Trumpists: El presidente says presidenting is hard

I'm not surprised that the Dumpster finds being President is a tougher job than he expected after all he is a failure as a businessman with a Y-U-U-G-E list of failed businesses and a self admitted sexual molester. I can't believe his supporters actually believed his campaign promises.

In the words of Bill Maher 'Why can't we build a wall around those 35% of Dumpster supporters'.

I just saw a segment about a guy who voted for Trump is on Obamacare drove a dump truck for a coal mining company for 35 years and contracted black lung disease (I thought you only got black lung desease working underground, guess not) he had a oxygen cannula and voted for the dumpster cause he promised to bring back coal jobs, it baffles the shit out of me to see these morons go to the polls and vote against their best interest.

The interview ended with the reporter asking the guy if he would vote for the dumpster again and he said yes he would.:roll:

On the bright side the dumpster and the GOP has made Obamacare more popular than Obama himself.

The Thank You note from Obama I'm sure is in the mail.
It does me too. Baffled. Sad, very truly and tremendous. It's going to be very incredible. Beautiful.

Trump voters voted for this lunatic because 1. he's openly racist, 2. he's the "you're fired" guy. That about sums it up. Baffling. Sad. Very truly and tremendous.
trump has dementia.
I had an elderly relative who had once managed an independent living facility. Many years later, I was visiting her at an assisted living facility and she told me about how she had been asked to manage the place but she told me she turned it down because it was too much for her. Even people with dementia show better judgement than Trump. I'd put Trump down as suffering from grandiose delusions. That a minority electorate bought his delusional ideas and voted for him would be hilarious if it were a movie.

It's as if the people of San Francisco in the 1860's accepted Emperor Norton as their liege lord.
the fuck are you talking about?

we are literally just commenting on the words of the incompetent and dumb racist you voted for. he thought this job would be so easy.

and he will be impeached before the year is over, you dumb racist.
"This Korea thing is complex. I had no idea Korea had been a part of China. It took ten minutes for the president of China to explain this to me"

It only felt like ten minutes, Donald. It was more like 3 minutes interspersed with 7 minutes of your interrupting him.

And you got it wrong.
Only 7+ years to go..........hopefully this Dem circle-jerk ends by then.
It won't take 7 2/3 years. The end has already begun. In two years, the Donald will be complaining about how much harder it is to deal with a Democratic controlled Congress. In four years he will be complaining about "rigged" while sitting outside Melania's locked door.

In 7 years, Ivanka will be running for prez. Saying things like her father was a "tremendous champion of supporting families." and that she wants to do the same.

Of course she would. Trumps have never made more money than they are right now. She, just like her father want to continue to be a tremendous champion of supporting (the Trump) families.
I think he'll quit before the first term is up, after all, his mentor Sarah Palin quit when it got tough.

this next week is gonna be bad. they lied about not vetting flynn. they did vet him, they knew all about the fact that he was a foreign agent and compromised.

but then again, "we didn;t bother to vet our NSA chief" would be a major, explosive scandal that would singlehandedly bring down any other presidency by itself. in this case, they use it as an attempt at coverup.

this white house is pathetic, as is anyone that supports it.
I can't go as far and say The good ole days when it comes to W, I have friends who will never see their kids again and others who lost their homes, me personally I lost close to 25K from my small portfolio but I get what you mean in less than 100 days this clown shot up to 1st place as the worst Prez this nation has ever seen and for the sake of this nation I hope we never have another like him.

When you have billionaires in charge of the agencies that stood in the way of their businesses with regulations they will dismantle those regs so that when they leave office they can go back to their former businesses and operate unincumbered and poison the water, air and land.

Valid points... especially with his wars... i didnt mean it literal though either, just that there will be rivalry now of who history writes worst of.

You know if you think of this century really infamous presidents that are rememberedvfor little or go good, one party sure seems to hold a lot of contendefs for worst prez in history... Hoover, Nixon, W, now this whack job....
Valid points... especially with his wars... i didnt mean it literal though either, just that there will be rivalry now of who history writes worst of.

You know if you think of this century really infamous presidents that are rememberedvfor little or go good, one party sure seems to hold a lot of contendefs for worst prez in history... Hoover, Nixon, W, now this whack job....
I hear ya, looking at a snapshot of our recent History the Dems have done way better than The pukes when it pertains passing legislation, laws that improve the lives of most Americans in stark contrast to what the pukes have done during the same time frame, Janet Jackson said it best 'What have you done for me lately'. I just finished pasting the ranking of prez and I'm sure you can appreciate it here it is again.