Well-Known Member
They won't even need to make a new skit for 2021.
If it happens, it will be Nancy Pelosi and the democrats fault, they have the power to stop this bullshit in its tracks. I think they have a plan and believe it might hurt the republicans even more, They might impeach the postmaster General and Bill Barr before the election and force the republican senate to defend them with Donald freaking out at them just before the election. They are Donald's only hope and he will go to the wall and over it to make sure Mitch defends them or refuses to hold the trial. If he refuses, arrest both and seize documents using the inherent powers of congress, remand both of them and a few of their minions for contempt of congress to the custody of the Sergeant at Arms, until a new congress and administration is sworn in. I figure they will resign first, hold the trial just the same (to prevent future office holding).
Impeachment before the election and trials after are a good way to make the American voter the jury on Barr, DeJoy and Trump, just focus on his key people. The hearings will be public and the questions pointed, evasion or failure to comply with subpoenas will result in contempt charges and jailing until trial by the full house, after the election.
It looks like it might be close to another 100,000 deaths by election day and, another 100,000 until inauguration day. How many after that? Blood thinners and steroid anti inflammatory drugs are having a big impact on mortality rates, convalescent plasma and antiviral drugs have had an impact too. By election day monoclonal antibody therapy should be available, but America must have a national lockdown to drive case numbers down to reasonable levels for any therapies to have a major impact on death and maiming caused by covid, there are simply too many sick people in America for the quantity antiviral treatments available now and into the future.
If this keeps up or gets worse, America could have 300,000 to 400,000 covid deaths by the time Joe is sworn in. It seems even this level of death and economic destruction not is enough to sway the 40% who still support this idiot, what is the definition of a fanatic? You are dealing with a death cult of personality driven by hate and malice, deal with them harshly, they are NOT fellow Americans, they are enemies of America, traitors in a life and death struggle involving tens of millions of people, you, your family and community are their enemy. If you win don't coddle these assholes, hammer them, they are worse than the commies of the cold war by far, treat them like the enemy 5th column they are. The want to remove your right to vote and if they succeed in appointing a fascist king, they will remove your freedom and eventually your life.
400, 000 dead Americans makes all the difference in the world, if it wasn't for covid, Trump would have easily stolen a close election, if he had a GOP majority in the senate, the same game would continue until he died. Perhaps 400,000 deaths is the price of liberty this time around, even that is not enough for 40% of likely voters.
The US has reported more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths nearly every day this month
From CNN's Carma Hassan
The United States has reported more than 1,000 new deaths from coronavirus 16 out of the past 20 days, according to Johns Hopkins University and the Covid Tracking Project.
On Saturday, Johns Hopkins University reported 1,029 new deaths.
As of 8 a.m. ET, there are 5,361,613 cases of coronavirus and 169,489 deaths in the US.
If drumf wins it's the same reason as last time. I The once great Demacrat party refuses to give us someone worth voting for.I think the corruption is too embedded in the system and that cheating in elections isn't even uncommon anymore. Biden will win the popular vote by millions, but he won't win the presidency.
People will be shocked and protests will happen but ultimately nothing will change. Its sad, but I think people are too numb from constantly getting screwed.
I think it helps with turn out, nobody will be complacent and not go through the extra challenge this year. Trump will cheat and try to steal any result, even a landslide will be disputed and litigated, a close result will be stolen and lead to violence of one form or another. If the recent CNN poll is to be believed, Trump is only behind Biden by 4 points, Joe might make a gaff, or fictitious dirt might be released just before the election. The danger is many really want to believe and are only upset by Donald's speech, tweets, behavior and the massive covid deaths. If Donald suddenly dealt with covid, STFU and stayed off twitter, his poll numbers would bounce back to dangerous levels, they would quickly forget. By better temporary behavior he could bounce back by 10 points in the polls. 40% after treason, election cheating, covid, overt racism, 4 years of failure, law breaking, constitutional violations, national humiliation, toddlers in cages, over 20,000 lies and an open, brazen grab for totalitarian power.I don't know why this stupid thread keeps getting bumped.
Trump is not going to win the election in November.
It is just a question on if he will be able to get away with cheating (again) to try to keep the presidency going or not.
Don't mind the ramble, sometimes I feel like writing, ...
It looks like it might be close to another 100,000 deaths by election day and, another 100,000 until inauguration day. How many after that? Blood thinners and steroid anti inflammatory drugs are having a big impact on mortality rates, convalescent plasma and antiviral drugs have had an impact too. By election day monoclonal antibody therapy should be available, but America must have a national lockdown to drive case numbers down to reasonable levels for any therapies to have a major impact on death and maiming caused by covid, there are simply too many sick people in America for the quantity antiviral treatments available now and into the future.
If this keeps up or gets worse, America could have 300,000 to 400,000 covid deaths by the time Joe is sworn in. It seems even this level of death and economic destruction not is enough to sway the 40% who still support this idiot, what is the definition of a fanatic? You are dealing with a death cult of personality driven by hate and malice, deal with them harshly, they are NOT fellow Americans, they are enemies of America, traitors in a life and death struggle involving tens of millions of people, you, your family and community are their enemy. If you win don't coddle these assholes, hammer them, they are worse than the commies of the cold war by far, treat them like the enemy 5th column they are. The want to remove your right to vote and if they succeed in appointing a fascist king, they will remove your freedom and eventually your life.
400, 000 dead Americans makes all the difference in the world, if it wasn't for covid, Trump would have easily stolen a close election, if he had a GOP majority in the senate, the same game would continue until he died. Perhaps 400,000 deaths is the price of liberty this time around, even that is not enough for 40% of likely voters.
The US has reported more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths nearly every day this month
From CNN's Carma Hassan
The United States has reported more than 1,000 new deaths from coronavirus 16 out of the past 20 days, according to Johns Hopkins University and the Covid Tracking Project.
On Saturday, Johns Hopkins University reported 1,029 new deaths.
As of 8 a.m. ET, there are 5,361,613 cases of coronavirus and 169,489 deaths in the US.
It's a change from the one liner bitching and griping, though the wit is funny. Sorry I had to stretch yer attention span!No shit?!?!???
no one is buying your act, methigan.If drumf wins it's the same reason as last time. I The once great Demacrat party refuses to give us someone worth voting for.
I really liked Tulsi. But when she agreed with drumf that we shouldn't be in Syria they said she was a Russinn agent. That's what my once great party has become. No room for different opinions.
I don't know why this stupid thread keeps getting bumped.
Trump is not going to win the election in November.
It is just a question on if he will be able to get away with cheating (again) to try to keep the presidency going or not.
Want to make a bet?
If Biden wins ill never post in the politics section again. But if Trump wins then you will never post to the politics section.
Unless you're...
View attachment 4657745
lol not that I really give much of a shit about my account one way or another, why would I bet the non-American spam meme troll anything about something so childish as that?
If Trump wins this conversation really doesn't much matter anyways. It means the Russian attack on out democracy worked once again.