Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

You haven't been watching the Tweeter-In-Chief for the last few years? You are talking ignorance out your ass again

you are pretty stupid I m seeing

"President Donald Trump made a huge deal out of his plans to reinstate the ban on transgender military service on Wednesday. But a day later, it turns out that it’s not even clear if this will ever become actual policy.

According to Reuters foreign policy correspondent Idrees Ali, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff have told the military that there will be no change in trans policy until they receive official guidance from the president.

“In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Joseph Dunford wrote in a letter, according to Reuters."

In simple terms, the Joint Chiefs are saying that the US military will not set policies based on the tweets of the president — and will instead require a formal memo or order to actually do what Trump wants.

It’s unclear whether Trump will actually follow through on his tweets and officially ban trans troops through a more official process.

Even yesterday, Trump’s ban on trans troops was on uncertain ground — with a total lack of clarity on whether the ban would force the military to immediately discharge trans troops. At the daily press briefing, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “That's something that the Department of Defense and the White House will have to work together as implementation takes place and is done so lawfully.”

So now Americans must wait around to see if the president’s tweets will lead to actual policy changes in the real world." except for these ignorant fuckers who believe policy has just been set here of course.
do you ever add anything useful here, or like a little girl just likes to call people names from a screen? you are pathetic

Ah, but these are the facts. You present the data, and this is the conclusion. Call it what you will, but what I say is true. You have an under-developed sense of what life is.
haha, you are actually getting smrtr maybe?]

Anyone smart enough to have a PhD knows the difference. I would not want a PhD doing my surgery, nor an MD teaching me philosophy. It's not an easy question to answer. Ph.D's who are professors are just called "professor," and research assistants with a Ph.D are called "doctor" by secretaries and students.
stfu and put his lard ass back over your face


Take that ISIS
Your immaturity continues to bubble forth. But everyone sees that, so I'm only stating the obvious.

Unless you're at a KKK meeting, no one would talk to you. You are equally unpopular ITRW
haha, you are actually getting smrtr maybe?]

Anyone smart enough to have a PhD knows the difference. I would not want a PhD doing my surgery, nor an MD teaching me philosophy. It's not an easy question to answer. Ph.D's who are professors are just called "professor," and research assistants with a Ph.D are called "doctor" by secretaries and students.

Merciful God, you are stupid. I've come across a few people in my time that were a bit mentally challenged, but you take the word 'idiot' out a whole new door.

I have a Ph.D. in criminal justice. The degree means Doctorate of Philosophy. Before that I had a Masters of Science. Before that, Bachelors of Science. That's how it works.

All Ph.D. holders are doctors. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Michio Kaku, Dr. William Bennett and Dr. Brian May (yes, that Brian May) are just a few.

Just because you Googled it up and thought all Ph.D's are in Philosophy you moron doesn't mean that they are. They are in all sciences you idiot, including medicine.

In fact, the surgeon that saved my life is a Ph.D. He now teaches medicine at The Johns Hopkins University.

Merciful God, you are stupid. I've come across a few people in my time that were a bit mentally challenged, but you take the word 'idiot' out a whole new door.

I have a Ph.D. in criminal justice. The degree means Doctorate of Philosophy. Before that I had a Masters of Science. Before that, Bachelors of Science. That's how it works.

All Ph.D. holders are doctors. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Michio Kaku, Dr. William Bennett and Dr. Brian May (yes, that Brian May) are just a few.

Just because you Googled it up and thought all Ph.D's are in Philosophy you moron doesn't mean that they are. They are in all sciences you idiot, including medicine.

In fact, the surgeon that saved my life is a Ph.D. He now teaches medicine at The Johns Hopkins University.

thought all Ph.D's are in i don't think that's what he was saying but good job mr genius criminal justice man.

this thread is too funny
thought all Ph.D's are in

Yea. Ummm...that about sums up the limit of intelligence for uneducated people.

There is a regular MD and there is a dual doctorate degree known as an MD-Ph.D.

Guess which one you'd rather have working on you.
IF they want penis removal surgery and hormones. those are guaranteed costs if so, unlike being injured in combat. Military wouldnt hire me because of my knee, it will cost them, but penis removal aint cheap either -probably over 50 grand, and it serves our country no purpose as opposed to fixing my knee. Trannies would flock to the military if we offered the surgery. I could go on with my military funded functional knee and work, what work can you do by removing a penis?
Im not sure if its an issue but Ill bet it is. Like I said they are good to go as a soldier but they bring issues that baffle my mind.

