Trying again. Pro mix hp, 3 purple pope seeds from night owl. Any help appreciated.

I forgot to water them last night. Checked them in the morning before lights on and they were extremely light and weren’t looking happy. Watered them just before lights on. I will take a picture when i get home to see how they reacted and daily update. Unfortunately i am going out of town for 2 days so i am going to keep them off the heating mat so they don’t go through too much water. The plan is water them when i get back and then the next day i am going to try and transplant into the autopot system.
In my opinion I believe coco is far super to promix. When i tried coco the one time the plants went crazy. Have myself a dry brick that i am going to hydrate for the next grow i think. I noticed the comment about price being more expensive which it is but you can reuse it multiple times I believe.
DAY 9: looks like i may have stalled em a bit but they still grew a little. I think the next couple of days are going to be slow growth with them being on a colder rack. I am sure they will still be nice in the end.EE23388E-BFBC-47EB-BC7A-1618293FDFAA.jpeg
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Whats the matter charlie.....scared? I was just stating my experience...take it or leave it
Not all of us have the luxury of legal grows....

Who's scared now charlie? I was posting my grows long before Canada became legal. Grew my first buds in 1978 and they'd toss you in jail for even one plant back then and I had 8 going so would have got serious time for that.
I forgot to water them last night. Checked them in the morning before lights on and they were extremely light and weren’t looking happy. Watered them just before lights on. I will take a picture when i get home to see how they reacted and daily update. Unfortunately i am going out of town for 2 days so i am going to keep them off the heating mat so they don’t go through too much water. The plan is water them when i get back and then the next day i am going to try and transplant into the autopot system.

I've never used a heat mat but once when I had 36 cuttings die overnight from stem rot. Room temp is just fine for anything like rooting cuttings or sprouting seeds. Might take a few days longer to get things moving but I'm not terribly impatient about things.

In my opinion I believe coco is far super to promix. When i tried coco the one time the plants went crazy. Have myself a dry brick that i am going to hydrate for the next grow i think. I noticed the comment about price being more expensive which it is but you can reuse it multiple times I believe.

Careful with that brick coco. I tried some of that 20 years back and didn't know about flushing it to wash out the salt before putting plants in it. Totally turned me off coco and I can't get it locally so as the ProMix has never done me wrong so I'll stick with that.

Nice thing about ProMix is I can fill a pot right out of the bale, water it in with nutes and stick a plant in with zero other prep. I reuse half of it most of the time and that works alright. The other half goes out in the ever expanding veggie garden or one of the compost heaps out back.

Been enough of a learning curve to get decent grows using organics and I still don't know why the fack I started playing around with that but ain't giving up yet! :)

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DAY 11: just got home after being away for 2 days. The plants were extremely light and the mix was hydrophobic. I am watering twice to make sure that the mix gets evenly moistened. I am planning on transplanting into the autopots tomorrow. The biggest seedling has holes poked all around the sides of the container so I believe that is the reason for the size difference.8392CEA9-4A4E-486F-A14B-2E9EC3F10118.jpeg
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DAY 13: was too tired to transplant after work. Just put them into the autopot. They look like they are now stunted badly. The top of the root system was nice and white but the bottom near the drainage holes was starting to get brown. That is the first and last time i am ever going to transplant a plant in my life. That was less than not fun and i am pretty sure it is going to stunt these plants badly. I really feel like throwing them out and starting some new seeds and planting them direct. B101B015-3E5F-4476-A609-2D4351D1A7A7.jpegB585DB02-9696-4474-91CF-54A56943E418.jpeg65C4C4BD-6725-44A0-A4F2-F18D701908FE.jpeg64450703-FC11-4B2F-9A8D-0F876400A6A2.jpeg
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Nobody ever won by giving up so hang in there and give them a minute.

They'll perk up in a couple days and in 2 weeks you'll be wondering why you worried.

Those look like the same pots I have if they are 9L or 2gal. I just got some 30:1 CBD fem seeds and will be starting right in those more to speed up their growth than to not have to transplant. I'll be in a rush to get a crop in before the hemp pollen from the farm down the road starts blowing around again.

I'm not going to mess around with any organics for these gals. Just ProMix and AN 3-part nutes with a bit of DynoMyco mixed in. Grow until about 7 nodes then top once, veg another week then flip to flower. The tops can be rooted and be moms for more plants later.

Might just get them in pots tonight yet. :)

DAY 13: was too tired to transplant after work. Just put them into the autopot. They look like they are now stunted badly. The top of the root system was nice and white but the bottom near the drainage holes was starting to get brown. That is the first and last time i am ever going to transplant a plant in my life. That was less than not fun and i am pretty sure it is going to stunt these plants badly. I really feel like throwing them out and starting some new seeds and planting them direct.

Little late now but I believe your issue is watering.

I fully water my solo cups of ProMix HP with .7g/4L of MC the day before planting the germinated seed.

BTW > I germinate in distilled water with a spritz of hydrogen peroxide. No fooling with towels ;)

Each seed gets their own shot glass inside a lightly covered Tupperware container and I leave it on my kitchen table.

Within 36-48 hrs a tap root will appear. This grow I didn't bother waiting for a good length of root, just as long as it has cracked and a tap root is visible.

I place the seeds a fingernail deep into solo cups and then under my 600w MH light.

