Trump will win 2020

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Roast him all you want, the current POTUS is as bad as it has ever been. I just want the news to understand that them jumping all over every piece of gossip Trump directs to be leaked to them to push his narratives is them falling into the trap of the obvious troll that is Trump.
It’s not a leak when the president says it. It may be him trolling and it’s definitely embarrassing but it still has to be reported.
The trolls are endless. Like an old video game where swatting down the space invaders only gets you more. I'm curious how many will remain after Biden is sworn in.
That is actually one thing I would like to see Biden and Pelosi/Democrats pressed on. How exactly is he/they going to go about handling this problem we are having as a society with the social media militarization along with the propaganda on TV/Radio/Print and it also coming form the politicians.
It’s not a leak when the president says it. It may be him trolling and it’s definitely embarrassing but it still has to be reported.
Then they should also have fact-checked it. Because the Trump administration trolls are cherry picking their bullet points enough to make them lies about Fauci. And then say that the Trump administration is pushing a false narrative. But they just mostly reported what Trump wanted.
Then they should also have fact-checked it. Because the Trump administration trolls are cherry picking their bullet points enough to make them lies about Fauci. And then say that the Trump administration is pushing a false narrative. But they just mostly reported what Trump wanted.
The entire world knows your clown president has the temperament of a petulant child. We know he is impulsive and acts on those impulses with virtually zero filter.

The leader of the free world talks and the world listens. It’s been like that for some time. it looked better on your country when it was Kennedy or Obama but now it’s not.

Trump says a lot of crazy shit but he always follows through with the crazy. I have no doubt Fucci will be gone soon.
Seems like your news is falling into the same trap as ours with promoting Trump's smearing of Fauci.

How long before Trump tweets a conspiracy linking Fauci to the lab in China with his usual 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon'ing.
Sarcasm and humor are permitted, even gallows humor, but no laughing at American's expense or the victims of lies and deception, it is at the very least in bad taste. Don't kick a friend while they are down, lend a helping hand.
Sarcasm and humor are permitted, even gallows humor, but no laughing at American's expense or the victims of lies and deception, it is at the very least in bad taste. Don't kick a friend while they are down, lend a helping hand.
Nobody is laughing at anybody.
Nobody is laughing at anybody.
I just didn't want the conversation to descend into useless territory. We haven't seen any Russian efforts here most likely for a reason, they husband their resources and focus during election season. We may see them again, but they can only really operate now around the margins and the margins are simply too big, getting caught in another attack will go very badly for them. I fully suspect Canada and the other NATO allies are gonna go all out against Russia online this election season and they are gonna have problems of their own, at the right time of course. We would be insane not to do everything possible online to forestall any Russian attack on the American election system.
Except it has only increased since the election.

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This is an old document posted many times, I wasn't in politics for the 2016 campaign and reliable people tell me the Russians were here then (specifically here on RIU), so I'll assume they were. I haven't personally seen such activity that I could detect, but that does not mean much. They may well be here again, but the thing is, whether they are Canadian assholes, American traitors, Eurotrash, or Russians, they all sing the same song and their repertoire has become rather limited by events. If we see Russians here in the 2020 campaign I don't know what they wish to accomplish, the die has been cast in the red states. There is a slaughter in the very heart of Donald's support and power and he not only stabbed them in the back, he kicked them in the face while they are down. Notice the polls from TEXAS and Florida? Think it's gonna get worse? Think the GOP senate isn't hyperventilating in fear right now?

Fight like Hell, pile on and don't let up for a minute, assume nothing and be on the lookout for everything.
thank you friend in whatever country you are trying to sound the alarm from:hug:

this article has been posted many times here by at least two people in the last week; only get the site wonk to tersely respond.

the lack of response is deafening = no clue as to how to handle this new threat other than Barr will potentially be in jail before for not responding to House subpoena on whatever current oversight is going's a smorgasbord.

funny, all the men here told me..ohhhhhhh, no..he has to be gone by 1/21, it's in the Constitution..they'll escort him out..blah, blah blah.

ummmm, wrong?

i've brought up the subject of him staying if he loses at least 5 times.
I saw a picture on the Netflix documentary about epstien about have sex with kids now, on the plane was Chris trucker, epstien, Clinton, prince Andrew and yours truely MR Trump!

Also the guy has managed to rip off banks for hundreds of millions in the 90s and doesn't actually make money.

I have concern that the justice system if rathe messed up in the states as I see it. Trump funding his own campaign by moving money round from business' avoiding all sorts of tax laws and regulations of investing.

Then there the mad issue of basically do what the fuck he likes anyway (dictatory?) In terms of getting Russian involvement, asking ukrainians in investagate Sanders, potenital vote rigging. Added to this a fuck you to his general council and exercising the law of a president is all powerful. I think Nixon tried the same law during Watergate?!?! Might be wrong I can't remember the law verbatim but that's the gist.

There's a saying absoulte power corrupts absoultely.......
I saw a picture on the Netflix documentary about epstien about have sex with kids now, on the plane was Chris trucker, epstien, Clinton, prince Andrew and yours truely MR Trump!

Also the guy has managed to rip off banks for hundreds of millions in the 90s and doesn't actually make money.

I have concern that the justice system if rathe messed up in the states as I see it. Trump funding his own campaign by moving money round from business' avoiding all sorts of tax laws and regulations of investing.

Then there the mad issue of basically do what the fuck he likes anyway (dictatory?) In terms of getting Russian involvement, asking ukrainians in investagate Sanders, potenital vote rigging. Added to this a fuck you to his general council and exercising the law of a president is all powerful. I think Nixon tried the same law during Watergate?!?! Might be wrong I can't remember the law verbatim but that's the gist.

There's a saying absoulte power corrupts absoultely.......
Trump is an aberration, the US presidency was given too much power by congress and it depended greatly on the character of the office holder, much was assumed and taken for granted in a more genteel age. The presidency was designed for Washington and enhanced with the likes of Lincoln, FDR and Eisenhower in mind. Nobody thought hate and tribal stupidity could allow a criminal psychopath with an IQ of 78 to become president. Forrest Gump would have done far better, at least as good as Dubya, Forrest was a patriot.
There's a saying absoulte power corrupts absoultely
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, all great men are bad.
Lord Acton

Usually the narcissistic, greed driven seek power, almost all of those now reside in the republican party. Not all who seek power are evil bastards though, some just want to help.
Trump is an aberration, the US presidency was given too much power by congress and it depended greatly on the character of the office holder, much was assumed and taken for granted in a more genteel age. The presidency was designed for Washington and enhanced with the likes of Lincoln, FDR and Eisenhower in mind. Nobody thought hate and tribal stupidity could allow a criminal psychopath with an IQ of 78 to become president. Forrest Gump would have done far better, at least as good as Dubya, Forrest was a patriot.

Yeah we only get snippets of the mad fucker here! They say ignorance is bliss but it's something that can't be applied to world leaders.

I kinda of feel Trump was taken as a protest vote without people actually thinking he'll get in. After all alot of Americans DISPISE Clinton and even go as far as to say she murders the lawyer/accountant can't remember what he was. I know he had alot.of involvement with the Clinton's.

Also anyother person would of faced prosecution regarding emails servers I. Her house........
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