trump's concentration camps for kids

If you would just read and understand that your fallacious basis is about as true as you having the ability to think you might stop posting shite. ;)
I’m thinking of doxxing you to federal authorities myself since you won’t

Since you hate crime so much I imagine you’ll appreciate what I do for you to get your nazi ass locked up in prison
Bring it Mr. "almost actuary".
Use that plethora of information I've given you to do so.

But you threatened this over a year ago and how did that turn out?
I'm still here and you are still a bloviating ignoramus that can't do anything besides spew hate that you can't understand is born of your own self hatred. ;)
You should complain more about misdemeanor border crossers ya filthy tucking federal felon
How much consent did you have to get issued a birth certificate?
That's when you were transformed into a legal entity and became an asset on a spreadsheet.
About as much consent as he gave with the ss card. Funny thing about the American system. If you didn't know there were more options then you can defend "In good faith".
This pic right here really tears my heart up...its worse to see this poor kid in a cage then all the beheading videos I seen.

It's ok, they only get locked up for a little while... then they're sold to child sex traffickers (aka "gone missing").

So my dear vangelical friends... do thouest not recall the ancient story of the Christ Childs birth? That to save their little Jesus's life Mary and Joseph had to seek asylum in Egypt...

Now had egypt been ruled by trump the Holy Family woukd have been torn apart in its infancy... The Christ Child would have been ripped from Mary's breast and been imprisoned.

You dumb fucking hypocritical pricks!
they're tearing babies as young as 4 months away from their parents, deporting the parents and then keeping the kids hostage.

one family has had no ability to see their 8 month old child except in video chats for the last 4 months now

this was a legal, asylum seeking immigrant

this is a crime against humanity. send trump to the hague
to separate infants, toddlers, and small children from their families, they are telling the parents that they are taking the kid to be "washed up"

just like the fucking nazis did

you have to be a real piece of shit to support this. the silence from trumptards on this is horrifying.