Well-Known Member
Down under, but which one?Couldn't be any further away
Down under, but which one?Couldn't be any further away
I'm very sceptical of alot.of world leaders. They may get in with the greatest of intentions but most are quickly bought and most quickly buckle to financial pressures if they wanna see in.Absolute power corrupts absolutely, all great men are bad.
Lord Acton
Usually the narcissistic, greed driven seek power, almost all of those now reside in the republican party now. Not all who seek power are evil bastards though, some just want to help.
Trump has done far worseAlso anyother person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers I. Her house........
noYeah we only get snippets of the mad fucker here! They say ignorance is bliss but it's something that can't be applied to world leaders.
I kinda of feel Trump was taken as a protest vote without people actually thinking he'll get in. After all alot of Americans DISPISE Clinton and even go as far as to say she murders the lawyer/accountant can't remember what he was. I know he had alot.of involvement with the Clinton's.
Also anyother person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers I. Her house........
No.Yeah we only get snippets of the mad fucker here! They say ignorance is bliss but it's something that can't be applied to world leaders.
I kinda of feel Trump was taken as a protest vote without people actually thinking he'll get in. After all alot of Americans DISPISE Clinton and even go as far as to say she murders the lawyer/accountant can't remember what he was. I know he had alot.of involvement with the Clinton's.
Also anyother person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers I. Her house........
Trump's voters are relatively well off and no more anxious about the economy than Clinton's voters were. The typical Trump voter was angry, but his anger lay at his fear of people with darker skin gaining the same rights they enjoy while their privilege in first pick of jobs erodes.Yeah we only get snippets of the mad fucker here! They say ignorance is bliss but it's something that can't be applied to world leaders.
I kinda of feel Trump was taken as a protest vote without people actually thinking he'll get in. After all alot of Americans DISPISE Clinton and even go as far as to say she murders the lawyer/accountant can't remember what he was. I know he had alot.of involvement with the Clinton's.
Also anyother person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers I. Her house........
Trump's voters are relatively well off and no more anxious about the economy than Clinton's voters were. The typical Trump voter was angry, but his anger lay at his fear of people with darker skin gaining the same rights they enjoy while their privilege in first pick of jobs erodes.
Regarding the e-mail server, the finding was that Clinton violated a procedure that would have resulted in a reprimand to a government employee, which she recieved, but that's the end of it.
Clinton was subjected to more than 20 years of attacks and blackmail by Republicans. The right was in full frenzy by 2016. In the end, she still got more votes than Trump did and lost by very small margins in the battleground states that eventually gave Trump the win through our archaic electoral college system of electing a president. So, yes a lot of Americans despised her, but not a majority and that wasn't the deciding factor. It was Trump's racism and misogyny that made the difference. We have a lot of very backward people to educate.
I think the corruption is too embedded in the system and that cheating in elections isn't even uncommon anymore. Biden will win the popular vote by millions, but he won't win the presidency.
People will be shocked and protests will happen but ultimately nothing will change. Its sad, but I think people are too numb from constantly getting screwed.
Rat fucking slob, the last time i ran into you you had shit yourself, had a melt down and lie flattened on the side of the thread like stinking road kill.I did hear one quote actually now you've quote misogyny "grab her by the pussy"? I think it was? I also heard he was feeling women up.
See this is a far better way of discussing than @radiant Rudy or radiant jump on the band wagon cunt. My apologies if my country puts American news second to it own I also can't help the the news in my country matters more to me than other countries also.........
Again here you don't see the wealthier people supporting Trump. It's normally rednecks with big Beard's who've married their sister and had incest babies. Also always in sunglasses checked shirt and a pick up haha! They also never really say what Trump has achieved other than Trump's sorting this country out, fuck Dem immargrants, taking our jobs. Gotta love media editing. Also we only really see his crazy Twitter feed when it's something mental, like a fuck you N.Korea or a fuck you Iran. Generally something that can start WW3.
However I don't mind discussing nutters in other countries. Beats blundering posh nonces like borris Johnson of the uk, or Alexander lenshenko of belerus and his covid soultion of hot tubs and vodka!
Rat fucking slob, the last time i ran into you you had shit yourself, had a melt down and lie flattened on the side of the thread like stinking road kill.
Are you calling me a cunt hoping to re-experience the beating you received for your racist blabber?
Also any other person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers
Trump says pretty much ..... “ Fuck your Kids “
It's "would've", a contraction of "would have"
Obviously, I'm proper frightened by someone who continuously keyboard battles and can write nasty things on a forum. Anyway I refuse to argue with you as I'm currently shitting my pants, crying and shaking like a baby. Also having a meltdown about not being beaten again both physically and mentally.
You are a very scary man.
So in the interest of not wrecking another thread with your constant shit you win. What ever the argument is you win, what ever the argument is about you win. I tried to avoid conflict with you on multiple occasions so fuck it you win.
I'm wrong you are right......always.
something really off about youAlso English isn't my first language sorry. My spelling is awful along with my grammar. Apologies I keep spelling here and hear to or I get confused with their they're and there.
Not ashamed by it nor can I hide it haha!
After all it's my second language.
In "explaining " things to him, they are explained to others too, but a bit too naive methinks.something really off about you
Definitely not your first time here
something really off about you
Definitely not your first time here
Don't think it's gonna happen, if anybody shows up it will be in masks with torches and pitchforks, they won't be republicans either!It's going to be hilarious when no one shows up to tRUmps convention, can't wait to hear the ridiculous excuses.