trump's concentration camps for kids

That means they have no intention of staying here, or even becoming citizens. So I turn them in. My boss wondered where a bunch of our crew went. Ha little does he know
You are fantasizing, coward. Or, they worked rings around you and you were threatened.

Either way, you suck.
your governor has no say over what the federal government does. the feds won't even let you mention your state's laws when they try you in court for your crimes ya filthy illegal bitch
The feds arent going to do shit lmao, I'm not scared of the feds. They have tried to bust plenty of people here and failed. Keep dreaming. On the other hand ICE does care. They take every call to heart
The feds arent going to do shit lmao, I'm not scared of the feds. They have tried to bust plenty of people here and failed. Keep dreaming. On the other hand ICE does care. They take every call to heart
I guess that's one way to move up at Denny's. Was everyone pissed you ratted out your manager?
They didnt work rings around anyone. They are lazy fuckers. You should see how mad they get when white people show them up at work lmao
Bullshit. I've been in construction just about my whole life.
Who's gonna work harder... Some spoon fed white kid or a brown person supporting a whole family on one low paycheck? Post a picture of your cankle. I know you're a fat kid
It's ihob now. You'd know that if you actually went out to look for a job
Oh excuse me lmao. You're a sad angry little man. It's funny. Like I said. I have no need to work. And it's probably bullshit for you, just because you cant do dick for work doesnt mean shit to me. I outworked every Mexican on my crew 10 fold. It's the reason I became a foreman and they didnt. Rookie.
Oh excuse me lmao. You're a sad angry little man. It's funny. Like I said. I have no need to work. And it's probably bullshit for you, just because you cant do dick for work doesnt mean shit to me. I outworked every Mexican on my crew 10 fold. It's the reason I became a foreman and they didnt. Rookie.
Fuck I hate not being able to work.. oh wait.. I have work posted all over this site. Post any work you've done. Anything. If it's like your grow.. it's garbage
Fuck I hate not being able to work.. oh wait.. I have work posted all over this site. Post any work you've done. Anything. If it's like your grow.. it's garbage
Cause I have something to prove on a grow forum? Lmao, I'll pass. Especially to some illegal loving gays.
Oh excuse me lmao. You're a sad angry little man. It's funny. Like I said. I have no need to work. And it's probably bullshit for you, just because you cant do dick for work doesnt mean shit to me. I outworked every Mexican on my crew 10 fold. It's the reason I became a foreman and they didnt. Rookie.
show us a picture of any job you've been on kid
this is worse than we thought.

breaking tonight: the discovery of the existence of "tender age" shelters. basically warehouses converted to orphanages for children under the age of 5.

we are detaining toddlers in prisons.

Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border to at least three “tender age” shelters in South Texas, The Associated Press has learned.

Lawyers and medical providers who have visited the Rio Grande Valley shelters described play rooms of crying preschool-age children in crisis. The government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move Tuesday.
Decades after the nation’s child welfare system ended the use of orphanages over concerns about the lasting trauma to children, the administration is standing up new institutions to hold Central American toddlers that the government separated from their parents.

“The shelters aren’t the problem, it’s taking kids from their parents that’s the problem,” said South Texas pediatrician Marsha Griffin who has visited many.

Alicia Lieberman, who runs the Early Trauma Treatment Network at University of California, San Francisco, said decades of study show early separations can cause permanent emotional damage.

“Children are biologically programmed to grow best in the care of a parent figure. When that bond is broken through long and unexpected separations with no set timeline for reunion, children respond at the deepest physiological and emotional levels,” she said. “Their fear triggers a flood of stress hormones that disrupt neural circuits in the brain, create high levels of anxiety, make them more susceptible to physical and emotional illness, and damage their capacity to manage their emotions, trust people, and focus their attention on age-appropriate activities.”
Oh excuse me lmao. You're a sad angry little man. It's funny. Like I said. I have no need to work. And it's probably bullshit for you, just because you cant do dick for work doesnt mean shit to me. I outworked every Mexican on my crew 10 fold. It's the reason I became a foreman and they didnt. Rookie.
Go on

Your only "job" was throwing newspapers from the back of the car you mom was driving. That lasted two days when you decided not to get up early and now you mom is doing the whole thing on her own.
