Trying to grow Organic


Well-Known Member
Discovered a little late that bugs, whitefly's I think, were forming conditions conducive to mold formation, Nigerian Sunshine did not like my soil, small yet good trichome's and terpene, lost the top three inches to bud rot, at about nine weeks:



Well-Known Member
So, based on fear of losing these big dense Monkey Juice flowers, I looked behind those top flowers and decided to harvest. No bud rot, was hoping to go another week, but I had already dried a lower bud and knew I could harvest any time, tastes like Gorilla Glue:


Well-Known Member
Humidity is way too high when I have lights out, usually over 80%. I could have figured this out much sooner, but for some reason I did not think humidity mattered much with lights out. I had avoided the problem with mold by growing smaller less dense buds. Any good dense flower I have grown since last October started having mold issues around week 8 of flower, a few exceptions were grown, most notably was Monkey Juice which avoided the problem.

Looking for a good dehumidifier for my 420 cubic foot flower shed. Nine plants, 7 gallon fabric pots drinking about half a gallon each per day. Outside air intake is used to modify humidity during lights on, but not an option at night.