trump took 100+ vacation days this year. how many did you get?


Well-Known Member
These cuts are aimed at the rich, the trickle down effect to the lower classes have NEVER worked. Trump is more of a cult leader to his base. He bends them over and they say thank sir may I have another. Take your minute tax break for a couple years then get bent over when your taxes are jacked back up after they can't pay back the 1.4 trillion they spent. Middle and lower class will have to pay up and carry the brunt of the fallout.


Well-Known Member
With these GREAT tax cuts for the corporations you will again see CEOs getting HUGE bonuses and vacations and the working man who carries the weight might get that 3Lb turkey for their family on thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
I'll be paying less...
the only permanent tax cuts are for corporations, cuck.

your taxes will go up way more to pay for those corporate jet write-offs.

you honestly think this guy cares about you?

he doesn't even pay his contractors, retard.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Once again I'll be paying less... When will you learn
The only way you could approach the 17% unicorn deduction is with pass through income that meets very strict criteria, which 99% of llc's and s-corps don't meet, let alone c-corps.

You should probably read the bill closer. That deduction only applies to companies with no employees and considerable income. Plus, as the pass through recipient, you can't be receiving w-2 income above a very low thresh hold.

So nice try. You aren't going to get it with your pool cleaning business or your paper route.


Well-Known Member
No not crying just making sure you know how stupid you are. Pretty sure he's giving me a tax cut so I'll pay less for his vacations than Obama's. (Not defending Trump btw) just calling you out on your stupidity.
No, the rich will stop paying enough to keep our budget balanced and your kids and their kids and so on will pay the debt that accumulates because of fiscal irresponsibility and Trump's self-enriching vacations. Think about that, generations stuck with debt so Trump could make himself richer by vacationing when he held the highest public office.
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Well-Known Member
No, the rich will stop paying enough to keep our budget balanced and your kids and their kids and so on will pay the debt that accumulates because of fiscal irresponsibility and Trump's self-enriching vacations. Think about that, generations stuck with debt so Trump could make himself richer by vacationing when he held the highest public office.
Ryan's the kind that took out a second mortgage on his home so he could afford the down payment on a motor home.

You called it right. That tax cut is paid for by debt to be paid for by then next generation. It's more of a tax deferral than a cut. It's the wrong thing to do during an economic growth cycle, as anemic this one is.


Well-Known Member
The only way you could approach the 17% unicorn deduction is with pass through income that meets very strict criteria, which 99% of llc's and s-corps don't meet, let alone c-corps.

You should probably read the bill closer. That deduction only applies to companies with no employees and considerable income. Plus, as the pass through recipient, you can't be receiving w-2 income above a very low thresh hold.

So nice try. You aren't going to get it with your pool cleaning business or your paper route.
No just going by what the tax rate for 70-80k is going to be according to everything I read it clearly says there is a higher deduction so I'll pay less along with alot of other hard working people. But maybe there's something that you can link me that says different.