Trump unites NFL - against him.

A flat sales tax doesn't take away the reward system.


An average person works 40hrs per week 48 weeks per year from age 18-65. This person contributes 90, 240 hrs.

Now let's say a person is goal oriented and wants to work extra hard and retire early. If he worked 60 hrs per week 48 weeks per year from age 18-50 he has contributed 92160 hrs. In the current system the goal oriented person is penalized to the point that he doesn't get to retire early..... Is this fair?
No. It completely ignores those who DON'T work and instead live off investment income, which is how the upper class makes its money.

Wages are for the lower classes, investments are for the rich. And they need to be taxed at higher rates than wages, otherwise the burden of taxation falls too heavily on those least able to pay... which is exactly the situation that exists today.
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Flat tax is very regressive, that is, the poor are hit by it much harder than the rich.

It could work if there were enough deductions for them, especially if those deductions are capped so that they don't end up benefitting the rich even more.

I'm would like to see the taxing of food and utilities excluded. The simplification of life. Humans where not designed for this level of stress.

Imagine the human labor commodity that could be saved from ending the IRS and state income taxes. In TN we enjoy paying only sales tax. Sure makes life easier. Millions of people would be free to bring back more manufacturing here. I'm all for creating jobs that produce products that we consume as well as sell abroad. I'm ready for the trade deficit to end. Most people don't look at the real reason Americans are getting poorer. Hint it's not the rich stealing your money, (at least not at face value). You can't have a trade deficit for almost 2 decades before it catches up to you. The devaluation of our currency is to blame for our current situation. We've been shifting the wealth from this country to foreign super powers for a few years now.

Taxes aren't nearly as intimidating for people who are employed by others as they are for a small business owner.
No. It completely ignores those who DON'T work and instead live off investment income, which is how the upper class makes its money.

Wages are for the lower classes, investments are for the rich. And they need to be taxed at higher rates than wages, otherwise the burden of taxation falls too heavily on those least able to pay... which is exactly the situation that exists today.

In this case you can put a tax on trade per transaction . After all it is a transaction.
I'm would like to see the taxing of food and utilities excluded. The simplification of life. Humans where not designed for this level of stress.

Imagine the human labor commodity that could be saved from ending the IRS and state income taxes. In TN we enjoy paying only sales tax. Sure makes life easier. Millions of people would be free to bring back more manufacturing here. I'm all for creating jobs that produce products that we consume as well as sell abroad. I'm ready for the trade deficit to end. Most people don't look at the real reason Americans are getting poorer. Hint it's not the rich stealing your money, (at least not at face value). You can't have a trade deficit for almost 2 decades before it catches up to you. The devaluation of our currency is to blame for our current situation.

Taxes aren't nearly as intimidating for people who are employed by others as they are for a small business owner.
Oh, you poor
I'm would like to see the taxing of food and utilities excluded. The simplification of life. Humans where not designed for this level of stress.

Imagine the human labor commodity that could be saved from ending the IRS and state income taxes. In TN we enjoy paying only sales tax. Sure makes life easier. Millions of people would be free to bring back more manufacturing here. I'm all for creating jobs that produce products that we consume as well as sell abroad. I'm ready for the trade deficit to end. Most people don't look at the real reason Americans are getting poorer. Hint it's not the rich stealing your money, (at least not at face value). You can't have a trade deficit for almost 2 decades before it catches up to you. The devaluation of our currency is to blame for our current situation. We've been shifting the wealth from this country to foreign super powers for a few years now.

Taxes aren't nearly as intimidating for people who are employed by others as they are for a small business owner.

Are you sure you want to be hanging around the political section being an advertiser? Probably not the smartest of ideas. And after reading the above, it's likely a fair statement to say you come up with a fair amount of not so smart ideas.

Flat tax is not sustainable. You should just let that one go.

A tax on utilities doesn't makes sense. For example, Intel down the road from me has a small power plant dedicated to its manufacturing facilities. I'm willing to bet it uses a fair amount more electricity and water than I do. -- The tax on those utilities are there to pay for the sustainability and maintenance of the infrastructure supporting the supply of said utilities. -- Like your dumbshit flat tax idea, no tax on utilities means part of my monthly bill will go to support Intel's manufacturing.

A lot of states don't tax food. Some states do, but it's not a federal mandate.

If you think taxes are stressful, you may need to smoke more pot. A lot more pot. And rest assured, visiting the political section of rollitup is far more stressful than taxes. -- Republicans make it look scary so they can con you into changing it so that it favors themselves and their financial supporters. -- Most dumb-dumb Republicans don't realize a flat tax and tax ideas such as you've proposed are detrimental to their wellbeing.

"We've been shifting the wealth from this country to foreign super powers for a few years now."
re: Stop smoking pot. It's affecting your cognitive capacity.
Lol! You're so butt hurt.

