Trump's Republicans vs Hitler's Nazis; it's time to face the truth

try doing actual verification. They ran TV ad. when I saw them I was totally convinced that the political game is rigged

Last response as you are both ignorant and lazy, just the way they want you
Fake conspiracy theories are the refuge of the mentally ill. You Republicans are too funny. Trump commits crimes and hires criminals to the point where he's on track for eclipsing even Nixon's (another Republican) criminal enterprise's record for convictions and jail time. Your answer? Bbbbbbut Sputnik news said blah blah Hillary.

Is that why there are so many blissful people in Florida? :lol:

I do know that in California they allow Felons to vote. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

SB1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.

Make sure you get a poop map if you decide to go to Cali.

LA the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:

Property crime runs amok.
An online map is needed to track human feces on city streets.
Discarded syringes are common sightings.
Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.

I'm pretty sure all other states have it better. Even Florida...
I'm pretty sure all other states have it better. Even Florida...
You'd be wrong
I do know that in California they allow Felons to vote. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

SB1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.

Make sure you get a poop map if you decide to go to Cali.

LA the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:

Property crime runs amok.
An online map is needed to track human feces on city streets.
Discarded syringes are common sightings.
Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.

I'm pretty sure all other states have it better. Even Florida...
Why would you forbid voting once someone has did his time ?
You elect a conman and tell us it is raining as he pisses all over our country but you fear convicts who have rehabilitated?
You must fear all the church bigots ?
I do know that in California they allow Felons to vote. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote. Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help? Just like the “illegal alien vote,” Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

SB1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.

Make sure you get a poop map if you decide to go to Cali.

LA the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:

Property crime runs amok.
An online map is needed to track human feces on city streets.
Discarded syringes are common sightings.
Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.

I'm pretty sure all other states have it better. Even Florida...

I think that majority of the voters each state and district should elect the person they are convinced best represents them.

It's time for you to face the truth. Most of the country is more conservative and dislikes Bernie's policies.
I think that majority of the voters each state and district should elect the person they are convinced best represents them.

It's time for you to face the truth. Most of the country is more conservative and dislikes Bernie's policies.
Your 'truth' just plain doesn't square with the facts.

But you haven't been letting that stop you for years now.

Trump is obviously your role model.
And you're out of arguments and credibility.

You've spent too long looking up to Uncle Buck. He's ruined your ability to think critically or debate intelligently.

Thanks for further proving my point.

The fact is that I refuse to be lectured about morals from an unemployed, two faced, punk trusteefarian, get it?
Thanks for further proving my point.

The fact is that I refuse to be lectured about morals from an unemployed, two faced, punk trusteefarian, get it?
You make so many excuses for not learning anything that it might actually be less effort for you to just get the education.