trump's concentration camps for kids

Rather rich coming from a person who posts:

About as rich as the "not a lie" qualifier at the end, you hypocritical felon. ;)
Try reading (I know, not your forte) Three Felonies A Day and then tell me who isn't a felon.

How much consent did you have to get issued a birth certificate?
That's when you were transformed into a legal entity and became an asset on a spreadsheet.
Pipe down ya fucking criminal ILLEGAL
Stings a little when you are shown admitting your hypocrisy in your own posts that rolli hasn't helped you erase from history.

Now tell me again how wonderful your ideals are when you can't even live them yourself. ;)
you need to be deported ya fucking criminal illegal
you need to be deported ya fucking criminal illegal
That would be contrary to the law as I'm not illegally emmigrating from anywhere to be deported to.
In fact, there is no law that the consequence of breaking is deportation besides trying to illegally enter the country.

Good job trying to call me something by combining 2 adjectives and erroneously assuming that either of them is a noun.
Must be more of that math major "almost actuary" intelligence shining through.

You ever hear of The Peter Principle?
Some might think w/ such examples of intelligence as your post that it explains why you're a window hanger instead of an actuary. ;)
That would be contrary to the law as I'm not illegally emmigrating from anywhere to be deported to.
In fact, there is no law that the consequence of breaking is deportation besides trying to illegally enter the country.

Good job trying to call me something by combining 2 adjectives and erroneously assuming that either of them is a noun.
Must be more of that math major "almost actuary" intelligence shining through.

You ever hear of The Peter Principle?
Some might think w/ such examples of intelligence as your post that it explains why you're a window hanger instead of an actuary. ;)

you need to be deported to prison and your kids put in concentration camps ya fucking illegal criminal.
you need to be deported to prison and your kids put in concentration camps ya fucking illegal criminal.
No one is deported to prison.
People entering the country illegally get deported. People who are convicted criminal are sent to prison.

Are there other words you need help with? ;)
Taxes are an agreement that you consent to

If you don’t consent to pay taxes they can’t take any from you


No, instead they take your house or your life with or without your consent.

I don't do the Jesus thing unless he is the guy I hired to do my large appliance repairs, but he does not want to be called Jesus. We call him JJ.
You also never answered my question. How happy were you on the day of closing when you purchased your home ? What did you say about property tax then ?
you're a criminal awaiting conviction ya fucking tax evading, drug smuggling illegal criminal
....and your proof of that is?

Or just keep calling me names like saying somethings makes it so.
If that's the case, you have never had relevance of any kind in any pursuit in life. ;)
....and your proof of that is?

Or just keep calling me names like saying somethings makes it so.
If that's the case, you have never had relevance of any kind in any pursuit in life. ;)
you just tried to justify ripping toddlers away from their mothers because they came here legally seeking asylum or crossed the border, which is a fucking civil offense on par with a speeding ticket

now you're all defensive even after you admit that you manufacture a schedule 1 illegal narcotic, which is a federal felony, and you evade taxes on your illegal income, another federal felony, both of which carry years in prison

that makes you not only an illegal criminal, but also a two-faced hypocrite rat.
No, instead they take your house or your life with or without your consent.


2nd thing they tell you when buying a house is what the taxes are.

But you're 100% right. You're paying too much tax, so simply stop paying them and don't buy anything.

Don't make excuses or whine like a feckless cunt, just don't pay them. Be a man, not a puss. Don't pay them.
them taking your house if you don't pay the taxes you agreed to pay is part of the agreement you agreed to.

you're so dumb.

Except they'll take your house whether you "agreed" to it or not, won't they?

That's like saying, the badman could tie you up, ask you a question and forcibly wiggle your head into nodding up and down and say you agreed to the question.

I don't do the Jesus thing unless he is the guy I hired to do my large appliance repairs, but he does not want to be called Jesus. We call him JJ.
You also never answered my question. How happy were you on the day of closing when you purchased your home ? What did you say about property tax then ?

Jesus seems like a decent guy, a civil disobedient anarchist, who preached live and let live. He probably could have gotten laid more, but it might have felt weird for him to exclaim "oh god" that one time he banged the hooker, and his dad appeared.

I've bought a lot of houses. Usually I've been happiest when I found a sucker to buy it for twice what I had in it.

I've never agreed to pay a violent third party anything. I have aquiesced under duress though. Property tax is an oxymoron, because it combines two dissimilar concepts into one. It's wordsmithing and only a person with the cranial capacity of a Jumbo Shrimp would fall for it as a legitimate and rational thing.
2nd thing they tell you when buying a house is what the taxes are.

But you're 100% right. You're paying too much tax, so simply stop paying them and don't buy anything.

Don't make excuses or whine like a feckless cunt, just don't pay them. Be a man, not a puss. Don't pay them.

About how much forcible confiscation of your money would be right?

What is the threshold by percent of when somebody takes the fruit of your labor / money and it goes from "not theft" to "theft" ?

Be a man and answer the question. No? Didn't think so.

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Except they'll take your house whether you "agreed" to it or not, won't they?

no. the government has no ability to take your house away from you unless you stopped paying some sort of taxes which you had agreed to pay you feckless cunt