So let's say that you were really good at something (I know, crazy talk, but entertain the idea for the sake of the conversation) and that required you to move to a country that didn't have universal healthcare to pursue it. In doing so you'd make $500,000 a year, instead of a fraction of that if you stayed put. Call it 50k. In addition to the $500k, you'd have employer provided healthcare coverage at no cost to you.

You'd turn down the 500k (and free healthcare), and stay put making 50k with universal healthcare? lol

Jesus you're dumb. It pains me to admit that there are liberals like you in this country that make Trump voters look like Mensa members.

Just curious, you were making $50,000 in Canada, and then were offered a job in the US for $500,000?

I'm gunna go out on a limb here and call bullshit.
Just curious, you were making $50,000 in Canada, and then were offered a job in the US for $500,000?

I'm gunna go out on a limb here and call bullshit.

Oh, you better believe it. They're typically called goons, lol.

The most notable thing about NHL enforcers is their tendency to get into fights for the sake of their team ( Bernie brats) . In some cases, tough guys from both sides of the ice will agree to square off with each other, other times fighting erupts as a reaction to a dirty hit or a scuffle involving a smaller team mate( sky or tty) Either way, hockey fights have the potential to swing the momentum of a game in the blink of an eye. (A black eye)
That was a different form of profiling. I live that shit man. lol. Hotrods, lifted trucks, long hair, heavy metal and a lead foot. I've also had cops dump my weed on the ground, take my booze and drive away.
It's worse if my friend is driving his Camry in certain area's, towns and he's a nice clean cut business type looking man with dark sunglasses who listens to Jazz and the Oldies. He doesn't smoke or drink. He's an older gentlemen and drives cautiously. There's never a reason to pull this man over. Why do they do it? Puerto Ric-an.

The problem with "white privilege" is the name. People get offended by it. It sounds bad. Doesn't mean everything is handed to you, just means you have some things easier. We do. The term causes confusion for a lot of people. Clearly.

Oh, here's one that will help stop killings, keep ex military out of everyday police. Most of those guys admit they're just waiting for the chance, they don't have to be racist to shoot.
Edit; Maybe that's too far. They can't all be potential problems. Still a scary thought. I've seen video's of an ex marine talking about how hyped he'd get hoping he'd get to "Do his job". Nuts.

I have to disagree I'm ex military and vets are not just itching for the chance to shoot. I would wager that ex military has better trigger control. They have to make split second decisions under pressure far more than cops.
I'm would like to see the taxing of food and utilities excluded. The simplification of life. Humans where not designed for this level of stress.

Imagine the human labor commodity that could be saved from ending the IRS and state income taxes. In TN we enjoy paying only sales tax. Sure makes life easier. Millions of people would be free to bring back more manufacturing here. I'm all for creating jobs that produce products that we consume as well as sell abroad. I'm ready for the trade deficit to end. Most people don't look at the real reason Americans are getting poorer. Hint it's not the rich stealing your money, (at least not at face value). You can't have a trade deficit for almost 2 decades before it catches up to you. The devaluation of our currency is to blame for our current situation. We've been shifting the wealth from this country to foreign super powers for a few years now.

Taxes aren't nearly as intimidating for people who are employed by others as they are for a small business owner.
Taxes are how the already wealthy have been getting wealthier.

Agreed about trade deficits.

Repealing Citizens United is the first big step towards taking our country back from the oligarchs.
I have to disagree I'm ex military and vets are not just itching for the chance to shoot. I would wager that ex military has better trigger control. They have to make split second decisions under pressure far more than cops.
Everyone is an individual. Not all veterans want to be cops. Of those who do, some undoubtedly have issues.

I don't think it's an excuse to discriminate against veterans.

I think cops need to be held accountable, no matter what their background might be.
Taxes are how the already wealthy have been getting wealthier.

Agreed about trade deficits.

Repealing Citizens United is the first big step towards taking our country back from the oligarchs.
That first statement is just so ridiculous it's beyond words.

The reason the rich have been getting richer is because they have the capital to invest, money makes itself if you've even the slightest bit of sense and some starting capital.

Even an extra 20% net on top of the highest earners and Corporations won't change that in the slightest, they'll still make money hand over fist and you'll still complain it's not fair.

Shitty stagnant wages at the bottom are the problem.
You just tipped your hand as an ignoramus or a disingenuous ass. If the nose job were elective surgery you wouldn't, but if it corrected a respiratory problem you would.

Which are you, an ignoramus or an ass?

Anyone with common sense would have known what type of surgery I was referring to. Secondly insults and name calling show your maturity level. Those tactics are generally used by people who have no real fact based evidence to use to try and prove their ideological point.
Speaking of bad lights...

Again, instead of trying to have intelligent discussion you move to demean or belittle the person who's opinion you don't agree with....

Thank God we live in a free country and I can't force you to buy my "bad lights"..... Although if I was providing shitty overpriced health insurance that might be a different story.....