Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Oh.I could have sworn you just said you were closetphobic. I don't even know what that is but I figured since you were a sjw it was a real thing you people came up with.

Another who is fine with civil rights as long as they don't inconvenience white men. Those poor oppressed alt right white boys.
He was born that way. you bigot
But you weren't. Yet what you say matches that image perfectly. What happened to cause your feelings to be so hurt that you became white supremacist? Your mommy did you an injustice when she praised your every word and told you how smart you are.
Ummm. Yea. That's my point but not allowing needle exchanges and access to narcan increases the numbers of overdose deaths and spread of disease.
Legalization would be even better let them have opium dens and places to shoot up and buy quality heroin. Of course marijuana, shrooms, LSD, cocaine, etc.
I think if we don't remove sanctions on Russia then Trump is just as bad as Obama. Trump can be a great president imho. Currently he hasn't done much though.
Oh, hey, I'm so glad to have come across your scintillatingly intelligent post. A bright light amid a grey landscape. Such amazing use of the technique of equating two things that aren't like each other at all. The beginning is a real piece of work too. I mean those international sanctions against Russia are so unfair. It's not as if invading another country's lands is anything the people of the US should be concerned with. And those 500 tanks in eastern Ukraine. Nope, not Russian at all. No idea where they came from.
Legalization would be even better let them have opium dens and places to shoot up and buy quality heroin. Of course marijuana, shrooms, LSD, cocaine, etc.
Sure. It works. They are doing it in other countries. Cheaper to give them a fix daily than house them in prisons.

I'm sure though you think addicts are scum and its a moral failure instead of a medical issue.
There are roughly 323,000,000 people in the United States.

There are roughly 1,281,900 people in the United States Military, representing roughly .37% of the population of the United States.

Roughly .6% of the population of the United States is transgender.

Since the percentage of people in the overall population is less than 1%, and les than half of 1% will ever serve in the Military, that means that this law will affect, at best, 10 to 15 people.

All of this shit over 10 to 15 people, and that is ONLY if they are open about it.

I don't know which is worse: Trump for making a big deal of it, or for other people making a big deal of it.

It's just a diversion from the what he's really doing... selling out our country and values to the 1%.
I think if we don't remove sanctions on Russia then Trump is just as bad as Obama. Trump can be a great president imho. Currently he hasn't done much though.

Done much? He's like a chimp with cell phone but a little slower. Trump as bad as Obama? At least Obama wasn't impeached... like the future holds. I hope they jail the dirty motherfucker.
Oh, hey, I'm so glad to have come across your scintillatingly intelligent post. A bright light amid a grey landscape. Such amazing use of the technique of equating two things that aren't like each other at all. The beginning is a real piece of work too. I mean those international sanctions against Russia are so unfair. It's not as if invading another country's lands is anything the people of the US should be concerned with. And those 500 tanks in eastern Ukraine. Nope, not Russian at all. No idea where they came from.
And how many countries have we invaded??