trump's concentration camps for kids

How many protesters did you all run over today?

Do you wax your chargers before or after?
Silly little tool, I don't believe in violence unless it's in self defense. Now didn't I tell you to put up or stfu , lets see those photos from your cellphone of the local protests.
Same with rob byrd eh?
Seriously, nobody here including me gives a fuck about your little argument. And personally I deal with it on a daily basis and have for a few decades, fuck your stress buddy.
how much stress could possibly be involved with a minimum wage, hourly job?
i grow lots of weed

i don't shout for the federal authorities to lock people in concentration camps for federal misdemeanors while i commit a federal felony though

see how fucking stupid that makes you?

I went through the state rules to obtain my medical card and consume my medical marijuana following the state rules.

I understand why the rules about entering our country exist. You see I was almost raped when I lived in Dillon Colorado by a man who entered our country illegally. He had just raped the girl across the hall just before breaking into my apartment, unfortunately she didn’t get justice because she was illegal. She was sent back to her country. If both of these people did it the right way he would have never been allowed in the country (he had multiple arrests and deportations) She would have been given justice.

To compare these 2 things is as stupid as comparing shelters to concentration camps.
Silly little tool, I don't believe in violence unless it's in self defense. Now didn't I tell you to put up or stfu , lets see those photos from your cellphone of the local protests.
The violent right often claims self defense when murdering innocent people, so nothing new there.

Also, I don't live in the city, am I still allowed to care?
I went through the state rules to obtain my medical card and consume my medical marijuana following the state rules.

I understand why the rules about entering our country exist. You see I was almost raped when I lived in Dillon Colorado by a man who entered our country illegally. He had just raped the girl across the hall just before breaking into my apartment, unfortunately she didn’t get justice because she was illegal. She was sent back to her country. If both of these people did it the right way he would have never been allowed in the country (he had multiple arrests and deportations) She would have been given justice.

To compare these 2 things is as stupid as comparing shelters to concentration camps.
My state's laws protect immigrants and their families.

So what do you believe in? State or federal law?
I know , I know, likes are a big thing with liberals, they're fucking free right?.

the taxes i pay on my high paying jobs fund the programs you need to force your boss into not firing you on your leave of absence, ya welfare mooch

So I'm a welfare "mooch" ? Even though those you advocate for are receiving some form of government assistance?
Nice hypocrisy loser. And even if I were relying on an actual assistance program (note: unclebuck just alienated himself from a certain group of people here....again), I've certainly paid into the system so what are you saying?
people making min wage like you don't pay into the system, you get a bigger refund than the taxes you pay, especially after EITC

you needed a government assistance program to keep your job just months ago. that is just beyond pathetic for a man in his 50s
My state's laws protect immigrants and their families.

So what do you believe in? State or federal law?

They don’t make them go through a process? How would they know if they have criminal records or potential terrorist?

I believe in keeping everyone safe including those who come here in seeking a better life.
They don’t make them go through a process? How would they know if they have criminal records or potential terrorist?

I believe in keeping everyone safe including those who come here in seeking a better life.
then you're gonna need to start cracking down on the right wingers in this country, they do the vast majority of the terrorism

also, the highest rate of rape in the entire world is up in alaska. how do you propose we deal with these rapist whites?
Again for your ADD (get your woman to look at that again), minimum wage in the 80s wasn't a rare thing but you're fucking young and dumb so you have no idea and think things should be handed to you.
my dad was a union carpenter in the 80s and did just fine providing for a family of 4

but then again he was skilled and you don't seem to be