Btw = have you seen a tranny? they are disturbing and it aint good to confuse all the kids in the military. LOLA Im ok with trnsgender in the military, but no dressing up like women, and no surgeries. the girls have it easy because they just wear the uniform and thats that.
Strong opinions rooted in ignorance are hallmarks of a weak mind. :cuss::dunce::cuss:

Do a little research and quit making assumptions.

Why do you keep posting a completely irrelevant article?

He postponed the ENLISTMENT of OPENLY TRANSGENDER PEOPLE for one year.


You fucking idiot.
As long as they don't try to get gender reassignment, nothing will happen to the trans who are pre op pre meds.
the use of steroids will affect their performance in all fields, erratic behaviour, google the drugs you'll see.
without those drugs they could not perform their duties?
is everyone allowed to take performance enhancing drugs legally paid for by the armed forces because they feel like it?

what about olympic runners? the ones who used to be girls now are guys taking performance enhancing drugs. not related but kinda weird eh?
Come on man. Plenty of performance enhancing drugs were given to me in the military. To my detriment actually.

I was given speed to stay awake for 72 hour shifts. I was given more pain pills than I care to think about because I was injured during war time and wasn't allowed to have time to heal.

My body is permanently fucked up because of it. Tax payers will be paying that bill until I die.

How is what you are saying really any different.

Ill tell another thing. Every branch recruits for spec ops right out of basic. I was selected at the range to go through further testing and training for a spec ops unit.

I had to go through rigorous psychological exams. I was told they actually want people borderline crazy. Go figure.
Come on man. Plenty of performance enhancing drugs were given to me in the military. To my detriment actually.

I was given speed to stay awake for 72 hour shifts. I was given more pain pills than I care to think about because I was injured during war time and wasn't allowed to have time to heal.

My body is permanently fucked up because of it. Tax payers will be paying that bill until I die.

How is what you are saying really any different.

Ill tell another thing. Every branch recruits for spec ops right out of basic. I was selected at the range to go through further testing and training for a spec ops unit.

I had to go through rigorous psychological exams. I was told they actually want people borderline crazy. Go figure.

That's not the first time I've heard that, by far. It's actually pretty revolting what we do to our military personnel in the name of "security" only to turn our backs on them when they get home, are discharged, and suddenly become, "free loading, jobless leeches that suck up free medical care and welfare" (to hear some republicans describe it).

There's a reason they send the young to war: the young don't know any better, and can be trained to do things grown men know full well will end in disaster. Sadly, by the time the young become grown men, it's typically too late for them.

Godspeed, man.
They are male or female. If they are a male and think they are a female...that's mental illness. plain and simple. sorry im going to be an asshole. that's how it is.

There are people that think they are cats and dogs born into their body as well. One could say that's not a mental illness but in reality it's the same fucking thing. They are born a girl/boy and their head is fucked and they think they are another gender. I blame it on all the nasty compounds we injest into our body. There is so much estrogen shit getting pumped into us it's insane.
Its not the same. At no point is a fetus a dog or cat.

It is completely possible for the brain to be female and body male and vice versa.

When a person joins the military they go through MEPS. Every person is examined and put through rigorous test to even qualify for the military.

If a person passes that I see no reason to not let them join or stay in the military.
Merciful God, you are stupid. I've come across a few people in my time that were a bit mentally challenged, but you take the word 'idiot' out a whole new door.

I have a Ph.D. in criminal justice. The degree means Doctorate of Philosophy. Before that I had a Masters of Science. Before that, Bachelors of Science. That's how it works.

All Ph.D. holders are doctors. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Michio Kaku, Dr. William Bennett and Dr. Brian May (yes, that Brian May) are just a few.

Just because you Googled it up and thought all Ph.D's are in Philosophy you moron doesn't mean that they are. They are in all sciences you idiot, including medicine.

In fact, the surgeon that saved my life is a Ph.D. He now teaches medicine at The Johns Hopkins University.

Ol' Chemphlegm also thinks he's a computer security expert!
It's sad when people have delusions of wisdom while their opinions are rooted in ignorance. :dunce: