Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
Well I suppose the same ppl that WOULD buy irradiated medical herb would also buy that ready to eat bacon too. sorry but I spend the 10 mins cooking my thick sliced bacon..... convenience is not always the better product
My point was that there are a ton of other things in everyday life that we take for granted that can cause health issues and we say absolutely nothing about them. Using irradiated weed is as bad as living in an urban area breathing in car exhaust, drinking water from the tap, or drinking coke.
Just to throw something out here and stir *ish up. AND this hurts me on a GUT level :P

The bacon that you cook on your stove has a whole load more carcinogens and detrimental elements than herb that has been irradiated. A bit of perspective?

There is nothing good about irradiated marijuana. You can name everything bad in the world and it can never make irradiated marijuana look good. There are chemical compounds created by irradiation that do not exist in nature at all. These unnatural chemical compounds have not been studied and deemed safe for human consumption in the form of smoking or vaporizing or eating. To say that something is worse indicates you know the dangers associated with smoking, vaporizing or eating Marijuana that has been irradiated. This is impossible since no such study exists. You aren`t even aware of what was there before it was irradiated to know what could be left over after. There is no room for assumption in science and the health of patients. PLEASE DON`T SUPPORT IRRADIATION
The question at the start of this thread should read , If you had the choice would you buy irradiated medicine, I'm gonna buy because I have to. I'm not very mobile , they told me when I signed up it wasn't going to be irradiated, lying pricks, best part is I only gotta put up with this bullshit a couple months , then my script needs renewing and you can bet I'll be looking at all the LP's and their reviews!

I'm simply here to say that there is never a definite answer when it comes to transferring knowledge into real world situations where environments, human and other factors come into paly. We can speculate on this all we want until as you said there is conclusive studies pointing one way or another. Until then statements made by the CSA are as much speculation as anything else. I would much rather not use anything irradiated, and err on the side of caution but to pass conclusive judgement on something (anything for that matter) that has not been adequately studied is a fallacy in and of it's own.
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My point was that there are a ton of other things in everyday life that we take for granted that can cause health issues and we say absolutely nothing about them. Using irradiated weed is as bad as living in an urban area breathing in car exhaust, drinking water from the tap, or drinking coke.

We all do things in life that we know that are bad for us, simple fact is ..... What are you willing to accept. ppl smoke cigs, drink booze, work dangerous jobs, etc.

most of us turned to MMJ to get away from the death pills doctors give out like candy, so it's up to the person what they figure is a risk. But just like organic fruits and veggies (which sometimes is not organic at all.... labeling bullshit) there will be companies now that will irradiate and some that wont..... the patients in the end will decide what risk they are willing to take

I suppose some with immune compromised systems might need it zapped .... I'm not sure as I don't have that issue so never researched it.
you should always research what you do or put in your body and not rely on just a doctors point of view or even my point of view..... as your the one in the end that has to live with the decision.
so it's up to the person what they figure is a risk. But just like organic fruits and veggies (which sometimes is not organic at all.... labeling bullshit) there will be companies now that will irradiate and some that wont..... the patients in the end will decide what risk they are willing to take
Exactly, people should have choice and choice would be derived from LP's clearly stating which one of their batches has been zapped and which has not.
Part of that choice should include knowing what was in the batch that failed the test and how much was present. This is transparency that we are not seeing and shows the lack of compassion by TWEED for the sick patients who blindly believed in them and put their trust in them. Open up the books. If you can publish the THC CBD test results then why not the rest. Health Canada needs to realize that and label what is in the product dead or alive.
That's going to be a tough standard to push through, as it may snowball and affect all irradiating industries, and those guys have deep deep deep pockets and would most likely not want that to happen.
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask for permission
How come the wrong approach is always the one they choose ?
It should be so simple...just grow a green plant. No Need for chemicals/radiation/poisons/herbicides/pesticide.
cause usually the easy way is the wrong way. Bugs kill with spray....more yield add more chemicals..... unwanted weeds herbicide.... easy way to sell shit weed to patients use radiation (I say shit weed cause if it was medicine it would have been grown the way it was meant to)
Guess we'll see if ppl want irradiation or not if tweed folds, they way I see it since they ain't shipping anytime soon either ppl will stay or move to another LP..... I personally would move
Demand your money and docs and move on. These guys are going tits up in a speedboat. 'Secret' shipments that no one will talk about?. This company has been evasive, full of shit on more than one occasion and is still fuking up. These guys are so obnoxious that they think they can change the name of strains of weed! Fuk Tweed!
My Take on the Update Regarding the Status of Tweed's Products
May 01, 2014
To our Valued Customers,

At Tweed, our number one priority is to deceive you into believing we have the best NEW names for our product.. We aim to be a reliable/yet deceptive partner that always has the supply of products that our customers require BUT we simply can't do what we thought we could...produce medical grade marijuana without having all these pitfalls and setbacks. We are in this for the money and you don't really matter but your money does so, we will come out with some sorta shit and sell it to you at our reasonably, over priced rates.

To date, we have fallen short, AGAIN. It's becoming harder and harder to trick you smart MF's into believing us. You see, we thought we only had to fool the newbies but you buggers know the game Although we targeted April for our first strains to be available, because we said that to con you into buying our 'new named' weed. Ya, that's right, we think we're so cool we can rename weed! As a new company growing and harvesting our first batches, each step has taken longer than expected.Truth be told, we didn't even know what growing was all about until recently - particularly product testing. We have included a process called “cold pasteurization” (also known as irradiation and we know you don't want this but too bad! We think we run the show) This process has taken extra time that we did not anticipate but you'll get your full doses of radiation at no extra cost. We're good like that at Tweed.

With each passing week, we’ll be releasing more and more strain names ( we call weed whatever the hell we want to) While we will likely experience more growing pains, telling lies, deception, trickery, BS etc we ask that you remain patient with the entire Tweed team as we are working to ensure that we continue to be transparent, money grubbing, money-focused, and committed to ending your miserable lives.

Your support and patience AND money is truly appreciated.
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Thanks for putting forth the most transparent post (so far) for the mmpr.
they should be glad to have such a good interpretation of their emails.....
They were busted buying 1000+lbs of MMAR weed that got seized by the RCMP at the Kelowna airport. My guess is it was the backup plan. Apparently HC approved it too - something tells me only the growers got screwed on that deal though.