Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

This thread needs some more of this:
And how many countries have we invaded??
In this, you have an excellent point.

America has turned out to be a shit poor excuse for a world cop; we overthrow democratically elected governments for the offense of not giving us whatever we want for free or below market value, we invade other countries over lies and trumped up accusations, we murder millions of civilians and then shrug our shoulders.

Fog Dog has lapped far too deeply from the Kool aid bowl of American imperialist self justification.

Out of 196 countries in the world, America has mounted covert or overt operations in 137 of them, as of June. The year is young yet; surely we'll get to the rest soon!

So who's really the world's aggressor, anyway? Putin is without doubt a thug, but he's outclassed by the US in every way.
You're just getting ridiculous with this nonsense now.

How many countries have we bombed this year? How many of them are an actual threat to the security of the United States?

...or just another opportunity for American multinational corporations to earn profits without suffering any consequences for the spilled blood of innocents?

Before you tell me how America is some kind of White Knight in the world, I suggest you do some homework.

How many countries have we bombed this year? How many of them are an actual threat to the security of the United States?

...or just another opportunity for American multinational corporations to earn profits without suffering any consequences for the spilled blood of innocents?

Before you tell me how America is some kind of White Knight in the world, I suggest you do some homework.
Is it not lonely in that tower of ivory?

How many countries have we bombed this year? How many of them are an actual threat to the security of the United States?

...or just another opportunity for American multinational corporations to earn profits without suffering any consequences for the spilled blood of innocents?

Before you tell me how America is some kind of White Knight in the world, I suggest you do some homework.

Take a deep breath and go back and read what you're replying to. You've gone wildly astray. Hint: it's possible I think the US is far more fucked up than you do.

How many countries have we bombed this year? How many of them are an actual threat to the security of the United States?

...or just another opportunity for American multinational corporations to earn profits without suffering any consequences for the spilled blood of innocents?

Before you tell me how America is some kind of White Knight in the world, I suggest you do some homework.
I can say with truth that 24/7, 365 days a year the military is running ops all over the world.
This comes from 30+ years of living on and serving on military bases.

You can see when units deploy and big towns become ghost towns over night from all the troops leaving.
Were you ever stationed in Bragg? There are fake towns around there set up just for spec ops training. There's a permanent opfor called people's liberation force. The Rockefeller family estate also donated a huge piece of land that is used for all kinds of training. I did some land nav around there and I get the feeling that something like half the state is under military jurisdiction.
i visited your country first in 1976, 200 years after you kicked the British aristocracy in the arse, it seemed like a trip to the future, however now it seems like some atavistic social experiment lead by a tree (tower) dwelling Orange monkey, an idiot who is pursuing the agenda of a hidden plutocracy, fake potus
i visited your country first in 1976, 200 years after you kicked the British aristocracy in the arse, it seemed like a trip to the future, however now it seems like some atavistic social experiment lead by a tree dwelling Orange monkey, an idiot who is pursuing the agenda of a hidden plutocracy, fake potus

Pretty much sums it up.
Were you ever stationed in Bragg? There are fake towns around there set up just for spec ops training. There's a permanent opfor called people's liberation force. The Rockefeller family estate also donated a huge piece of land that is used for all kinds of training. I did some land nav around there and I get the feeling that something like half the state is under military jurisdiction.
I have been there. Didn't serve there.

I've been part of war games that take place on public and private land.