Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Merciful God, you are stupid. I've come across a few people in my time that were a bit mentally challenged, but you take the word 'idiot' out a whole new door.

I have a Ph.D. in criminal justice. The degree means Doctorate of Philosophy. Before that I had a Masters of Science. Before that, Bachelors of Science. That's how it works.

All Ph.D. holders are doctors. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Michio Kaku, Dr. William Bennett and Dr. Brian May (yes, that Brian May) are just a few.

Just because you Googled it up and thought all Ph.D's are in Philosophy you moron doesn't mean that they are. They are in all sciences you idiot, including medicine.

In fact, the surgeon that saved my life is a Ph.D. He now teaches medicine at The Johns Hopkins University.


I didnt think anything except how dumb you come off in this thread. you mad bro, at the google, take it up with them
That is BS. Mattis had already put a pause on enlisting transgender earlier this month. He looked into things, shared with President and then the President shared his decision a day before going public.

Do your research.
I don't really think you have room to talk about who can be in the military being your husband got a dishonorable discharge for stealing from the military.
Ol' Chemphlegm also thinks he's a computer security expert!
It's sad when people have delusions of wisdom while their opinions are rooted in ignorance. :dunce:

when did I say I was a a computer securty expert.?. you cried of a virus in your system from a page nobody else has issues with. told you I know nothing of computer security, and since you do should be no problem, holding grudges for weeks now..mmmkkkk
when did I say I was a a computer securty expert.?. you cried of a virus in your system from a page nobody else has issues with. told you I know nothing of computer security, and since you do should be no problem, holding grudges for weeks now..mmmkkkk

The mind is a terrible thing, especially in decline... o_O
anyone heard about the cases where a kid is born in a house with a bunch of cats and never sees a human. the kid thinks it's a cat. The human brain can definently think it's things it's not. Thinking you are a female when you are a male would be even easier. Throw in some unbalanced hormones and our fucked up society and it's not hard to see why there is an increasing amount of people claiming to be transexual. Human genetics did not just start trapping men and woman inside their wrong body.
You still speak about a topic you really know nothing about. You take a fantastically complex concept, and reduce it to a sound bite your little brain can comprehend.
anyone heard about the cases where a kid is born in a house with a bunch of cats and never sees a human. the kid thinks it's a cat.

Ever heard of the boy that's born to regular, run-of-the-mill, heterosexual parents and is gay?

Ever heard of the girl that's born to the same type parents and is a lesbian?

Ever heard of the transgender born to that same type parent set?

Because that's where they all come from, dumbass. They come from you, me, everybody that think they are "normal". (Status quo is more the term.)

They get it from you.

Suck on that for a while.
anyone heard about the cases where a kid is born in a house with a bunch of cats and never sees a human. the kid thinks it's a cat. The human brain can definently think it's things it's not. Thinking you are a female when you are a male would be even easier. Throw in some unbalanced hormones and our fucked up society and it's not hard to see why there is an increasing amount of people claiming to be transexual. Human genetics did not just start trapping men and woman inside their wrong body.
Yep and I believe they are all mental illnesses!
well damn dude. that must have taken some courage to come out!

Fucking witless dullard.
Clown, your beliefs are preposterous.

He's of the same ilk that believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, that man walked among the dinosaurs, and that the secret sauce on the Big Mac is really secret to a point that nobody knows where it actually comes from.

For the icing on the cake that is his persona, he leans forward in the car while it's going up hill.