
conor c

Well-Known Member
Seen a intresting wee thread on icmag that made me wonder have any of you guys ever experimented with this? Apparently tobacco growers use it to keep tobacco from flowering if it works it maybe mean you could clone autos to keep now that be a game changer for sure il link the thread so you guys can have a look for yourself

conor c

Well-Known Member

conor c

Well-Known Member
Very interesting!! See how that fella gets on.

Would be awesome to clone autos cause for me it’s the biggest downfall of them. Had a few phenotypes in the last few years which I’d have loved to of kept

If he’s successful I’m gonna try it!
Seems to be working so far bud if it dont flip back on the guy soon this could be a game changer especially for increasing the potency of auto lines that will make it easier for sure

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Seems to be working so far bud if it dont flip back on the guy soon this could be a game changer especially for increasing the potency of auto lines that will make it easier for sure
Funnily enough I just read up to check if it was still in veg. Would be awesome if it works! The logic is sound enough.

Isn’t tryptophan in Turkey and makes us sleepy? lol


Well-Known Member
I was reading a thread earlier (on here or ICmag) where someone was asking if its possible to re-veg an auto. Sounds like the answer may well be yes. Looks like tryptophan is cheap enough to buy

conor c

Well-Known Member
Just use KELP - it has it already Triptophan plus other hormones / amino acids and micronutrients.

It can be watered in , top dressed ( granular ) or even foliar applied.

Keep things simple
You managed to keep autos in veg using just kelp before i know its good stuff ive just never heard of anyone using it for that ?


Well-Known Member
It accelerates veg growth when foliar applied.
Stomas open and ready to absorb. Similar to Optic Foliar Overgrow ( good stuff too ) . I mist at least twice a week during veg. Regardless , if final potted plants or geminating cups.

During bloom - i soil drench a capful of seaweed into a gallon of tap water - no ph . And add to containers around week 3 twice a week .

It has natural growth hormones - hence the speedy growth of natural kelp. Some kelp grows a foot per day. Bottom line - Flowers grown with kelp fertilizer produce more and larger blooms, which typically last longer as cut flowers. Kelp fertilizer makes all plants stronger and healthier and better able to resist diseases and pests. Plant roots fed with kelp grow faster, branch better and develop greater mass.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
@Nutty sKunK
Aye i just had a look he said it is still in veg so id say that it seems to work kudos to that dude for sharing it
That’s epic!! Will have to see what dosage he’s using again but will try it when I get the tent back up in September. Will probs dose them enough to get cuttings then keep the cuttings in veg and flower the others.

I hope it’s effects wear off shortly so you can switch to flower in a decent time

conor c

Well-Known Member
That’s epic!! Will have to see what dosage he’s using again but will try it when I get the tent back up in September. Will probs dose them enough to get cuttings then keep the cuttings in veg and flower the others.

I hope it’s effects wear off shortly so you can switch to flower in a decent time
I imagine it wont be too bad if he having to spray weekly i would think it wont be too long in flipping back a week two max maybe