in Michigan. From Ludington to Detroit, everywhere I go I see now hiring signs, fairly decent pay, most start at $13-15 an hour with benefits. While it's not a lot of money, it's a decent start. One of the factories in Holland, MI I go to often is hiring at $16 an hour and they're working 70+ hours a week. Those jobs need to be filled and there's not enough people here to do it.
Good attitude.
My parents came over from Ireland on a Green card (yea, I'm a birthright baby) and they did work here to survive, that no "sane" American would do.
This fucking country was built on the backs of EXACTLY the same kind of people that are trying to get here now, so all those that scream "keep them out", should look very closely at their own heritage in this country, especially Trump voters, who probably most of descended from fucking goats. (actually I like goats, I don't why I associated the two, but it felt natural/go figure)
The really hysterical part is that they can't do anything other than service. They can't arrest or even detain anybody. They can't even have weapons on their person. All they can do is set up tents, serve food, provide health care and other services.

That's it.
At an estimated cost of $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 for just the initial deployment.
Thanks Trump for wasting more money and adding to the already fucked up deficit.
But, he'll get more votes, right?
slow down there homeboy. me thinks you need a shot of Bushmills and a nice phatty. lol.

everybody here in the US (scottish/english here) came over, worked their asses off, and that's why we still are the best nation in the world no matter what some orange faced, mushroom donged, potus says.
Im sure child services has a much different meaning to you than us who believe in an age of consent law

Actually for a so called service to be a real service to the payor, the payor must have consented to it of their own volition, ie "consensually". (otherwise it's not really a service)

So when you advocate government molestation of people, you're kind of believing in two opposing things at once. One, that nonconsensual relationships are bad. Two, that nonconsensual relationships are good.

If you believe that consent is a good thing, why do you also believe when government wants to do something to a person, that consent isn't necessary ?

I read an article earlier today that said it's going to cost us 50 million for the troops to be on the border, that is crazy.

I say let em over here and give em jobs, there is an unbelievable amount of available factory jobs here in Michigan. From Ludington to Detroit, everywhere I go I see now hiring signs, fairly decent pay, most start at $13-15 an hour with benefits. While it's not a lot of money, it's a decent start. One of the factories in Holland, MI I go to often is hiring at $16 an hour and they're working 70+ hours a week. Those jobs need to be filled and there's not enough people here to do it.

another thought..who picks our fruit and other farming? the slaughterhouse?

'i love the uneducated' -Donald J Trump on himself
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Actually for a so called service to be a real service to the payor, the payor must have consented to it of their own volition, ie "consensually". (otherwise it's not really a service)

So when you advocate government molestation of people, you're kind of believing in two opposing things at once. One, that nonconsensual relationships are bad. Two, that nonconsensual relationships are good.

If you believe that consent is a good thing, why do you also believe when government wants to do something to a person, that consent isn't necessary ?

You consented to tax when you bought a house. If the government bothers you so much move
You consented to tax when you bought a house. If the government bothers you so much move

That would only make sense if the option not to pay tax (and still own a house) were a possibility.

You see, for consent to be part of the discussion, a choice not to do something must exist. If there is an "or else" in the equation, it obliterates the idea that consent is a good thing....and you defend a rapist...dolt.

As far as moving goes, is that what you would tell a woman who'd been raped? She should have moved to another neighborhood and that by remaining in a dangerous neighborhood she was more or less consenting to an assault ?