Well-Known Member
I just watched him talk about how he remembers what all the others were saying about him, how he couldn't win, How he recalls everything they said, And Yet the moron obviously don't remember what he said.
This is a nightmare we just can't wake up from, It really is.
" Hey Obama Did It."
I just typed this into google for shits and grins. this is what came up. LMFAO
someone who can't take blame for things they did wrong and Praises themselves when they do good.. Here is what came up,
It can be difficult to determine whether someone is a narcissist, even for experts. This is particularly true if you do not know the person very well or don't spend enough time looking for the traits to be revealed. Non-professional diagnoses should be avoided, since there is a risk that they will be skewed by closeness to the subject.
Narcissistic traits are the source of self-love/value and self-empowerment. Everyone has the traits found in narcissism at some level. It is only when the trait becomes pathological that it can become detrimental to those around the sufferer of the disorder.
It is not uncommon between partners, couples, and parents (in relation to children, especially teenagers) to interpret a strong personality as being narcissistic, because it is sometimes easier to label and explain away problematic behavior than it is to look inwardly or to examine systemic dysfunction at the family level. Is your teenager responding strongly to excessive constraints? Is your spouse rebelling at abuse? Only a qualified mental health professional can formally diagnose personality disorders or mental illnesses.
But there is a significant difference between defiance and narcissism. The following list of traits may provide clues to determine whether someone is demonstrating strongly narcissist behavior.
Adulation from others (i.e. likes to be admired by others and therefore presents an excessively positive image of himself or herself to others in order to secure that admiration);
Subservience from others (especially those who are close, those who live or work with him or her);
Sorry buck for posting here, but the talk was to much to handle
This is a nightmare we just can't wake up from, It really is.
" Hey Obama Did It."
I just typed this into google for shits and grins. this is what came up. LMFAO
someone who can't take blame for things they did wrong and Praises themselves when they do good.. Here is what came up,
It can be difficult to determine whether someone is a narcissist, even for experts. This is particularly true if you do not know the person very well or don't spend enough time looking for the traits to be revealed. Non-professional diagnoses should be avoided, since there is a risk that they will be skewed by closeness to the subject.
Narcissistic traits are the source of self-love/value and self-empowerment. Everyone has the traits found in narcissism at some level. It is only when the trait becomes pathological that it can become detrimental to those around the sufferer of the disorder.
It is not uncommon between partners, couples, and parents (in relation to children, especially teenagers) to interpret a strong personality as being narcissistic, because it is sometimes easier to label and explain away problematic behavior than it is to look inwardly or to examine systemic dysfunction at the family level. Is your teenager responding strongly to excessive constraints? Is your spouse rebelling at abuse? Only a qualified mental health professional can formally diagnose personality disorders or mental illnesses.
But there is a significant difference between defiance and narcissism. The following list of traits may provide clues to determine whether someone is demonstrating strongly narcissist behavior.
- A narcissist typically requires:
Adulation from others (i.e. likes to be admired by others and therefore presents an excessively positive image of himself or herself to others in order to secure that admiration);
Subservience from others (especially those who are close, those who live or work with him or her);
- Recent research shows that narcissists sometimes are "ego dystonic" -- that is, having thoughts or exhibiting behaviour that contradicts their idealized self-image. Mostly, narcissists don't care about the clash, and they often rationalize the dissonance by blaming others. But many narcissists do develop permanent "ego-dystony" -- that is, they constantly feel bad about themselves and their behaviour. When in such a mood of self-doubt, the narcissist is likely to utter things like "you deserve better" and "I can never please anyone". But these proclamations are meant to TEST the narcissist's closest, nearest, or dearest. Will they abandon/humiliate/betray him once they discover his true face?
- A narcissist often criticises or vilifies others but hates it when others criticise him or her; they are hypercritical of others, yet hypersensitive to criticism.
- A narcissist likes to receive praise from others but often dislikes to hear other people being praised.
- A narcissist likes to ask favours of others but dislikes it when others ask too many favours of him or her. They may make a huge production out of doing the smallest favours for others, even when they didn't really go out of their way to do the favor itself.
- A narcissist can be dishonest, but at the same time is a master of disguise and can lie very convincingly. The narcissist's lies may take the form of exaggeration or, in some cases, complete fabrication. To many who live with the narcissist it seems that the narcissist has a cavalier disrespect for precise truth, and there is a strong temptation for other family members to adopt a similar disrespect for precise truth. If one questions their inaccuracies, their response will often be outrage that you dare question their integrity (even when the lie is obvious), or berating you for being so petty to point out their fabrication.
- A narcissist thinks that he or she is entitled to special privileges or special treatment.
- A narcissist is inter-personally exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, without regard for how their choices might effect others. They will justify this by saying that they did it 'for their own good' or by some 'end justifies the means' rationalization.
- A narcissist has little or no empathy and is unwilling or unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
- A narcissist is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
- A narcissist typically seeks to control the family finances. Sometimes this need for control is also seen in their everyday traits, such as always wanting to be the one who drives the family car, decides the daily agenda, such as where the family will go to eat, or what they will have for dinner, outside of normal family roles (i.e., the person who does the daily grocery shopping and cooks the meals typically determines what the family will eat; the narcissist insists on controlling this even when he/she participates in neither of these precursor activities).
- A narcissist often has an arrogant affect (e.g. haughty behaviours or attitudes
Sorry buck for posting here, but the talk was to much to handle