First watering is when the cup feels light, likely two or three days. Maybe half a cup around the edges.

Next watering is about a cup around the edges. Next watering to run off...

NO spritzing required ! NO teasing, wet/dry cycle....

And no dome, seems like it will help but just grows weak ass plants. Clones on the other hand can benefit from the higher rh.

I don't spritz because it's hard to control how much water is applied. If you feel you have to mess with them use a syringe so you can measure how much water you are giving.

The day before transplanting I fully water my 5 gallon fabric bags, again with .7g/4L of MC. I use an empty solo cup in the middle of the bag to prepare to receive the transplants.

This is day 12.

Day 12 The Girls 21 Jan 23.jpg

This is the roots at transplant day 14. Pop it out of the cup and into the prepared hole, lower right corner.

Easy peasy, no fuss, no stress !

Roots Golden Tiger 23 Jan 23.jpg

This is a couple of days ago....

Day 12 The Girls 16 Mar 23.jpg

BTW > I topped above the fifth node and a few days later cut off the first and second node.

Each branch is trained horizontally until the plant is 20" wide and then allowed to grow vertically. For training I use the soft green wire on wood skewers. The skewers are like $4 for 20.

Day 2 Wild Thailand 6 Mar 23.jpg

Good luck with your decision, if they are photoperiod seeds they could still recover.

Thanks for trying to make me think these will turn into something but i feel i am just going to waste time and the limited space i have for only a few ounces all together as i believe i will get approximately 1 oz per plant and some of it will probably be larf at this point. They are AUTOFLOWER so i think i really screwed this up and going to waste time, nutrients, electricity, money, energy and my only space to grow for nothing. I am really sick of only having 1 tent because i could just let them go and get what i get while having others at the same time. Also thanks chuckey for the recommendations and will see if i can keep up with a system to ensure i am watering well.
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In my opinion I believe coco is far super to promix. When i tried coco the one time the plants went crazy. Have myself a dry brick that i am going to hydrate for the next grow i think. I noticed the comment about price being more expensive which it is but you can reuse it multiple times I believe.
If you forget to water, coco is not for you.
If you forget to water, coco is not for you.
That is the main reason i am not using coco at the moment. I will use it once i am done with the promix now that i have the autopot. Just gotta make sure they get established which should be done at this point but i was dumb enough to start them in little seed starter containers. Now i am going to have to wait a week if not a bit more to actually start the system and by then it will already probably be stretching or close too it.
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That is the main reason i am not using coco at the moment. I will use it once i am done with the promix now that i have the autopot. Just gotta make sure they get established which should be done at this point but i was dumb enough to start them in little seed starter containers. Now i am going to have to wait a while week if not a bit more to actually start the system and by then it will already probably be stretching or close too it.
What's wrong with using seed starters?
What's wrong with using seed starters?
Too small. They could have had a much bigger root in a solo cup in my opinion because it seems like the taproot shoots down to the bottom of the container and starts to wrap around the bottom first. With the seed starting pots i got the root had no where to go and a small base to wrap around. Would have been better in a pellet or something where it would have been put into the final pot quickly but I haven’t had much luck with my grows so my theory could be wrong. The seed starter might have been okay if it wasn’t autoflower but they won’t have enough time to establish in the autopot for good growth instead of already being established. If i started directly in the autopot i would probably be starting it up in a few days if not even right now.
Too small. They could have had a much bigger root in a solo cup in my opinion because it seems like the taproot shoots down to the bottom of the container and starts to wrap around the bottom first. With the seed starting pots i got the root had no where to go and a small base to wrap around. Would have been better in a pellet or something where it would have been put into the final pot quickly but I haven’t had much luck with my grows so my theory could be wrong. The seed starter might have been okay if it wasn’t autoflower but they won’t have enough time to establish in the autopot for good growth instead of already being established.
I personally go seed starter, solo cup, gal, 5 gal. Seed starters work great. I don't grow autos so Im probably not much help with those.
I personally go seed starter, solo cup, gal, 5 gal. Seed starters work great. I don't grow autos so Im probably not much help with those.
Yea with a photoperiod i would not be worried about it getting established quick but more focused on having a robust root system which i am sure up potting will do a better job. When i did photoperiod i got good nice plants. Organically grown as well.1B33679C-7FF8-4389-8C2A-3376202652AE.jpeg
Auto genetics are kind of hit or miss.
True but these are night owl and mephisto strains i am growing so they should be good genetics. Although when i did get a grow going purple pope produced the worst buds of them all. I had more purple pope seeds than others though so i thought i would give them another go while trying out the autopot to see if they would produce a better product.
DAY 17: not really sure what the plan is at the moment. The plants are going really slow and the one is drooping badly. I have not watered since placing in the autopot but the pots are still pretty heavy. I am thinking i am going to give some water later today with a low dose of remo nutrients. I have fabric pots coming today. I am thinking i am going to try and keep these going and just have more plants on the side to make sure i get a harvest. Don’t know if i should just start the new plants in the fabric pots or transplant the other plants to the fabric pot. I am thinking just keep then in the autopot and hope that they start to take off in a bit. CB4AE73E-F2B1-4823-BA14-9398B2978CE9.jpeg91970B9E-3ED2-450D-B482-EC49219F5199.jpegC0D51204-295F-4AAC-8FC8-40D629583A79.jpeg