Twisted's First Grow


Well-Known Member
After taking a several year break from smoking and almost spitting my drink the first time I was told a price (about triple what it was the last time I bought) I started thinking about trying to grow my own. A couple months ago I pulled the trigger on some feminised Northern Lights seeds. So I'll start from the very beginning...

Feel free to post comments/questions/feedback

I loved the "stealth" packaging. :)



Well-Known Member
Patience is not my forte, so, of course, I had a seed germing right away. I plan on growing on a rotation. Staggering individual grows a few weeks apart, to keep it easy to manage, while keeping myself supplied. I'm trying to stick as close to the KISS method as possible, so the first seed was germed in a glass of water, then popped into a Jiffy pot. Say hello to Nellie.


Well-Known Member
Then there was a little freak out! One thing I forgot to research was what soil to use. Word to the wise: When they say "don't use Miracle Grow" what they mean is "don't f*ck*ng use Miracle Grow"! My little Nellie was starving for nitrogen. The stalk got weak and the first set of leaves started browning and curling. Freak out mode took over and I didn't get any pics of her at her worst, but I got her out of the MG and transferred to Fox Farms Ocean Forrest, and she loves it! These 2 pictures were taken 2 days after the transfer. Her second set of leaves doubled in size in those 2 days!


Well-Known Member
A few days post transfer it's obvious she loves the new soil. The first set of leaves hasn't recovered (I don't expect them to), but they have stopped discoloring, the second set are growing quickly, the third set have made their appearance, she's standing on her own, and I'm going to have to transfer to a bigger pot because the roots are growing out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Had some craziness when I went in to water her this morning... 2 roots growing out through the drain hole in the bottom of the pot. So when I got home from work I moved her from the Jiffy 3 to a Jiffy 5 and mixed a light sprinkle of blood meal into the FFOF just to make absolutely certain the nitro deficiency doesn't come back.


Well-Known Member
Took a weekend trip with the family, came back, and boom! New leaves! Minor nute burn on one of the lower leaves from some soil on the leaf, but she's growing great and she's a lot sooner than she was a week ago. (Ignore the smaller pot, it's just an experiment at this point.)



Well-Known Member
Light should be closerto plant i can see stretching and be careful of over watering
Yeah, she was definitely some stretching. I think I've found a better solution for my light now.

Watering definitely has a learning curve. I try to wait till the top of my soil is pretty much crispy before I even check it, then I check the weight of the pot. I was just getting watering figured out in the 3" pot when I had to change to the 5"... lol

Thank you for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Today's update: No major changes just steady growth. I finally figured out a better way to hang my light to get it closer and more directly above her, so maybe she'll quit stretching.



Well-Known Member
She's definitely taller than I expected at this point after reading about how NL normally grows. I'm sure I'll end up doing some LST to keep her down lower and get more light on the lower branches.


Well-Known Member
Growth at the base of branches is more apparent now. Will probably start light LST before too much longer to expose the lower leaves more.



Well-Known Member
Daily update: No major changes. She does seem to still be stretching a bit, but not as badly. (The picture turned out weird. She's not really leaning the way it looks like she is in the pic.) But I do need to completely rework my light hanging situation...



Well-Known Member
More growth at the base of the branches. The top set of fully firmed leaves almost look like they're folding... Is that just because they're still spreading?
