Trump's Inflating Job Numbers by 500,000 jobs from March 2018 to March 2019


Well-Known Member

So Trump has not screwed up the decade long growth in the American economy that Obama gave him (outside of his forcing 800,000 people onto temporary unemployment with his government shut downs and hammering of farmers with trade wars) enough to really keep it from moving forward, but that does not mean that he is some mastermind like the Trump trolls would like you to think.

Trump's administration has been cooking the books on the job numbers for a long time. Half a million jobs less were created than what his DOL had stated. And I imagine it would get worse under a acting head since the dude that gave Epstein a sweetheart deal had to step down. Because people in these career government roles have bills to pay it will be hard to stop whatever pressure Trump is giving them so I don't see it changing anytime soon.

As much as I want Trump gone, I do not want to see a recession or our economy hurt in any way. But I do want to know I can trust that the President is reporting real data to us so that we can make the best educated decisions with our money, and we can't with Trump.
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.
You are an idiot that has been here for a month or two? Why would I worry about what you had to say when you spread so much lies and hate?
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.
Well don't pray for me you Rightwing Nazzi condecending piece of shit!
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.
Are you from the Epoch Times? Does my not making Dear Leader happy faced make you sad?
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.
The economy did better under Obama

The stock market tripled, trump has achieved 5% growth over the last two years

Job numbers were better under Obama too
Our Country has been in nothing but Chaos since this clown got elected, If your wondering why it has been, you really need to do some homework.

Did we try to get G.B. Impeached ? NO. Because he had some Ethics, Kind, and much smarter than this idiot we have now. I wish Trumpty Dumpty would fall off the wall already.

I know he's been elected fair and square, but he's been nothing short of a Nightmare for our Country, He's been accused of Rape, being racist, walking in on Teen Girls, more than likely Banging his own daughter, that's why he brings Jared Kushner with him everywhere he goes, so he can't tap his hole. This man is a pig and a racist and should be locked up for all the crimes he's committed.
You have never, at least as long as I been here, said anything positive about The United States. Nothing.

You are an anarchist. A destroyer. A critic.
You don't look for solutions, you don't offer suggestions
You don't do anything to help.
You don't construct anything, you don't build

You solution to everything is dark and destructive.
It must be awful to be you.

I will pray for you.

Oooh, aren't you precious?!! :roll:

Obvious troll is obvious. :lol:

You're not fooling anyone, cheese dip!

Oooh, aren't you precious?
Why thank you.
I am precious, actually.

It's not hard to do. I'll tell you how.
Just, be nice. Smile at people.
Be positive.
Try to be helpful. Be creative when solving problems.
After defining the problem, skip the blame and get right to solutions.
Listen to other people's perspective, if they're wrong try to show them the light, but consider that they just might be right.

Realize that sometimes it is necessary to burn the room down and start again (anarchy and chaos), but usually a problem can be addressed without such drastic action and a better outcome can happen.

Try it, and you may become precious too.
Why thank you.
I am precious, actually.

It's not hard to do. I'll tell you how.
Just, be nice. Smile at people.
Be positive.
Try to be helpful. Be creative when solving problems.
After defining the problem, skip the blame and get right to solutions.
Listen to other people's perspective, if they're wrong try to show them the light, but consider that they just might be right.

Realize that sometimes it is necessary to burn the room down and start again (anarchy and chaos), but usually a problem can be addressed without such drastic action and a better outcome can happen.

Try it, and you may become precious too.
How does your bitter racism play into your positive cheery nature
As much as I want Trump gone, I do not want to see a recession or our economy hurt in any way.

Not my impression from previous postings.
I though you, and 95% of the posters here just hate America, and every thing it stands for.
At least, that's what you been saying ....