Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

And no mention of the thousands of SNAP recipients who list their occupation as active duty military with young children.
Not to mention the elderly.

Trump pisses away millions of tax dollars golfing. Where's the outrage?

There is none because its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance badly wrapped in cloak of fake conservatism. These kind of people have no vision of social contract...radical, liberal, or conservative. They just HATE that someone else might get a break that they didn't.
And no mention of the thousands of SNAP recipients who list their occupation as active duty military with young children.
Not to mention the elderly.

Trump pisses away millions of tax dollars golfing. Where's the outrage?

There is none because its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance badly wrapped in cloak of fake conservatism. These kind of people have no vision of social contract...radical, liberal, or conservative. They just HATE that someone else might get a break that they didn't.
vote republicans out...
Yep, and it’s false

immigrants pay far more taxes than trashbucket

and trashbucket is committing a federal felony, as he prays for the federal government to crack down on those who commit federally illegal crimes

What you're saying is you're grateful the illegals pay into the flawed Social Security and are unable to collect you're sure to go collect for them? Damn son, you just like Sir Mixalot, aren't you? If we fix it so the illegals get their share, how will you ever collect? At that point will you become a Republican?
Add this one too

“I never understood wind,” Trump said. “I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?”
“So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air,” he continued.
“A windmill will kill many bald eagles,” Trump continued. “After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy
the bird population"

If any one of our elders behaved or spoke this way, at the very least we'd be seeking a referral to a neurologist. What a fucking nut.

I pay 30% of the price of a gallon of gas in taxes.
I pay 7.25% of the price of everything I buy.
I pay taxes when I pay my electric bill, my phone bill.
I pay five cents tax when I buy something in a container.
I pay ten cents for a shopping bag.
I pay a little under $3k a year in property taxes.

Even if you believe that I don't pay income taxes ... we all pay all or most of these taxes.
You sure cry a lot...
I agree with you there @dandyrandy , but on a broader scope he is right to be concerned over the welfare of birds & wildlife overall.

One of the few things the Man has shown any form of heart towards, sadly.

Duh. I have 3 rescue dogs by me as we speak. I've tried to start quail here on my farm but crazy humans keep dumping cats and dogs. Between that and cats and climate change quail just can't make it anymore. In the last 30 years I've watched the many species of frogs and birds disappear. Herbicides and pesticides the last few years have made catbirds or mockingbirds to others disappear. Bluebirds gone. I could go on. I live in a remote farming community. Treefrogs are gone. We had 10 acres I planted in wildflowers 15 years ago. 10 years ago I have pictures of millions of bees on them. I have videos I posted on Facebook. You could actually hear the bees on the video. Birds singing etc. Now zip. I'm having trouble getting my orchard to pollinate. Very little fruit anymore. I could go on my I'm very familiar withwhat us going on. Check out the state game laws in various states on recommended maximum freshwater fish catch meals per month. We are using them as sewers. Being old in an area where we are a bit hunter gatherer. Homosapiens are a virus.
Duh. I have 3 rescue dogs by me as we speak. I've tried to start quail here on my farm but crazy humans keep dumping cats and dogs. Between that and cats and climate change quail just can't make it anymore. In the last 30 years I've watched the many species of frogs and birds disappear. Herbicides and pesticides the last few years have made catbirds or mockingbirds to others disappear. Bluebirds gone. I could go on. I live in a remote farming community. Treefrogs are gone. We had 10 acres I planted in wildflowers 15 years ago. 10 years ago I have pictures of millions of bees on them. I have videos I posted on Facebook. You could actually hear the bees on the video. Birds singing etc. Now zip. I'm having trouble getting my orchard to pollinate. Very little fruit anymore. I could go on my I'm very familiar withwhat us going on. Check out the state game laws in various states on recommended maximum freshwater fish catch meals per month. We are using them as sewers. Being old in an area where we are a bit hunter gatherer. Homosapiens are a virus.
Yes, and as in the link I provided above about Mr Zedong and his Great Leap Forward is going happen to the entire world if we don't get a hold things, we are facing similar cumulative ecological damage here, it's something that should raise eyebrows at the very least.

Make America Great Again, kind of has a similar ring to it as the Great Leap Forward to me..... but what do I know?
And no mention of the thousands of SNAP recipients who list their occupation as active duty military with young children.
Not to mention the elderly.

Trump pisses away millions of tax dollars golfing. Where's the outrage?

There is none because its the worst sort of me-first-self-centered ignorance badly wrapped in cloak of fake conservatism. These kind of people have no vision of social contract...radical, liberal, or conservative. They just HATE that someone else might get a break that they didn't.
Hundreds of millions getting funneled from our pockets right to Trump's Mari-largo future legal defense fund.
Update your white people's version of history books.

The portion of the USR1 gene all Native Americans share comes from a single ancestoral group that migrated to Siberia about 25,000 years ago until migrating to Alaska about 11,500 years ago. Hence, all Native Americans were originally Russian.

If we go back far enough we're all related in some way. Which is why I think racism and nationalism, and blaming the Russians or any other nationality/race for your problems is stupid.

But you have one thing in common with white supremacists that I don't, an irrational hatred of Russians!