Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
Well I will be heading into the weekend happy with my progress I have corrected all the problems the week brought with both the bubler box and the AG, as it stands there are still 3 in the bubler and now down to 5 seedlings in the AG, they all seem to be getting healthier by the minute, I am sure my ph set backs with the bubler, and heat problem with my AG has set growth back at least 30% but what the hell iits a newbie adventure.........

and I am one of those guys that loves to tinker and buy the next great hype thus the AG lol, I love it tho, but I plan to do some reconstructiong of my entire box I am going to rebuild it and make it bigger and cleaner and since I love new shit, I am going to get a couple of those LED spot light type set ups and have some cfls going to order the stuff today and go get a new fixture from walmart and start building the goal is 2 have 2 of the led spot light with red and blue and also 4 cfls 2 26w day and 2 42w warm still using reflective material inside and I amthing of building a 6 site bubler also, well any way those are plans for the coming weeks so stay tuned....... let me know fi you guys think they are looking better today



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for stopping by tek.... Just a couple of snap shots of my babies in the bubler. my ph has been alot better since I lowered the water level, I should be phbalanced by today, from what I read it takes a couple of days after a res change.... but they look pretty healthy and seem to be growing more out than up which is a good thing, what do you guys think?? they have been in 12/12 for about a week no signs of sex at all yet



Well-Known Member
Camera is charging I may take a few crappy camera phone shots but nonew troubles to report I had to adjust the ph in both te AG and the bubler this morning I also replaced 2 of my 26w warms with 2 42w warms so we will see if that helps anything still no signs of sex yet and they seem to grow more out than up which is good I think....... feel free to chime in


Well-Known Member
k here are a few pics the plants look healthy best I can tell I modified by box am still using 2 bins, but they are stacked ontop of each other and instead of the entire bubler being inside only the top of it is I cut a whole in the bottom of the bin and fit it over the bubler lid fits good can still access everything and now have alotmore room inside so I acually have a small fan inside as well as one on the very top for exhuast, I will add acouple of pics of the set up in a few but here are the plants


Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
bigd first and foremost i'd like to commend you on you're grow! Things are looking good over your way, I too am growing.

This is my 1st grow using a DWC/Bubbler set up with a Rubbermaid. I'm having some problems right now with my seedlings too, they were looking good at first then they started gettin the same spots and yellowing w/ a lil bit of droopiness. I'm starting to think that it's due to the rockwool. It retains WAY TOO MUCH water for my liking. I have close to an inch of space in between the net pots and the water and it still seems that i'll come back and my rockwool is soak and wet.

I saw u mention something about a sponge, what's up with that?

Keep it up though man it's motivation for me since this is my 1st grow :o)


Well-Known Member
bigd first and foremost i'd like to commend you on you're grow! Things are looking good over your way, I too am growing.

This is my 1st grow using a DWC/Bubbler set up with a Rubbermaid. I'm having some problems right now with my seedlings too, they were looking good at first then they started gettin the same spots and yellowing w/ a lil bit of droopiness. I'm starting to think that it's due to the rockwool. It retains WAY TOO MUCH water for my liking. I have close to an inch of space in between the net pots and the water and it still seems that i'll come back and my rockwool is soak and wet.

I saw u mention something about a sponge, what's up with that?

Keep it up though man it's motivation for me since this is my 1st grow :o)
hey thanks for checking in, feel free to ask me anything you like, I spend most of my day reading about growing or messing withmy plants, I have come to hate rocwool it made my ph uncontrolable, after some researh I read you can simply use natural sponge to grow so I went to walmart, search the whole store and found a foam sea sponge, in the section with all the chick face creams etc..... and I have used it with no problems at all to report I have it in one of my net pots in the bubler, the other 2 were 2 big to try and transplant, and i also am using it in my AG hasnt effected my PH and the roots grow through it just fine....... hope that helps, you got a journal??


Well-Known Member
Hey anybody thats watching help me out!!!!!! I think 2 f the plants in the bubler are showing female hairs, however the hairs look brown on the ends!!!!!! I posted this question in the general section but I am hoping someone that is following my grow can tell me what this means if anything, someone said it could mean its been pollinated someone else said it means they are about to start budding, I think I can rule out option one as there are no males to the best of my knowledge no nut sacks in my damn box!!!! so what could it be????? I am open to any ideas guys


Well-Known Member
Still using the crap camera but here are some pics, can anyone tell me if they see signs of sex yet I dont see any balls but I dont see any hairs either and today marks day 14 of 12/12 shouldnt they be showing some signs by now, like I said in the previous post I see what looks to be like like white hairs that are burned but my temp is never above 78 so i dont think its a heat issue help me out guys........... anyone see signs of sex???


Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
BigD whats going on again...thanx again for the advice and yes...i too am getting like you when it comes to the rockwool. It's gettin way too saturated and I leave space between the water and the netpot. How much space is there between ur water and net pots in ur res?


Well-Known Member
BigD whats going on again...thanx again for the advice and yes...i too am getting like you when it comes to the rockwool. It's gettin way too saturated and I leave space between the water and the netpot. How much space is there between ur water and net pots in ur res?
Hey thanks for stopping by again, I have about 1.5 inches between my water level and the bottom of the pots, but keep in mind all of my roots have grown down into the soup..... while I was waiting for the roots I had the water level right at the very bottom of my pots, but I had a layer of hydrotron on the bottom of the pots, even then the rocwool gave me problems but I worked thru it, some people say you can top water til the roots grow thru but with the ph problems I was having from the rocwool I didnt want to risk making it any worse........ any more questions ask away we can help each other...


Well-Known Member
this is a sad morning...... I came into my office as always checked the AG ph is fine ditched a couple more of the seedlings they were still alive but I have plenty of seeds and was tired of nursing them, so I have 4 sprouts going there now...... I always wait to here that click from the lights kicking on in the closet with my bubler, I heard I went it to check my plants and holy shit the net pot had fallen thru the whole and the entire plant was in the res!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the largest o the 3 of course, I have no idea how long it was like that obviously I made the neccessary repairs and did a res change but shit I dont know if she is going to make it...........


Well-Known Member
tell me about it, this situation along with all of the ph problems, and just the damn maintanance that dwc/bubleponics calls for is really klling it for me, I thought about going to soil, but then I spent a few hours reading this board and a few others, and have decided to go with hempy bucets in the near future, I will try and keep the dwc going and hoprefully harvest.... but the seedlings I have in the AG will be going into hepy buckets asap!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
its like it never happend the plant that had fallen into the res is back to 100% it even grew about an inch I had to raise the lights today but god it is now 17 days 12/12 and I still see no buds or balls, WTF!!!!!!!!!! on a side note I took 4 seedlings out of my AG and put them in hempy buckets ( the adventure continues) I will keep them under the AG light and see what happens......


Well-Known Member
were they young when you started 12/12?

What are hempy buckets? Anything special or just a regular bucket with a cool name?

Give it time.... as long its getting 100% dark for 12 hours it should be fine...

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
were they young when you started 12/12?

What are hempy buckets? Anything special or just a regular bucket with a cool name?

Give it time.... as long its getting 100% dark for 12 hours it should be fine...

Good Luck
they were young 14 days above ground at the most,and the hempy bucket is a very basic hydro type system I have been reading about....