Trump's rape victim seeks his DNA

12 year old cant consent you psycho.

If individual consent is important, (it seems to be to you) why do you favor involuntary and automatic inclusion without an individuals consent in a governments domain?

Are you aware of your duplicity or are you cognitively incapable of logic?
Age 18, when they become legal adults. Please don't fuck kids.

So it's a fixed time frame thing then? What about leap year? Do those days count towards the attainment of capacity or is the fixed number "18" the thing that matters?

Probably a contributor, only reason I could see in letting this pedophile use their platform.

My "platform" is that human interactions are best when individual consent is involved. Is that your platform too? (Rhetorical isn't)

You don't respect individual consent, that is easy to discern because you believe individual consent can be taken away, thru the political process and somehow that process, the same one which a rapist uses, should be the standard. It's like you are waLking around with your shoes on the wrong feet complaining about the shitty shoes.
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