Trump's rape victim seeks his DNA

Takes an idiot to know an idiot, you idiot.

I have Jewish blood, so nice try.
If you can read, you'd know I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about you.

If you meant Jews then just say Jews. Why dress it up with a reference to a Catholic criminals?

What in hell are you carrying Jewish blood around with you anyway? Is there some sort of thing where Jew haters drink Jewish blood on Hitler's birthday?
If you can read, you'd know I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about you.

If you meant Jews then just say Jews. Why dress it up with a reference to a Catholic criminals?

What in hell are you carrying Jewish blood around with you anyway? Is there some sort of thing where Jew haters drink Jewish blood on Hitler's birthday?
lol racist vampire
When you use labels like 'black' and 'white' you promote ignorance. There is one race: human.

If you're interested in learning something, then allow me to educate you about the concept of 'People first language.'

If you have blonde hair, you are not a 'blondie'. You are a human and you have blonde hair.
You are not 'black' nor 'white' you are a human being, and you have a certain complexion.

If you cannot hear, you are not 'deaf,' you have a hearing disability.

People first language is about respecting the person, not labeling them or placing them into a category. We do not call someone 'autistic,' they are a person whom has autism.

The language, labels and assumptions you make promote ignorance and make us all stupid because of it.
What you are doing is called 'gaslighting.'

You've made assumptions and it says more about you than it does about me.

Israel is a state consisting of jews, muslims, and Christians among others, so for you to put words into my mouth is very ignorant, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
If you cared to educate yourself, instead of making assumptions and using gaslighting techniques, you would know the difference between the definitions of ethnicity, nationality, culture and identity.

Language has meaning.
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When you use labels like 'black' and 'white' you promote ignorance. There is one race: human.

If you're interested in learning something, then allow me to educate you about the concept of 'People first language.'

If you have blonde hair, you are not a 'blondie'. You are a human and you have blonde hair.
You are not 'black' nor 'white' you are a human being, and you have a certain complexion.

If you cannot hear, you are not 'deaf,' you have a hearing disability.

People first language is about respecting the person, not labeling them or placing them into a category. We do not call someone 'autistic,' they are a person whom has autism.

The language, labels and assumptions you make promote ignorance and make us all stupid because of it.
Not if you’re black. If you are then you’d know there’s not just the human race.
When you use labels like 'black' and 'white' you promote ignorance. There is one race: human.

If you're interested in learning something, then allow me to educate you about the concept of 'People first language.'

If you have blonde hair, you are not a 'blondie'. You are a human and you have blonde hair.
You are not 'black' nor 'white' you are a human being, and you have a certain complexion.

If you cannot hear, you are not 'deaf,' you have a hearing disability.

People first language is about respecting the person, not labeling them or placing them into a category. We do not call someone 'autistic,' they are a person whom has autism.

The language, labels and assumptions you make promote ignorance and make us all stupid because of it.
lulz Straight out of the Dummy's Guide to Ignorant White Racists. You guys are so inbred in what you say that you don't even know that you are creating a stereotype that is laughed at by black people.

#NotRacists Be Like: The Top 10 Phrases Used by People Who Claim They Are Not Racist
10. “Why must everything have to be about race?”
One of the most used ideas in the not-racist handbook is that talking about race creates divisiveness. The theory rests on the premise that the more people point out racism, the more ... umm ... I really don’t know how the second part works.

The truth is that talking about race makes white people uncomfortable because it reminds them of the filthy history of white supremacy. That’s why Texas schoolbooks referred to slaves as “immigrants,” and Confederate-flag-wavers have twisted the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history into something about states’ rights, tradition and the North’s hatred of sweet tea ... and declaring human beings to be personal property.

And I get it; it is very uncomfortable for white people to hear about the atrocities of racism knowing that their people are complicit in centuries of mistreatment. It would give me the heebie-jeebies, too. It’s like cheating on a woman, confessing and then wondering why she’s always bringing up old shit when you come home late.

But the only way America will ever cure the cancer of white supremacy is by talking about it and treating it as if it were a disease. If you found a tumor in your left lung and your doctor brought it up every time you lit a cigarette, it would be stupid to respond with, “Why does everything have to be about lung cancer?”

It’s killing you, man. It’s killing you

You remind me of another idiot who said "if we would just stop talking about race all our problems with race will go away". Or how about the white left's premise that increasing peoples standard of living will end our race problems. Lulz, your kind keep giving the gifts that keep on giving.

I think I'll just laugh with the author than try to 'splain it to you.

lulz, thanks for the laugh.
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