Trump tried to blackmail the World, and failed


Well-Known Member
The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly defied U.S. warnings and voted Thursday to condemn President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv, calling it "null and void"

The resolution passed with 128 member states voting in favor of the resolution, nine voting against, and 35 countries abstaining.

Israel joined the U.S. in voting "no.", along with Guatemala, Honduras, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau Togo and the Marshall Islands, all nations that depend heavily on US aid.

Notable abstentions included U.S. allies Canada and Australia, as well as others like Mexico and Argentina.

The vote came after U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley issued a stern warning United Nations that the United States "will remember" countries that voted for the measure.

Haley hinted that U.S. financial support for the U.N. is not guaranteed and that the U.S. should not be expected to support an organization that condemned it.

"The United States is by far the single largest contributor to the United Nations," she said, noting that "our participation in the U.N. produces great good for the world."

Nikki Haley warns 'US will be taking names' of countries against Jerusalem embassy move

"We do this because it represents who we are ... when we make generous contributions to the U.N. we also have a legitimate expectation that our goodwill is recognized," she said. "If our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways."

Haley said "the United States will remember this day" when it was "singled out for attack."

"America will put our embassy in Jerusalem," Haley said, adding that "no vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look on the U.N."

Haley warned on Tuesday that the U.S. would be "taking names" of member states that voted to condemn moves to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Taking names, huh?

Who the fuck does he think he is, a fucking God?

Let's see if he's taking names when he has to come groveling to the UN for help dealing with North Korea, which sooner than later he will have to do, unless he goes it alone and starts his "own" little war.

MAGA, while he makes more fucking countries hate the arrogance of this country everyday.

What a piece of shit he is.

imitation is the best form of flattery, jim.
"We pay most, so you have to vote with us." lol.
Make no mistake about it. Trump acts in the interest of the US, and any use of his "influence" will only be dispensed if it's to his advantage, not if they voted with him. So why vote with him if there's no guarantee of assistance via his influence? Doesn't make sense. Well spoken, but it's a primary school argument.

Having said that, I believe any country can put it's embassy anywhere it pleases. The world is not a democracy so FTW on that one. I wouldn't even show up for a vote. None of the UNs business.

I'm Canadian and I love the US to the bone, even above Britain. The world needs to remember that our planet would be very different if it were not for the US. But it'll take 50 years to undo the reputation and diplomatic damage Trump has done. And he's not finished. The upside is that he'll never make a second term, if he doesn't get impeached first.

In any case, I think you'll see all parties dangle a Marijuana Legalization carrot in 2020.
I fear he has second term potential... autocracy needs not the majorities approval to stay in power and Stockholm syndrome can still pull many in yet. I pray it not so, but im not confident its not possible
Bannon turning on uncle trump and the gang??? WOW!!!!!!!!!!! And didn't the Maga Minions say we were overstating our case when we used the "Treason" world? Now Bannon uses it! LMFAO. This thing is a goddamned circus!

It's actually a smart move on Trump. People who were on the fence with Trump because of Bannon are now going to stick with Trump.
Trump is moving his base from super far right to far right and right.
He is separating himself because the Republican party is scared of 2018.

He's playing the media for a fool.
It's actually a smart move on Trump. People who were on the fence with Trump because of Bannon are now going to stick with Trump.
Trump is moving his base from super far right to far right and right.
He is separating himself because the Republican party is scared of 2018.

He's playing the media for a fool.

Yea i put nothing beyond him, nor do i think hes dumb, i just find it funny his bff has now turned against the administration basically. But yea his chess game to become a true autocrat going well for him so far... i still fear he will be succesful at it and N Korea could help...