Prince Vegeta
Well-Known Member
Single seed looks to be my winner thanks a lotMy girls are in 3 gallon pots, they drink a 40 ouncer every 48 hours.. on average, with none or very little run off.
Every third or fourth watering I run 20% through and usually test it too.. (theoretically, at least).. hope that helps with your watering schedule and if you want a good seed bank that takes credit cards check out the Single Seed Centre for great product and customer service ? Good luck!
As far as watering
Today for instance it's day 3 since any watering the pot feels pretty light
I keep a pot of just soil to compare as I didn't have enough beans pop to use all of my pots
I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to feed just to be safe and them it's just plain water.
How do I tell if they NEED nutes?
I'm in ffhf soil using their nutes
My newer growth keeps coming in a much lighter nearly yellow shade and the leaves are very thin
Am I watching for yellowing on the lower leaves ? Should I just do plain h2o until it eats all the nutrients already on the soil?
Or so like I have been and add the half strength nutes every 3 Rd watering?